ARCHIVKt THE tSECILW. ROBBINS IB^ I lUj^l&BUHGcqu[ a uyanUm Vol. XXIX LOUISBURG COLLEGE, LOUISBURG, N. C., FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 6,1970 Outstanding Paleontological Discovery Announced By Louisburg College Professor No. 6 Dr. Felton R. Nease, Head of the Louisburg College De partment of Biology, an nounces he has finally solved the problem of the bioligical affinities of the conodonts. Conodonts are jaw-like fossils composed of calcium phos phate, and they are found in sediments dating from the Cambrian to the Triassic. Many attempts have been made to place the conodonts in the lower chordates due to their chemical composition. This has not been done to date and most authorities place them in a group of uncertain rank. In June, 1969, Dr. Nease published a paper in The Louis burg College Journal of Arts and Sciences in which he de scribed conodonts as parts of new division of the lower vas cular plants. This new division, the Crossophyta, is the only division of vascular plants to be described in over one hundred years. Dr. Ncase’s recent studies on material collected near Nashville, Tennessee, has shown that polygnathid cono donts begin as vegetative plant structures having a distinctive vascular plant cellular organiza tion. This unusual supporting evidence fully verifies the con clusions presented in the origi nal paper. This is ample evi dence why previous work on these fossils could not success fully solve the problem of their biological affinities due to the persistant effort to place them in an animal phylum. When viewed in this new perspective many problems related to these fossils become understandable, and we are able to assign them to their proper biological posi tion, the lower vascular plants. A paper on this new dis covery is being prepared for presentation in June at the 1970 meeting of the Associ ation of Southeastern Biolo gists at Florida Southern Col lege, Lakeland, Florida. LAMALLAE INITIALS VEIN OR —“0 CONDUCTING TISSUE Mr. Jones Installed As New Dean Of Men I Dr. Robbins, in keeping with the requests presented him by numerous fall semester students, has appointed Mr. Walter B. Jones Acting Dean of Men of Louisbui^ College for :v ‘ ■, WALTER B. JONES the spring semester. The vacan cy was created when Dean Bo- lick was suddenly drawn away by a more attractive offer. A native of Blackstone, Virginia, Dean Jones is a 1965 graduate of Louisburg College. After re turning to Virginia he received his AB Degree from the College of William & Mary where he majored in history. He married the former Patsy Flick of Bris tol, Tennessee and has a three-year-old daughter. The Joneses reside at 112 Beam Circle here in Louisbui^. RESPONSIBILITIES Dean Jones’ jurisdiction lies within the following areas: Men’s Stu dent Government Association, Honors Council, maintaining discipline among men, and how the house counselors relate to the men, to cite a few. Dean Jones has revamped the disciplinary system. One representative has been ap pointed on each floor to act as mediator between the hall and the Dean’s office.Any distur J"v mm Polygnathid conodont showing typical vascular plant cells. bance of major magnitude is reported to this resident coun selor and is channelled through Dean Jones’ office. In addition to maintaining order on their halls, the resident counselors will also represent their floors at Student Government Associ ation meetings every first and third Tuesdays at 7:30 p.m. in Franklin 51. POLICIES According to Mr. Jones, “I am not here for the purpose of oppressing students, but I am here to see that law, order, and respect is mantained by all men while on campus. I only request gentlemanlike conduct from the students and hope that they will exercise respect for the rights of others at all times. I am here to give service and to operate as a liaison between the students and the administration, and Vice versa.” Mr. Jones went on to say, “The events of the previous semester cannot be tolerated by any institution, especially a small college in a small community.” When asked how he liked his job Mr. Jones replied, “I am very happy with my job. I have been enthused with the assis tance rendered me by Leighton Strader. I have only one re quest; Greater participation on the part of men in the Men’s Student Government Associ ation should be practiced. This organization can offer invalu able service. I was a member of the Student Government Asso ciation while attending Louis burg College in 1964 and 1965, and I understand and sympa thize with living conditions and lack of recreational facilities.” Although he has the name “Acting” Dean of Men the term should not be confused to mean temporary. Dean Jones, upon the evaluation of his of fice in June, anticipates return ing next semester. Let’s give Mr. Jones a hdp- ing hand and refrain from all those “no-no’s.” Johnnie Ainsley Original Mountain Music To Be Presented At L.C See Story And Pictures Page 4 And 5