Page 2 COLUMNS Friday, November 20,1970 EDITOR COMMENTS I do my thing, and you do your thing. An Open Letter Of Thani(s To The SGA I am not in this world to live up to your expectations And you are not in this world to live up to mine. You are you and I am I, And if by chance we find each iother, it’s heautiful. Frederick S. Peris With the first semester of this school year nearly over, as a concerned L.C., I virould like to take the time to stop and thank each and every member of the reigning SGA officials. (I would like to do it in person rather than by open letter, but for some reason, no doubt my own fault, I can never seem to find you when you’re working. I see you often when your’re playing around on front campus but never in your office.) Your achievements so far this yei.r are too numberous for me to mention (besides, I foi^et most of them). I will, however, attempt, humbly, to highlight them. 1. At Homecoming the stu dent body will be treated to the soothing, blue-eyed soul of “Bill Deal and the Rondells” (If their name is spelt wrong, forgive me, but I’ve never heard of them' before.) 2. Shortly, refrigerators will be placed in the dorm rooms. (If the students can afford them.) 3. Telephones are being offered to the students, (i^ain for a nominal fee.) 4. Lastly and most im portantly, after the rapid flood of new ((more liberal) rules pushed through by the last administration, you have adopted (wisely, no doubt) a type of setback-Fabian cam paign by which you are achieving (slowly and again wisely) your own goals. (What ever they are.) Again I say to you the SGA (from the bottom of my heart), “tnanks and God bless you, each and every one.” H. E. Dickerson, II hrtrodudng impnMiied wfammgt Warning: The Surgeon General Has Determined That Cigarette; Smoking is Dangerous to Your Health. By Act of Congress, the above warning must be placed on all cigarettes manufactured for sale in the United States on or after November 1,1970. U.S. DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH. EDUCATION, AND WELFARE Public Health Service T/i/s space contributed as a public service. COLUMNS Volume XXX Number 2 MEMBERS OF THE STAFF Editor-in-chief Leiza Hall Assistant to the Editor .!!!!!.... Betsy May Business Manager ..!!!!!!!!! Hoke Kimball I Sports Staff Debbi Drake, Vickie Stallings " . Cultural Staff Gyndie Schubart Feature Staff Lynn Pugh -*!!!! Nancv king. Buddv Burham - t Communications staff Tom O’Keefe, Wrenda Goodwyn - - Dene Ward : li-- Photographic staff Clark Finch, Debbye Wagoner Typist ; ; Calvin Bunn Apathy Ragneth - Go Louisburg! Finch photo Advisor Umphrey Lee In Gernany They First Came... “In Germany the^ first came for the Communists and I didn t speak up because I wasn’t a Communist. Then they^ came for the Jews, and I didn t speak up because I wasn’t a Jew. Then they came for the trade unionists and I didn’t speak up because I wasn’t a trade unionist. Then they came for the Catholics, and I didn’t speak up because I was a Protestant. Then they came for me and by that time no one was left to speak up.” I j .JE^^tor.Martin Niepipjler