L E T T E R D I T O R Coming into Lambda from a science background, I am more familiar with spending time in a lab developing drugs for antibiotic-resistant gonorrhea than with heading a LGBTIQ-affirming publication. That said, I have found many intersections between my research and the social justice aspects championed by the magazine. Specifically in rela tion to getting tested for STIs. In searching for our traditional “get tested” message, I came across the GYT campaign. The Get Yourself Tested campaign, sponsored by MTV, attempts to normalize the testing process. Knowing the ins and outs of infectious diseases, I understand well the importance of popularizing this message. By being on a regularly watched television station, GYT also addresses another issue that is close to my heart — visibility. To me, the smallest part of the LGBTIQA.. .WXYZ community is heterosexual male allies. Writer and editor Matt Bailey addresses this in his article “The Missing Piece of the Puzzle,” which investigates male ally visibility and the importance of that aspect of the community being seen and heard. I hope that you enjoy this issue. I can assure you that it is filled to the brim with my blood, sweat and Queers. Besos! SDGR LAMBDA