ARCHIVES THE CECIL W. RCBSINS LOUISBURG COLLEGE Vol. XXIX LOUISBURG COLLEGE, LOUISBURG, N. C„ Friday, April 24, 1970 Number 8 .V Eighth Annual Shakespeare Play Presented By Louisburg Players Measure for Measure is now being presented in the experimental theatre. Featured above are members of the cast: (top to bottom) Patrick Mann, Mary Newill, Cassandra Lee, and Norman Maxwell. For their eighth annual Shakespearean play, The Louis burg Players will present the intriguing MEASURE FOR MEASURE in the Louisburg College Experimental Theatre at 8:00 p.m. April 21, 22, 23, 24, 27, 28, and 29. MEASURE FOR MEASURE is an excitingly modern mystery drama in which Duke Vincentio, perhaps struggling to preserve his re gime from the undermining in sinuations of the puritanical Angelo, traps and exposes his seemingly virtuous enemy. From this siti'.ation Shake speare evokes some of his finest treatments of some of his favorite themes - pretense, authority, law and order and justice, and the relationship be tween private passion and pub lic responsibility. In their paral lel action, Shakespeare’s won derful clowns, Pompey and Environmental Emphasis Week At Louisburg College - Our Chance To Become Involved Do we realize that we are polluting ourselves out of ex istence? Are we aware that we are rapidly reducing the quality of our environment so that one day very soon this environment will be unable to support us? Do we care? Certainly we should realize that water and air are being polluted by industrial man’s carelessness and that trees are being leveled to make way for highways which are constantly being littered by apathetic Americans. These conditions are obvious, and we have heard them related so often that we cannot avoid being aware of their existence^. - Environmental Action, a group pf concerned university students, has organized activi ties all over the nation for a special week of Environmental Emphasis, April 19 - 23. These students want to force others to realize that the fight to save America must begin now. Environmental Action is not the only group which cares. Senator Gaylord Nelson (D-Wis.) has stated that the problem of environmental pol lution is worldwide. “Across America,” he says, “from the laboring man, blacks, house wives, there is a disgust, a rising anger, a demand for action.” Dr. Rene Dubos, a widely known biologist, states that “A rapid growth of population tends to limit diversity. In fact,” he continues, “it may be the root of our ecological crisis.” Dr. Dubos warns that we cannot expect to achieve environmental quality without changing our accustomed ways of life. Dr. Paul Ehrlich, a well known figure in ecology, warns us that “population has been increasing faster than the food supply since 1958 . . . that the accumulation of DDT and See EMPHASIS WEEK page 3. Is Louisburg College Going To “Pot?” The State Bureau of Inves tigation (SBI), ’fter months of inquiry, had caarged four Louisburg College students with possessing and growing marijuana. Charges of possessing mari juana were placed against Carl Black, 19, of Dunfries, Va., and George Fussell, 18, of Washington, D. C. Dan Sharpe, 19. of Raleigh and Walter Anderson, 18, of Virginia Beach, Va. were charg ed with possessing and growing marijuana. Bond for both Carl Black and George Fussell was set at $1,000; $6,000 for Dan Sharpe and Walter Anderson. A hear ing was held for these students on April 20. These arrests highlighted, months of effort by the SBI to Measure For Measure Elbow, reflect as in a sideshow mirror every event in the play’s main action. Tickets are available at the box office. Special group rates are available. Blocks of seats will be reserved for groups upon receipt of payment. Tickets may be obtained on a first-come, first-served basis by writing or ' ■ icphuning (496-4101 Ext. 8) Sally Vor- steeg, 'I’lieatre Manager for The U)uisl)urg Players. In the avvard-wlnning Louis burg Players’ production, the lead role of Duke Viiu’ciitio is played by veteran Norman Maxwell, winner of a Louis burg Players Actor Award for his 1969 performance as Emile de Becque in SOU'l’H PACIFIC. Maxwell’s other roles have included Mercutio in ROMEO AND JULIET, and George in OF MICE AND MEN. State and District Drama Festival Acting Award winners Charles Latta as Pompey, and Cassandra Lee as Isabella, join Wilmington, Delaware, Sopho more Mary Newill, Winston- Salem Freshman Phil New- some, and Ayden, N. C., Sophomore Worth Kinlaw in supporting roles. • Other members of the cast are W. Patrick Mann (Sanford), (Jary Smith (Williamsburg, Va.), I^irry Lloyd and Jac Ver- stoeg (Ix)uisburg), David llan- kin (Milford, Delaware), Bill |{()bic (Raleigh), Norwood Jackson (Ayden), Will Wilder (Louisburg), John Harris (Rocky Mount), Jane, Deese (Graham), Stella Shelton (Louisburg), Tricia Nelson (PorLsmouth), and Chris Wash burn and Rusty Versteeg (Ijouisburg). 1 w r Litter being collected one mile stretch of road in Franklin County. apprehend those responsible for the narcotic traffic on the Louisburg campus. The College Administration cooperated fully with the SBI after a rou tine check allegedly yielded evidence of the presence of a “pusher” on campus. The initial investigation was begun solely by the SBI, not by the College. In addition to the small amounts of marijuana and the growing plants, a residue-filled pipe used for smoking hashish was also reportedly found dur ing the course of the 5:30 A.M. April 7 raid. A box filled with bottles of stimulants was found at the bottom of the elevator shaft in Franklin Dormitory, and was believed to have been discarded by a frightened stu- See GOING TO POT page 3.