For You: A Christian ChristmiW % f ARCHIVES THE CECIL W. ROBBINS LIBR' LOUISBURG COLLEGC SBURG,N.C. 27549 Christmas is the most unique season of the year. For one thing, it is a family occasion. Everybody wants to be home Christmas, to be with loved ones--parents, grandparents, sons, daughters. Christmas can draw the family closer perhaps than any other event. It is preeminently a family event. Again, Christmas is a time of sharing. It is not only the occasion for giving presents to loved ones and friends, but the time for with those less fortunate then ourselves--the poor and needy, the sick and hadicapped. Christmas brings out the best in us--the best in generosity, in unselfish service, in compassion. We do not begin to live until we learn to give. Moreover, Christmas is an occaion of peace and good will. Somehow the spirit of brotherhood and understanding breaks through our crass, materialism and hardness of heart. Somehow the Scrooge in us diminished and the spirit of tenderness and kindness and trust emerges. But, most of all, Christmas is the occasion of the birth of Jesus--the Prince of Peace, the redeemer of all mankind. Unfortunately, sometimes we crowd out Christ. We close the door to His coming. We let fun and merriment and parties and the sensual pleasure consume us. When we do, we miss the real Christmas. The true meaning of Christ's coming escapes us and we are left empty and bitter and disillusioned. It is my prayer that all of us in the Louisburg College family-students, faculty, admin istration, staff and all others who love this institution--will pause to seek and discover anew the real Christmas and take time to sing the great carols, read and reread the story of His Birth and seek to know Him more fully and to walk with Him through the uncertain months and year ahead. Then Christmas will be real, authentic, full of Christmas meaning. by Cecil W. Robbins, President VOL. XXXII NO. 3 LOUISBURG COLLEGE LOUISBURG, N. 0. The Columns December ’72