r&, TiiE VJHISiiiiiJI'G- 0.-.JV iublishod Vi/ee^’.:ly tho. StuJer.ts of Louisburg Golioge EJITORI,.!- ST..FF E, Harrisori--Ed.itor“-ir.-CLiof R, Barthcl0mt;7/--.ics0c iato Editor Cliff Morris — Scliool Edifccr Borden McCleos--‘i.i"',i;o-'Jp Ijdi-bor Juar.ita Kurloy--3ociety Editor Matt i,lcCade--i::ev;s Editor Henry Murdon“-Exohp.nge ■i^'ditor RuToy G, i.iassoi.burg“-Alunr.i Editor Clyde Stallings—Foaturo i^^ditor.- 3USIKESS ST..Pi-’ j'ocdrov/ McNeill--i3iisinoss Mana^ei’ rote £^ago--.isst, Susinoss Ivigr, Henry Smith—Circulation.Mgr, Bill :vlann--iisst, Circulation iiEi:ORTCKl.a. ST.a-’F Alice Cahill Marjorie Spivey, o^il Cope Kat Vi/inborne Harold Llorris , -Bobby-vVaters Sidney Ropor F..CIJLTY ^DVISERS i.ir, Taff Miss ^'eyatt JH..T THEY THIi«v Louisburg has meant the open ing up of a nev/ life for me made P'cssible by the self-help plan. It has aided me i;ot only intellec.tual- ly, but* culturally in preparing my self for li£‘u_, _ I.iy tv;o years at Louisburg have been the happiest I can remomber. The friendly, informal ..atmosphere aroujid the college has enabled me to Diake some of the best fricnds^^ j at'-iong both students and faculty tho.:1 one could desi*re,_ _ _ _ . The Christian, homelike atraosr chei‘0 of Louisburg has meant two years of re-'.l hapi^in^ss for mo. The faculty and student body, have cooi-.- erated in ’’^naking the best TiiO Staff extend its sympathy to ; Miss ceyatt v/ho Is sick at :.Icrhei^ son's Hospital, Durham, 'ile hope that she v/ill soon be back^with .us for wo niss her, . .. e 'r'yi'O - ■ , P, Y ' W A Y 'o •J’ M S :i T I 0 Louisburg College and the Senior Clnsc re grot the Toss of Jirnmio Shrw, Senior Class rrcsident, Jimmie ';in.c v/ei: liked here and his loss wil] b-e- folt by of his friends. There’s big, red ‘'Quarantine" sign on the c.'ayk'.j'^i-'Or ’ s desk '"these days, -boys^ Miss Sti^e gave strict o?-ders that loitering -.round the 'dosP, delivering of notes, calling | of girls arO ether si-\iliar'’.Kxtra- , curricular" activities are to be • ? vtLnishod, and anyone trespass!.-g ' is to bo severely punished. Sorry, girls; '-10 helped you kill many a lull.'minute and often kept you on the hop but “them days- are g'T-c .ever, ' ^ popular question at the c.ir',. table seems to be ‘'Beans, Bc-.ns; ;/ho ’ s got the Beans'?" ^cid to pcxi phrase Tennyson’s "Charge of ^he Lif^ht Brigade” the^ answer is ’'Ecanr: to! the left of usj' tie-ns ^to- the ■ , right of usi'' Honestly, F-culty, are you as tired of be ;-r.3 as we? ■ v/hat’s hiippened to our water fbuntai;'.? . It's been out of commis sion so lor.^3 it’s'being used as a ^ book rackjV/ith no ax-prehensions of soaked books. And it's mighty In convenient 'for anyone wanting a driclc*- of W"ter, ; ’ _ Has our 'school spirit sunk so low that v/c. C'^re little‘for the bas ketball gam-es? A pop mooting before each game would put new spirit intp^ all‘of 'us » This business of tlae ^ boys on the team working v/ithout 4, any b'-'Cking and enthusiasm on our i part v/on't. go. Besides our ovrn team., wo should some sportsmanship ■ ' for the,visiting team. Lot's have pop meetings, what do you say? ’With such a s-plondid Glee Club touring here and there, Louisburg College is getting;the short end of the^ concerts. Only one has been given in tho college' this year, ■Jl:.y not another?