'J O L. /V o /\ Q.APP£^LL A CMOffi, 5//V5 S r C-ONF£R,ENCi On Saturday, Hovember 11, the Louis- burg Cfollege A Cap_p,Glla Choir, under the direction of Professor J'anes E. Byerly, sang at the annual conference of East ern North Cyrolina at Fayetteville. The choir opened the progrtm by sirug- ing "Adoramus Te”, Pal(strina. Other numbers r:ere "as Torrents In Summeo?", Elgar; "Night Fall in Skye">. Folk tune; "Roll bhariot", Spiritual. On'Sunday, evening, November 19, the ohoir ’.Till -s’irg in the Vfelce Forest Methodist Church. ♦ ^ * =(c * !(c:)c J(C. BIRTHDAY GUESTS ivliss Stipe’s bi?thday gu®ts for the werk of November 12-19 v;ere; Cooper Gore , Dick Norvell and VJallE.ce Chandler. Gordon Sorrell end ’Yaliace Gray also had birthdays this ivoek, but r,-ere un able to attend. Peggy Haofoid.,. Prof, Raeford's young daughter, ras also a guest. HEiiR JE^'J.E wTiLTY ■FRIiJ^.Y'^ NOVEi'IBER 24. BUY YOUR,TIClCSr FROM A L0UISI3URG COLLEGE PLAYER BEFORE TUESi^^.Y P. \/^ / h( S 0/4 o R //M S'S A Y C^O/N ivliss Mary ,Bethea, former Louisburg CollsgG. student, .’.von ^15.00 third prise in a contest sponsored by World Outlook on behalf of Ivlr. and r.Irs » C» M. Geothe of Sacramento, California. The subjact for the essay '."fis 'Y/illiam Tj^ndale"jand the English Bible. SATURDAY NI.GHT 50CIL The students of Louisburg Cclloge vore entertained Seturd.ey night in the auditorium and the social hall-* The stunts in the auditorium were under the direction of E&. Comor* A version of Edgar Bergan and-Charlio llcCarthy rx s given, by Matt McDa'de and Lloyt Sheep. Ri‘chard Norgell read a for of Ms oTiginal poems. Rachel House and Lizzie Smith sang a humor ous nogro duct. Volunteers from the audience gave many delightful stunts% ^j'ter^the stunts the students took part in such games f;s "Pass the Shoe", ’'Farmer in'the Dell", "London Bridge", end "Truth or Coasequenses.-" Yihy is everybody so sad about Duke 13, GaroJin:,