■SNIP, TH£ 3l^00PSfl, ftSEORTS - Julian, just keep trying; ’-e be-• Have you re "Gunter" get there. Trc Jean's In this Institution • se-n to bo getting into deep Loi^ Irtoely. Bo sure you o-an sv'ln bofore you jump, girls. our con- .ilrnod bachelors, seens to be let- tlng us rtcxvn .is- he lightly turns his tnoughts to Mickey. Tubby he ju-st doesn't go fcr heavy * ' dates, It secns. Vny.ls Dan bright, lately. Can It ted Parrott Is expec ted for the ’"eekend, Judy, n'e hear you're quite elr^ted ever your anticipated "rush" for the coning dance. Wallace Is' really a good clancoer, though. I Hang on, BlllJ i^cnenbor: ".ib~ ■ sencc lakes the heart gro’^' fender “7“"^!;^ else," and Doris Is only hunan: rato they ha(^ therr heads tcgeth-, or ever tao funny papers Tuesd.-iy nlj;ht. ■ - ... ^^C'” ohat -^uth 'Adr^ls Furneli has told us .'i.brut the c.'i.ry- they have picked cut, '-'0 ’-'cnder If there will be other announcenonts' seen.’ ^t soens thit- Mrs. Ferry '^111 fl It nocosBary tc hire cxtrn. help tc- t,-’.lco care cf- the "specl-il 'de livery" lotucrii th--t Jusb c.-in' t' - "'.'lit tc be delivered. Is. is be- • cauco .'^rne cf the slush inn then rill spell, ; . - %c did^ Anne Ilrrg.-.n slap in the ■ ncvies^ ^^ednesd-iy i.fternc''n, Tch- tch-tch. his seat in £-ng. Olass fro^ one slc.o of tne r-cn to* the oth.-r J-ov ne's terribly -orried ,nbcut having to n-ve again. The pras- any Sh,.noo Iverting his auteatlon fron tng- llab, is -it, . /'b I'lret ur.or'’-) 4 y, I ffc '”cndcr '-hy i-iarg?iret "Slnnrns V’-.ited sc long before deciding to gc tc the .,d'-ncc. ' Louise Jordan li.stenc te .a lot ■of In the ilbi’ary ev?ry night ^ behind Bus. beck. Jut't "hof la t'iking th.-it tjubject, any’-'.-iy. V.r) .K’' y ; -(j T;'o bother h'.Ivor, rf- certain cou ples soon tc thinic they need a ch.-inge cf scenery, --inyviy, ni"tlc^i '■he escorts .■iilco and Gl;ilrc to .the dance, Satu'^d-i.y nic;ht. Taff,--^ fridn-^t Kno--- that ycu ’"'^■■rn quite sc ,-i’^k’”-ird at holding a lad;>-'3 hand ui.til Tuesday night Tch-ten-after a.' r'-cu • ve ^ vT-’ -r icon t" . 0-iL'’clin-\. ivaybe ycu '■'ei'o jUBO s.jlf-ccnL-ci.-us.