social EVENTS 7 E E K 0 E THE November 8, the boys* and ^'^o^ogram Clubs gave a picnic on nc river. Light rofreshments ’.7ore served. .CJoi^ch Cameron and Miss Rogers ^ore chaperones, **•***!(: 3|( Y, M, C« A, ’.7einer Roast Young . toistian dissociation entertained ,oir guests at a r/ciner roast. Tho °ouples M^od to' the river -nhere th^ cast a., ait od them* After the T7eincr * ceremonies, Ed Wcr, Galled on the guests to contri bute s-tnints to the progmm. Tho stunts on joyed by all. The chaperones T7ore iiiss Poyatt and Taff, : (Continued from page tv7o) ares say there are sixty-five names, initials or drawrings on the posts in ^ho auditorium only and in proportion 0^7 many in other places? Then what a out the pillars in front of the ad- ™-histiCi tion Build-ing? To count the names on them would be folly. ^is disrespect for property has gone so far that students habitually scrib- on the notices on the bulletin board ^^fcTs* Next time you get a c ance, look at the bulletin board and posts in tho ciuditorlum. Ic your nan^ th^re? if it is, you should nave enough pride to take it off and it off* public places of ito suffer, but also tho dorm- ■the sho-:76r rooms, and any- P where anyone might observe the 'T II. V\~, i 5 f>Q f\ M- KaJ