r'lf P'' * ■^ol. I' TJie _li£aaE^,er_Qf_iiie_ .S tuolan-ta_ 4El£iJLJ.^a54Q NEGRO CHOIR i:RESENTS j^ROGRAM On Monday evening at 7:30 o«clocli ihe Dillard High School Choir frem Goldsboro gave a program In the college chapel* The delightful program consisted of many outstanding selections. The entire choir sang ”Lo, a voice to Heaven Sounding," by Bontransky,: and "Hymn to the Trinity," and "Sanctus and Benedictus by Isch- aibowsky* The Girl»s Glee Club then sang "in These Delightful Pleasant Groves," by Purcedl, fol lowed by the Boy's Glee Club’s slngipg of "Sanctus" by Shubert and "Oh Bon Jesus" by i^alestrina, , The Boy's Octet sang their own ar rangement of "Sweet Adeline." The last part of the program consisted of the entire group's singing "Mighty Like a Rose" by Nevon, "Morning," by,Speaks, "Show Me The Way by Hunter, and "Pare You Well" by Dett,.. G, Van Hay, the director of this well-trained group, is a graduate of the St^hool of Music of Hampton Institute* He was for a number of years soloist with the famous Hamp ton t^hoir a?^d has had a successful auditio:^ for the Ford Symphony Hour program, iir * it -j;- -s:- -jj. baii^uet pgr second-year students, On IVesday "Evening, Aprii“l'g^ at' ' 7:30 o'clock* the second-year stu dents will attend a formal banquet in the dining hall, President Rob ert Waters, when quierod concerning the banquet stated that it is a general get-together to talk over a few matters of importance. The banquet and program will be presid-i ed over by ieresident Waters as it ■ ! is a strictly student affair, I orchestra to ^ flora MCDONALD ♦ Jimmie Byerly and his Orchestra accompanied by the girl»^ trio are stepping out again Friday nighty This time the trip is to a fair field full of flower^’ and lovely ladies—Flora McDonald College in Red Springs, Mr, Byerly ±s taking the whole outfit along this time— some that haven't made a trip be--- fore. The group that is making the trjp consists of four saxes, Cotton, McClees, Whelessy and Andrews; six brass. Auger, Andrews, Stearns, ^erry, Brower and Mr, Byerly him self; three rhythm, rage, Danie^l's, and Belcher; flute, Gossard; and the girl»s trio, Nlta, Kat, and Margie, V ' , This is the largest group that Mr, Byerly has used on any of his outside engagements this year. They plan to leave abodit two o‘clock Friday afternoon. Among the more recent additions to the band's repertoire which they plan to uee at Flora McDonald are the new Jack Mason arrangement of Hoagy Charml-chael' s immortal Stardust," Count- Basie■•s arrange ment of ' jumpin' at the -Woodside'', a recent revival of the old stand ard jive number "Johnson' Rage", and several of the current ballads. The Starlit Hour," "The Wind and the Rain in Your Hair " "one ClpiV..- ette for Two", and "itve Got My Eyes on YouJ' re j;- -x- ■*> ' LouisBURG Dances On 3aturda.y evening, April 13- the students attended a formal dance in the socija.1 hall from 8 tili 10 M, Music was by Jimmie Byer ly and his orchestra.