ARCHfVES the CECfL W. ROBBfNS LIBRAW louisburg college LOUISBURG,n.C. 27549 COLUMNS MONTHLY Vol. XXVII No. 2 Louisburg, N. C. 27549 October S. G. A. Aspirants Lose And Win In Recent Elections C. W. Brower By Debbie Barnes News Editor The Student Government Association recently held its elections of officers for the 1979-1980 school year. The turnout for the election was very poor, only 95 people voted which is about 12.6 percent of the student body. In the sophomore class Carl Brower defeated Janet Hayes for the office of president, while Ricky Edgerton defeated Ricky Martin for Vice President. Martha Smith and Daryl Mathews lost to David Hennis for the position of Secretary. D. J. Cooke defeated Alice Robbins for Treasurer. In the freshman class David Woodall and Deborah Davis were defeated by Tad Heath for President, and Richard Hoyle was defeated by Ronnie Spencer for Vice President. For Secretary Amy Martin was defeated by Rhonda DeBerry. Carol Stevens defeated Barry Pronier for treasurer. Carl Brower, Sophomore President, felt as though the elections were not well carried out. There was no opportunity for the candidates to speak to the students and in most cases the students had no idea who they were voting for. Brower's objective as sophomore class president are to organize class meetings and to try to organize the whole student body. He is also trying to get types of entertainment on campus instead of students having to leave town. The reason why entertainment does not work is because activities are more oriented toward one group of students. His main goal is to get students involved in activities they are interested in. Visitation on weekends would create more activities. Things cannot be done without student participation. Students need to go out and participate on committees to voice their needs. Resident Life Council Is Taking A New Programming System By Sara Dee Scarborough Staff Writer Dorm councils at Louisburg College this year are now a thing of the past. The Residence Life Councils have taken their place. Patricia Morgan, Assistant Dean was responsible for the name change as well as the new programming system it now includes. She wanted to do away with the old concept of discipline council had always been associated with, pis year the Residence Life Council will not only be a disciplinary council but also be a programming one. Students will now be responsible for organizing programs in their dormitories. Morgan said this will give these students an opportunity to learn how to organize, design and carry out projects. At the same time they will learn how to improve their inter-personnal relationships. She said this know- le^e will benefit them for the rest of their lives. his new programming system has been formed or he benefit of all the students. Its purpose is to have cultural, educational, recreational and social events brought to the students. Its goals are to help stu ents relate to their peers, to fit into societies system and to make decisions concerning future ^ programs will produce well-rounded students knowledgeable in every f ^ipn?^ 1 interests or talents m a certain area. At this point in their lives many coNege students are going through an identity crisis. These programs could help students find themselves and their interests. And this in turn will help them decide about future careers. The first project of the year was a mixer between the Hillman and Merritt dormitories. It was held in Hillmans lobby and the band Razor was the main attraction. There were refreshments and everyone seemed to have enjoyed themselves. This was an opportunity foe the students to get to know one another. Wright dorrnitory sponsored two programs during September, the first was a lecture given by C. Edward Brown, Academic Dean, on stained glass. This also featured an exhibition of some of his work. Ms. Martha Hobgood presented a lecture on Lamaze for the second program. In Patten dorm Keith Roberts, the house counselor, held a program on ueath and Dying. Some proposed projects for this year Include a c^-stacking contest sponsored by Hillman Dorm Anerwards the aluminum cans would be sold for fund-raising purposes. Kenan Dorm has proposed a or^e-a-month birthday party for everyone whose birthday falls in that particular month. Fund-raising projects that are now in process Pai+fl^ Mo ■?? students in Hillman and Patten. Merntt and Franklin will be selling popcorn this month to late night studiers. A popcom popper was purchased by the Office of Student Affairs earner this year making popcorn sales possible. When asked how she felt the new programming system was progressing Morgan replied," It's goina t^ goodl" She went on to explain that the attendance at these programs has been much larger than anticipated. She said that as many as 160 people anended one program alone. She felt that If things keep running as smoothly as they have been the Residence Life Council is in for a very successful year. Dean Brown showing his gbss works “ v i - mmm TheJD Trip Band - R. L, C. First Program