Pa^e 5 FiAY DAY (Continued'from p, 1) Hilda Barnes with Willis Marshall. Mae Edla Asbell with Emerson Asbell Ruby G. Massenberg with Charles Gates, The main characters in the pa geant are as follows: Mother Goose Frances Brown; Simple Simon, Cliff Morris; 1116 pieman, Ed Gomer; Red Riding Hood, Doris Munford; Bo Peep Rebecca Midgette; Boy Blue, Richard Auger; Tom, Tom, the Piper's Son, Dan Bright Robertson; King Cole, A, B, Allen; Queen of Hearts, Judy Kannon; Maid of Hearts, Mary Alls- brook; Maid of Blackbird Pie, Inez Lupton; Jester, Clyde Stallings; Knave of Hearts, Henry Smith; pipe Bearer, Nell Peterson; Bowl Bearer, Susan Henly; Fiddlers Three, Doyel Cotton, Billy Andrews, Thomas mie~ less; Humpty Dumpties, Wallace Keys, Lewis Adams, S. J, Starnes; Little Miss Muffett and Spider, Martha Kearney and Thelma Clark; Jack Hor ner, Ike Kearney; Old V/oman in the Show and her Children, Zeta Mae Tyndall, Sylvia Burns, Mary Daly Kornegj Roy Thomas, Theodore Col lins; Jack and Jill,. ,Wallace Gray and Mickey Pope; Sandmcin, Matt McDade; Mary and her Lamb, Mondelle Holleman; Alice -in V/onderland, Mary Watkins; Lucy Locket, Louise Turner: and, Kitty Fisher, Edna Gillis, ORCHESTflA (Continued; from P, 3) tra played the new version of “Star Dust” at the end. of the banquet. Needless to say the music was a tremendous success and Mr» Byerly has climbed another rung on.his march up, A^Qcm’.iQN ccn^ DUCTS - CiiAPEL ' Chapel Friday morning was .conduct ed by the Ministerial Aesoclatlon with Miss Do,ris Rhodes and Mr, Ho well perry leading the services. Miss Rhodes led the responsive read ing after which she spoke briefly on”what it means to be a Christian,' Mr, Perry then spoke on the duties of a Christian student. This was something of a novelty to the student body. It is not of ten that two speakers from among our very ranks speak so directly to us. During the talks, the students v;ere remarkably attentive and all seemed to profit from the words of Miss Rhodes and Mr, Perry. Miss Rebecca Midgette gave a short prayer, ending in the praying of the Lord's Prayer, After a song, the assembly v;as dismissed. This is the second extra ordinary Chapel program this week, Tuesday a choric-speech choir under the di rection of Miss Peyatt recited sev eral poetic selections. Much to the delight of the audience, the first few were nursery ditties for a warm-up exercise. Following this the choir recited "Spin, Lassie”,' "It Was a Lover and His Lass”, ”St, Catherine”, "Barter”, ”The Desert Afterglow”, The 23rd Psalm, and ”The Music Makers.” Much credit is due to Miss Peyatt and the girls who took part in the program. Reciting from memory, these girls kept in-perfect rhythm and unison, ' STYLE SHOW RALEIGH ' - On Thursday, April 25, Mrs. Moon took her home economics students to Raleigh to participate in. the An nual Style Show sponsored by the textile students at State College, The girls participating were Alleen Rogers, Ruth Stallings, Hattie Avery, Rosa Ella White, Matilda Whitley, Ruby Gore, Lois Lee Britt.on, Mar garet White Byrum, Well Peterson, Claire Hill,'Myrtle Gresham, Louise Shearon, Mary Watkins, Kathleen Britt, Lizzie ■ Srpith, and Dorothy Long, • , Those winning prizes were: Louise Shearon, ,firs.t prize; Margaret White Byrum, second prize; and Matilda Whitley, thli^d prize. Pictures were taken indlvid'ually and grouped# After the style show,, chartered busses carried the participants to the textile building where students conducted them about, exhibiting different weaves and patterns. A reception was held in the Y,M, p.A. building before leaving.