ON DIT GIFX3 V-ISHING A CONCISZ ZSTIV Ol' ‘EEMS3LVES, SE^ LEI'TI. Kc o'lys th;.t ho can 30G any ono f'j" '. 'baliijvoc; t’.ic'.t r.cbions Sj, c i:: Icud-r tlirin \7orao. t. .I'lnsii! ! rent--cnQ do.rk coet for picture r.a'':in;3 p-'.ipposes.. . Iria '"iar,»ey re ceived a ietbar iron '' Chiclren“ ,/esGordFy. Hoa unuaria],... nd Hiss Cl-: r''. ro;vo.i‘d's bhe'ine son^," .■ iv- In.'.; ;.-n Dovi'bt^'' could certainl"^' oe j:ippU.“d to Ler and, another co,.nely lass n fs'i'/ doys f.ifco,., Scoi't Keods clobhJj'.'g I’irrr. vdiich specializes in 'oxtra pi.-.xro of pants, jui^lT-t con tpcc ail fresnicin having birth- o-ays .. . .'.■non th 5 rur.ior got ai'oiond that our littlj donis was wedded \;e noted s? lent t;ears in the eyes of all our fair co-eds. Miss Pey- att haO a double apoplectic fit on uh.e spo.t,. .’./here do girls go -"fter the last breakfast bellf. . ':"-o breakfast or vinder the bed? '•i.i.ler asserts that Eoo-hoo'" V.ilco;c played a fine game against Cho'./mi, ' s. funny, we som nary a \'/cep,,.Vahat peciiliar ideas sorie firls have concerning love and respect!! To girls v.lio stay out late..there's a hole in the platform at the back door.'.■'’atch your s top..,.No ti ce the 1ong frees oi woe and tho supercilious expressions of those '/ho turn to their less fortunate neighbor and reuiarl: " \'toy, I ^lade an A on that course. It's a crip course.",.3y the way that's one of tho Public Eneraies No 1... Squii^'o ilav/kins, wish you would rake up a tremen dous pile of loaves and let us build' f) big bonfire,'.The boys don't seem any to eager to have their beauty stru.ck by having their pictures to.ken.. .Upchurch seems to knov/ v/hen he is beaten in love so he is now grazing in another pasture.VjJiy doesn't tho Methodist Church install some snore comfortable pov/s, its hard enough to listen to the 'talksSeein.s• like wc will,be sitting on the floor in the social hall pretty soon, nil the furniture is being taken otit apprrently. ♦maybe they* re going to have a’danco hall... wonder v/ho.t tho daily consumpt ion of cigarrottes in tho -right building is?.. Current theme song there is " Brother, can you spare a match?'' They ought to build sep arate apartments on the stairways, 'vk^verly, have you heard that IXike beat Carolina?.. .Rachel, whoin has Yv'illis Britt been giving those two ice creams to?,., the Senior super latives seera to have been very childish in nature..,. /'n ancient Gonfusionist proverb states " One may sit on a needle in a haystack and never see the point, but he v/ill get it in the end" One fellow accused of being drunk protested that he was very^sober. ^1is comrade retorted that if ne wore sober he would have enougn Lo'Go' xaiiora-'ic. i'O Joe E. Brov.in and the ?"aid fi'’oi;i Sv/an s quart or Visit yae fountain at nights for water, Enoch and his beloved spouse so . true, ,ve regrotl'ully foiind, reraain, still Sono of the bo'/s it seems have burned sot And consiuLed tonsil linir;ent. ill 3^'^; tankn'd, up on spirii.ts of corn with gust. Remarking, at the qiuality, ''Such crust!" E.fiamsey admits she's a fast blond; Wild some one to the call of help respond /-nd donate to Glissom a steai',i shovel Hip , vocif eroiis appetite to quol.-.. Charity Holland confesses, in tears, /■Igebra is the language of j^l- gi er s, Sibyl Neal, the electrician sup erb; V/ood thujubing to town frora the corner cu„rb, \f/hon tho Social. Eall lights blinkr--mnto3_d bliss In the for:r^i of a long delicious ]ci SB. Campus'd girls, for tho Coimcil, three cheers thon-»- Hearty (?)• on.d loud--"Hoch sol- len Sie lieben,'' Little Miss Huffet, sat oh a Tuffot Eating her broad and whoy. ’long came a spider-- ,tod said--" Good ^rorning, ^isf-. Muff ot. The letter given below, .was ro- co^lved by a certain young lady the other do.y, We're not pall ing any names, but her initials aro Flario Kuykendall, Miss Kuykendall: 1 thinl; it would bo vovj nice if you do not see 5'Tr, Kornegay any ni.orc. Ho is not such nico compan.y for little girls, a friend or as you may li.':e for it to bo It has not boon decidod by our handwriting experts who is tho author of this epistle. It soc.nis to us that cither '* Rod" Shaw or^ Julia Holt dr some unJcnov.n adm.iror of " oiir Casonova" is^ trying to scare off I'arie, Both Kornegay and ^.^'ario declare it irapondcrablo.