POLICY I^VMBDA - Volume XXVII - Issue 2 Poor Policy Public! A semester-long attempt to persuade the University to notify students of its anti-harassment policy ends in confusion, unanswered questions and By Douglas Dukeman On December 15, all students at UNC received a memorandum from Chancellor James Moeser by e-mail. The e-mail was tided “FORMAL NO TICE: Policies and Procedures Concerning Sexual and Racial Harassment.” The memorandum began by reminding students of the policies on sexual and racial harassment and “emphasiz[ing] strongly the responsibility of each individual to contribute to work and learning environments free of these kinds of discrimination.” While students are also protected from sexual orientation harassment under the Office of the Dean of Students’ anti-harass ment policy, which covers “harassment and assault based on sexual orientation” or HABSO, this policy was not included or referenced in the Chancellor’s e-mail. inadequate concessions The Initial Investigation Racial and sexual harassment policies, however, are required by federal policy to be adver tised widely, and thus the Uni versity complies through email notification. To my amazement and disbelief, she noted that if the federal government did not require student notification of these racial and sexual harass ment policies, students would not have been informed by e-mail about them either. icrosoft Internet Explorer Search Favorftes Media i POLICIES twrfPROCI THE UNIVIRSIT'f OF NORTH CAROilNA^* Campus Policies and On January 30,1 inquired initially into the rea sons for the lack of sexual orientation harassment policy publicity by the Chancellor. His office re ferred me to the Office of University Counsel lo cated at 300B Bank of America Building on Frank lin Street. Apparently, this office is responsible for sending out these e-mails on the Chancellor’s behalf at various times during each academic year from his e-mail alias: james_moeser@unc.edu. A staff member at the Office of University Counsel initially explained to me the reasons for not advertising the anti-harassment policy on sex ual orientation by referring to federal government requirements. She explained that the federal gov ernment has no policies on sexual orientation ha rassment itself. The University is under no federal obligation to advertise its own “internal” policies on sexual orientation harassment. Since it has no need, it should not do so, she said. As soon as I got over my initial shock, I asked that Counsel consider sending out by e-mail a notification of the HABSO policy (the anti-ha rassment policy on sexual orientation) immediately to all students in order to rectify the situation. I furthermore stressed that in the future, notifica tion of the HABSO policy should be sent out to students along with the racial and sexual harassment e-mail notic 3 Jhc OHice of the itean of Sfntionls Miwosoft Inforoct Expl"' ge E* Fffiwtes loqfe 'Search ;//leanrfstudents.irc.ectij/ t:' /harassi es. This staff member offered to take my concerns to the University Counsel and get in touch with me as soon as they had a response. The University’s Response Inaccuracies, inconsistencies and confusion plague the various websites dedicated to UNO’s anti harassment and nondiscrimination policies. he After a week’s worth of deliberation, the staff member contacted me and asked me to come to the Office of University