Page 2 October 2000 Why the Lambda? The origins of the Greek letter growp| of the gay rights /flmbfia'suseasasymbolforthegay moyefehtror^ the fact that the community are a bit unclear. We GLBTcommurdty is on a "different know for certain that lambda was wavelength" from the rest of the adopted by the New York Gay Ac- world. Perhaps most amusing tivists Alliance in 1970 to represent suggestion for lambda^s origins is the growing gay liberation move- presented in /||t0;jbiook "Out for ment. Four years later, the lambda Good;" the book claims that a gained international popularity graphic desi^er thought that the when the International Gay Rights lambda looked ?like a .person kick- Conference in Edinburgh, Scotland ing through a door, and thought adopted it to symbolize their that image was a fit metaphor for cause. According to the "Flags of the struggle of the entire gay com- the World" website, varying theo- come out of the closet. ^ ries exist as to why lambda, specifi- NoW/ the real’question; why our cally, became the chosen symbol. maga;^e. Lambda? ^ Some suggest that because lambda is the Greek version of our letter "L", it can stand for "liberation"; some point out that in physics lambda symbolizes both energy and That question's a little bit easier to answer. In the words of two of our editors: "UNC's queer community is in dire need of an outlet for expres- wavelength, so it characterizes the sion. We need to be able to express ourselves so that other people can understand who we really are and how the world around us affects us." — Anonymous "The reason that we decided to bring back Lambda after two years of non-circulation is because it is a good outlet for queer students. Also, Lambda can help to unite GLBT and allies in order to create a stronger community." —Jesse Davidson We couldn't think of a better way to celebrate the first National Com ing Out Day of the new millennium than by bringing back UNC's only GLBTA magazine. So whether you're in, out, in-between or allied, we present you today with our new and improved Lambda. It's good to be out —and it's good to be back. C^Vf>U5 ) Yeahf we do lots of service* But did you know we also... • Plan Race Relations Week and Human Rights Week? • Raise awareness about the criminal-justice system? • Promote healthy body images for women, and lots more! .. .in addition to providing the physical resources that other campus groups, like Lambda, need to make their voice heard. Interested in learning more? Stop by the Campus Y anytime. We’ve ool our hands full* ¥fhy aren’t you here? 962-2333