ARCHIVE? THECECILW. ;BEj1NS L IBHAP'' LOUISBi iL..:0-.LtGE Louisburg Echoes. Vol. II. DECEMBER, 1909. No. 4. wl)at l5 (Christmas? w^at for ceti- turlcs l)as It bccit to 6lffc.rlng but always identical mortals ? 3t was once tbc ol6 pagan festival of 6ea6 Mature. 31 was tl)e pagan festival wljen tlje l)an6s of labor took t^elr rest an6 hunger took Its fill. 3t is now f?*nval of tlje Immortal cbll6 appearing in t^e ml6st of mortal children. ~3t is now tlje new festival of man’s remembrance of bis errors an6 bis cbarlty toward erring neigh bors. 31 bas latterly become tbe widening festi val of universal brotberbooi wltb succor for all need and nlgbness to all suffering: of good will warring against ill will and of peace warring up on war. —Ifames TCane 'UVllen. PUBLISHED MONTHLY BY THE SENIOR CLASS OF LOUISBURG COLLEGE LOUISBURG, NORTH CAROLINA