ARCHivear- Louisburg Echoes. Vol. II. MAY, 1910. No. 9. 5low Is tbe bl3b-tl6e of tbc year, wbatftver of life ball) cbbei away Comes floo6lns back wltb a rlpplj cl>eer. "Jnto every bare Inlet an6 creek an& bay; 5low Ilje ^eart Is so full tljat a 6rop overfills It, X2^e are bappy now because (Bo6 wills It; 5lo matter bow barren t^e past may l)ave been ’T5\s enouflb for us now tbat tl>e leaves are areen; We sit In tbe warm s^a6e an6 feel rlgljt well Ifow tbe sap creeps up an6 tl>e blossoms swell; >iPe may s^ut our eyes but we cannot belp knowlna Bbat skies are clear an6 srass Is flrowlng. ■Sir ~Caunfal—TCowell. PUBLISHED MONTHLY BY THE SENIOR CLASS OF LOUISBURG COLLEGE LOUISBURG. NORTH CAROLINA