ONEEDA MANN Dear Miss Mahni. 'I am in the’Infirmary. This is bad enough, but tc add to my trou bles I hear a rumor that my girl is going with other boys while ray back is turned* How can'I alter i this unfortunate situation? Signed: "Johnny" Dear "Johnny" You know when the cat’s av;ay, the mice do play. Get -Mrs. Cul pepper to get you off of a.salty diet, or to put her in the infir mary, too. Oneeda, Dear Miss Mann; I am a girl student at Louis- burg. During .this y®ar I hftve fa llen for a bey v/ho is also in sch ool at Loui’sburg, He doesn't know that I am' in love rlth him, I , want to find out first whether'Hu thinks-much pf me or not* . How , will I be able to find out if he does or doesn't love .lafc:'?. Worried; V, C. Dear V, C»: This is.indeed a hard question. My only advice' is for you to take everything he says vica-versn. : After this get advice .from’ your gran'dmother. She v/ill help you. Oneeda, • . ' Dear Oneeda: . ’ " . I lie awake all .night .thinking how I can keep my girl fl:’qra going off with other boys, I have lost so much sleep that I think Mrs.: Culpepper is going to put me to bed. Please tell me how I may have her by myself? "Sleepless" Dear Sleepless: . _ There is only ono way of lixing your girl. Go to ,flo,se * s and get aome little bells'. Come back and put them on her hands and feet. Now she won’t be able to go with others behind your back.' Oneeda ^ 6 —:■,—^— SNIP, THE SNOOPER? REPORTS.. If it is true that the winners- ' in the May-day scramble- will se- , "lect escorts, etc., ;0f their own choice, then most probably thi.s May-king business will'be a .new page, in the boo.k of life. . - The trlpt to Dunn■ seem(3d to haye its ups and dov/ns; a,t Icfsr. t liargar- et S, did when she* and. an olu. Li?.-- zie.City admi-rer.-made..use of some one *s s’"ings last Sunday^ Eo1:by H, seems to have dropped oil inter est, . . , Wo nde r wha t she could, ha ve k e a a ■; when she said that she nevoT- runt-- ed to see another' tfoy as ,r-.s she ■ 13,ved. ■ You, really &houl'i ■ ’ t ■mkke such drastic statemtncs Judv, Is there anything t6' Ed Coner'S and Martha Brower'^s conctanc ap pearance together on the canpus? Lil (to Mr'; Peele on. the qucso'.cj) of love, and marriage); "'well..., .know from e.xi:^.'rlence just ' zy peopi'f.. ao b when they get Vhff't 'way The- .VPt'era- seem, tb r.ave coolbJ of.f poincvh ' new. At lef'st. ohey are -no'C ru,:'i.-'i..rg-: sucl'i v. r.xp.d current, ic oe t-";oause ol cer tain bllleT3--6ou’x_ Matt Ic ,'i he ' r f l-'’P^.ry. OcuLd it'be'-that v-e:j''; t ge t- Ann i'riter'n? ; When a fai.r’la'iy "finv; ana comes to in the avuir c*’ r and handsome so^i'^'ohln" usually comes of it;„ '/■-..i l, , it H.S. toek J.M. to paicy Thu’^oC'ay night, ■ ; ' ■ _ Mr. Byerly, hav'j you hf '--.tiotnur seance, lately? that a- seance is a n.e'j'c.V:.£ the spirit of a der.d pvo'i' just 'vonder. Jt '^■r'ao i:o member cf 'the maif' j.e.s is irn- muiie--e ven Clyde .iiV;' to be 'Vdokenihg,. hrs ^liC- Ellis-.lo. I-ilire, gorie O'l'HT -the Cli’''.,'; ' > ’5^-® seems iio be takir; c-.:,i ,’.i;in Mickey again.