r -■n. *■- SNIP * THi: SNOOPER? REPORTS Ea Ki-T.ball is wearing that dying- culf look quite a tit lately. Hor about it, Kfct? > Sonebody really should tell Bobby H. that the stamps on IvLrgaret'i let-■ ters arc al’vays on upsidd down, and , she says that she had such a good ^ time last r/oekend,..- Since a certain littl> -bloude s picture is again on feis .^dress^r j Matt’s appetite must have returned, Vty did Charles blush^.betweign the post office and the bulletin board late ’''ednesday night?’,Mr. Tc-fi, it's only fair that yoti get some squeaky shoes, . Is!:'t it a shsme^tTiat sa many nice girls,'-hove to sit 'up ..studying Iste at night because their social'life keeps them so busy? A::d.I dD;n‘t mer:n extra curricula activities! - . D''cj '.(• to HuXboro.' or^to^ Dvirh^^m for the -.veekend? ..AnxT/tiy^'I imOerstandj- :\r^s had by;all. Butch had better 'be a little more careful vriien and' v?hfcre and to- ~hom he says, "Hey, Honey*. . . • V/ell> . ^^oy and i^oris, ';:7hat„ about it, now? V’ . ^ w Lr-ato^ ijS- taking his roomate to nis home this-'-.-eekend. Y/o are vonde^ing if there -Is. ^ to Hobbsville via rrrfiensbora. —i— •*. FRIJI'ID, YOU BOTHERED ’VITH , ' T_E_R_?.0^_T_E„3 ? ? ? ... - . ALUI-iin-HOTlS - .present-stJau-ent./-'will f-ind ii. -int«r- a^tlr.£„to note the success that^ former dt'j.dents h; ve had since they left the . college. Lcuic Lr:-ie is employed as a secr'tary of the Puj^itan Jttlls, Fayette ville, a division of the Burlington Mills Corporation", Burlington* Julia Bro~n Hudgins is -teaching typing in the- Gestonia Schools^. E- ith Di.;on is teach ing music fn the Ilcbane SchOv^ls. Other students employed are iv^ry Bethea, City Ea,-_,ineer.'t; OtMcs, V/ilr.-ir^ton; and Htro Id ■ Stov;::.rt, Hoi Ian d .Eurric. c o Co, ! xialeigh* Fox‘V-;r uiui.-Lar vu:ls.''.ts nor; * employed in offices are: -i'-;; v''cri ic D- vis, Strte Pi r-jie Or ice, Roleish- Ruby Rice Ivlartin, 'Western Union .Tele phone Exchange, Goldsboro; Betty Sor- rellsj Duke Hospital, Durham; Norma Jones, Durham L if e Insurance Co., Ral eigh; JimTiie Strickland, Bank of V/ar- saw, Vi^rsa'7; Julia -iVoodard, State Revenu-e Dept»,. Raleigh. THE TORCH IS HUI-^LED "Be it years to grab and to hold." Hava you donated your little bit toward! ^ the advancement of the "Mile Fund"? If you haven't, do so befors it is too late. Do you "-rint all this unsung tal ent to go to wQste? Don’t answer that one. . The boys in the orchestra are work- ir^ hard to serve you in your anxiety to dance, so -.rhy don't you show your appreciation by boosting them on- in theii* time of^ trouble? See IJir, Byerly, Richard Auger, or Borden ilcClees and give them your contribution.