December 1986 The Columns December SGA News By JIM GARULSKI The SGA and Student Affairs Office are to be commended. The programs they have sponsored have been great successes. Billy Riggs, the illusionist, put on an astonishing show last month. Billy performed for a full house. He opened his act with the standard card and rope tricks, but graduated from slight-of-hand to the truly amazing. He performed escape tricks with the assitance of several students and Dean Eller. Sticking to tradition, Billy also split a woman into thirds. But the highlight of his perfor mance came when he baffled the audience with a “psychic” feat. In an effort to disprove the existence of psychic power, Billy performed a trick (emphasizing trick) involving a “prediction” of random events determined by the audience, ranging from the flip of a coin to the selection of a name from a phone book. He was truly amazing. Christmas Gift-Giving Involves Much More By JIM GARULSKI As Christmas closes in and more and more of us trudge through the malls for presents, they bring the usual upcries over the commercialization of » Christmas. Well, Dr. Michael ‘ Schudson - Sociology Professor at the University of California at SanDiego - tells us that there is much more involved in gift- giving, than we perceive. In this month’s edition of Psychology Today, Dr. Schudson states that giving gifts is a social statement and “an expression of kinship” to strengthen bonds, and not a simple act of selfish materialism. “Giving gifts is a' basic human way of establish ing and strengthening social relationships,” said Schudson, and gift giving is a “social glue.” Dr. Schudson cited reports that people tend to most value the items they receive as gifts; “there is much more in the exchange itself than in the things exchanged.” He also noted that the gifts we exchange are often “more Homeeoming 1986 A I Chip Franklin was a comedian who appeared at Louisburg, Nov. 9. SGA entertainment chairman Joe Cohn arranged the multi purpose room to resemble a “nightclub” for the event. Chip started his act with his own re-mixes of television themes (Brady Bunch, Gilligan) and continued to us musical comedy throughout the show. Chip was extremely funny, if not occasionally bawdy. To seq his s.tyle of comedy at Lduisburg was extremely refreshing. We were fortunate to have a first hand gumpse of this up-and-coming comic. We at The Columns appreciate the efforts of the people who organized these events and look forward to more. We also realize that these successes did not come cheaply and urge that student body to support any future S.G.A. fundraisers. Thanks for the entertainment, “we are amused.” meaningful than useful.” It is true that we often wish to give gifts that would be luxurious; that the receiver would never purchase for himself. “Gifts come to embody the spirit of the giver,” this gives the sentimental value to the gifts. “The commercialization of Christmas is a sign that people are choosing to express their social natures and generous natures through material goods which are convenient to buy and relatively permanant as a social bond.” Ghnstmas Time Ghristmas is a special time of the year the holly trees, the Ghristmas trees, a time to be with one another. Jls the decorations fill the campus and the trees fill the dorms, the Ghristmas spirit runs like the wind during a storm. find when we all leave for Ghristmas and remember the semester past, some working and some just sitting back we will remember all the fun we had. find as we sit around our tree and gaze upon its beauty, remember that friends are special and there is nobody like them. IBy: Kevin IBighinatti Canes Start Strong cont. from pg. 4 He seems to credit the team’s play for most of his success. “I function better as a team player and not an individual player,” said Hinnant, who has scored over 30 points in three of this season’s games. Sophomore Bruce Moore and freshman Luther Tutt lead the team in rebounding with 5.3 a game, each. Moore also leads the team m assists, dishing out 3.4 a game. The team has hit 50.1 percent of their field goals. And Drake added “that’s not good enough to win big, against good competition.” Louisburg played South eastern Wednesday night, but the outcome was not available at press time.