The Columns January 1985 Let Reason Reign i ELIZABETH WRIGHT “We pay taxes, we uphold le system, then why can’t we el safe anymore.” TTiis seems be the view many Americans, cpecially Urbanites, feel about leir society. This angry ntiment has led many citizens take their own initiative in loosing protection. Since any people do not feel at ease the streets, subways, buses, id even their own homes, they ther legally or illegally jrchased firearms. Who draws the limits on otection? The law states that is lawful to shoot a person nly if he is lifethreatening; it is ot lawful to shoot in order to rotect possessions or property. Tiis law touches on the uestion of charging Bernhard k)etz for his shootings of four ouths on the New York City ubway. There were mixed emotions from the public. Some Americans were appalled; however, many cheered. Different reactions were also conveyed in the courtroom. Is he guilty or not? The problem with condon ing such behavior as Goetz displayed in the subway shootings if that future shootings and vigilante murders may spawn from this. If we allow a society to develop similar to that of the Wild West, vigilante forces would run rampant. Many believe that this type of law enforcement is the only solution since our culture and cities have grown into such a vast complexity of crime. However, if we allow such a warped system of justice and law control, where do we draw the line? Do we just have What Resolutions? By CHRISTOPHER L. SIMMONS What is it about the start of a ew year that makes us etermined to entirely earrange our lives? We go long all year preforming the ttle vices that make us all too uman vowing every step of the ^ay that in the new year we’re oing to stop all that, mend all ur broken fences and just enerally become all around •rrific people. Of course we never do, but it fun making lists of what we Ian to perfect in our life, ouisburg College students are 0 exceptions. Here are a few of le resolutions your fellow udents have made. ilie Bialkbwski: “I’m going 1 give up smoking. Give my ings a rest.” heila Jackson: “I plan to lake the most of my college xperience at good ole Lou-U.” Bryan Laughter: “To find something interesting to do in Louisburg.” Vaughn Wilburn; “I’m going to make a resolution not to make any resolutions. That way when I don’t do what I’m supposed to do I won’t feel like I’ve cheated myself.” Joanna Powell: “I make a resolution to try and remain sane in the midst of all this insanity.” Chris Simmons: “I resolve to improve myself in any way possible even if it means cleaning up my room.” Well there you have it. I wonder how many of these resolutions will be fullfilled and how many will be left by the wayside. But then again it does’nt matter. Who wants to be perfect anyway? College Snack Dor In Jordan Student Center Weekly Spedols Hours: 6:30 - 11 Sundoy 9 am - 11 pfTi Monday thnj Thursdoy 9 am- 3:30 Friday Columnist Elizabeth Wright another gun-slinging society? If one applauds Goetz, one should take a look at his motives for carrying a gun. In 1981, he was robbed and beaten by three muggers; these attachers were charged leniently, which provoked Gk>etz into buying a gun. On Dec. 22, 1984, Goetz served his own justice when he shot four youths when they harrassed him for $5.00. Was justice awarded? We can not have a vigilante- based system if there is to be controlled order. True, there is question of our law enforce ment’s capability to control and stabilize crime but one has to realize that there is a limited police force and not all areas of the city are capable of being swamped with police protec tion. What does vigilante action prove? Sure it might cut down on a few attempted muggings; but think of the effects of vigilante action. In the course of firing at a mugger, an innocent bystander might be shot accidently. There are trigger-happy individuals who may not hesitate before firing. If one carries around a torch of condemnation and expects to channel if through shooting a mugger over $5.00, then something is wrong, not only with the person who pulled the trigger, but with society for allowing such a perverse system of law enforcement and justice to exist. I do not condone the behavior of Goetz assailants; however investigations and justice should be carried out by experienced law officials who are equipped to handle such criminals. Columns Movie Review By MARTIN THORNE Before I start with my usual likes and dislikes, I want to tell all of you that are interested enough to real this far that “Falling In Love” is extremely wonderful! I cannot stop thinking about this movie. It made me feel springy and refreshed. This movie was created for the Romantic type that still get butterflies when talking to a cute guy or girl. The two characters that carry the movie are Robert De Niro and Meryl Streep. Both are known in the movie making business as being kings of their trade. De Niro gave a performance that is worthy of being compared to his role in the Godfather, which many feel is his best performance thus far. Streep also left nothing to be desired with her role. It is her best exhibition since Kramer vs. Kramer.. Marvin Worth (director) presents “Falling in Love” in the Christmas season. I thought this was a great way to help the audience relate and become a part of this simple, but sweet romance. The' husband and wife of different marriages boards the same train every day without noticing the other. On Christmas eve, the two run iiito each other in a bookstore shopping for their mates. They accidentally bump into each other and drop their gifts. When picking the gifts up they mistakenly swap their respective presents. Upon opening the gifts on Christmas day, the wife of De Niro gets a sailing manuel, while the husband of Streep receives a gardening book. This gives the two a reason to start a conversation; The talking and laughing leads to a closeness thet neither of them wants at first. They converse on the train to work everyday. Both of them are very honest people, so there is a lot of guilt that happens to be a result of the affection they share for each other. It was delightful to watch middleage adults, prim in front of the mirror and rehearse what is going to be said. I guess the innocenses of love will never change no matter how old or young one happens to be. De Niro and Streep are beautifully matched couple. The fire of perfect couple’s are rekindled with the pairing of these two. This couple is in the same category as Bogart and Hepburn, which is an accomplishment in itself. The music in the movie is light and bubbly, which fits the bill. Dave Crusing did the music score and to show you my enthusiasm, I am going to buy the sound track next time I am in a record store. I will repeat, once again, “Falling In Love” is extremely wonderful. If you see a movie in the next century, make sure it is this one. I am going to give this jewel the highest rating Louisburg College has ever witnessed. Be a part of history in the making, go see “Falling In Love”. Tliis movie receives five and one- half stars. PG-13 *As much fun as paying the bill from Christmas. **When you pay four dollars to go to sleep. *##Typical plotless trash on figures out in five minutes. ****Worth the drive to the Louisburg Theatre. *****Wake the neighbors and load up the ki ds, run to movie. Cliff Notes Books Village Card and Gift Shctnnon Village Shopping Center 127 Bickett Blvd. Louisburg, NC 27549 ^"*>8 Gifts Be a Part Of Black History Join in the tribute to; culture Sponsored by Lotjisburg College Students FROM February 26th to February aTTH