me rvcv/spap-er oi -che 3tudenr.s v'ol, 1 i^'ebruary 5, 104Q No. V ’’01\'CE THEitE A rRlNCESS" CaST TO RBOfEN hEHE.^RSiiL.3 . The cast oi' "Onco There Was a i'rincess" under the direction of Miss Virginia Jc'eyatt v/ill re- • open rehearsals in the near future and the production is to oe pre sented in late February or early March* The cast v»'r.s • chosen last fall and rehearsals v/ere underv;ay when V'/crk on the stage caused Lliss ir'eyatt to postpone the play . until spring* The play, a comcdy in three acts, is the story of a ■ young mid-western girl v/ho had inarriod a prince, and, after, his death, returned to her hometcwn , and the boy she left behind. The cast consists of Alice ; Cahill, Lester' Stallings, Gean ; 3onocal,' Enrnitte Harl’iscn, Clyde ! 3tal'lings, Prances Brown, Bobby \ vVaters, -^ete -^ago,' L'aura E* Gard-r* ner, Dorothy i:’erson, Lil Cope, ;• iroggy Ford, iviickcy j^ope, and ivlary Vi/est, This -Cast is v;ell adapted to the story and will'put its best ; • into providing an evening's enter tainment for the 'student body, A CAirrELLA CHOJR TO SII^G .iT DUNN^ AND BLACK>3 CHAirEL i\ . At eleven' o ’clock, in the MDthodist Church of I>unn, the A Cappella Choir will hive charge ; of the services. They will sing;^ six numbers among v/hich will be few nev/ cnes^ * ^ftor the service, the choir will be guests at dinner. Old iriera* bers, remembering the hospitality, given last year, are looking forward with anticipation to this trip, • In 1;he afternoon, at three-’- thirty, Black's‘Chape 1 will be their hosts. ^\ter this afternoon service, the choir will return to Louis bur u J0URI\\.LI3M CLUB ACC Ex TED II\T0 . NATIONAL fraternity The Lcuisburg College Journalism Club, under the sponsorship of Dean E, V, troele, has been accep ted into the. Beta i:hi Gamm.a Fra ternity and has been designated the Rhc Chapter, The national fra ternity is composed of junior col lege students interested and act ive* in j ournalism. and Louisburg is proud to be one of the few schools in the East to have a chapter in this fr-ternity A distinct ad vantage of the fraternity is that it is affiliated with the national senior college fraternity and any ‘student transfering to a school with a senior chapter is automati cally a member of that chapter. Of its five members, two are edi tors- of student publications; throe are members of the- year-bcok staff; four are memibers cf the nc7/spaper staff and all work hard for the college publications, . Kqw members of the chapter will be chosen from the staff of the paper and annual* The Choir’s last concert was- at ' ‘Edenton Street Methodist Church in Raleigh, January 21, The program consisted, of five numbers and an offertory by the choir and a short talk by Dr, fatten, who accompanied them* The.congregation enjoyed the program and declared that the sing ing was excep'tional* ,Earlier in the evening, the Choir v/ere guests of the Epwcrth Loage at a light supper, Mr, Byerly and his gro-up are to be complimented upon their splendid work and upon their perseverance during this time of the year- when colds and flu are a particular han dicap, Although, many were forced to be absent, rehearsals went en, and the result is obvious.