COLMM SSnmBER 26, 1995 Pi^e 4 usoum/ Willing to Serve In their first home opener, the Women's Tennis Team lost 9-0 in match play on September 11 against Methodist College. In this first showdown Coach Kim Turnbull played with only five players as her #4 singles player was out due to an injury off the court. In Men's Tennis Team action the Hurricanes travelled to Ml Olive in a 6-3 loss. Notching wins for Louisburg were John Kerr (6-3,6- 1 over Gay Collie) and Chris Zimmerly (4-6, 6-0, 6-4 over Steve Parker). Also playing an outstanding match was Allen Hurt who took Charles McCombs 20 games into the third set before suc cumbing 6-2,3-6,11-9. PROUD COACH FINDS AWE SOME TEAM! ftiti tf Inn A^k Stiikiii Bicbia dii^t It til Ht wiitiq ti kit i miif win. RUN LADIES RUN! by Brian Dorsey Let's hope they don't fail down or sit down. That's why the coach is running them. I can smell victory in the air as we approach the fall season. There were many bumps, bruises and injuries. But that's not stopping them. Torry Dancy is taking care of the outfield and I'm making sure everything's in line. They're still running and running. Coach Gotten will surely mold these ladies into fast-pitch softball players by spring. We've got plenty of games this fall. We have far more than last year. How will the ladies fair? We'll just have to wait and see. With superb skill of Heather Bedsworth and Melanie Bellemare on the mound, there will be plenty of strike outs this year. Shannon Bums last year had a batting average over .400 this year I can't wait to see. Behind the plate we have Keisha Hubbard, Vivian Dunn and Crystal Cuthbertson, so we are set back there. This year we have some real power hitters to keep us alive. So stay tuned this year. The Lady Canes of fast- pitch softball are off and running. There's no telling where they will stop of how far they will go. Hey, Kim Krause, what do you think? Intramural Softball Stand ings: (as of 9/20) Wrighteous Ones S - 1 Ten Commandments S - 1 Kenan 1 - 1 Flying Love Squirrels 1 - 1 Easy Out 3-4 Hillman Homers 2-3 Grand Slam 2-5 Merritt 1-3 by "Doc" Taylor Wrighteous Ones Manager Smooth, prominent, talkative manager "Doc" Taylor has finally put together the "perfect" squad. They are the Wrighteous Ones. With no knowledge of the players' athletic background, "Doc" put together a lineup to defeat the Hillman Homers for their fust victory. If that wasn't enough, "Doc" made some changes in the lineup to defeat Patten's Grand Slam to get a second victory. Homeruns were hit consistently the first two games. They were hit by Jer emy "Slam One” Sales and Doc "Perfect Power" Taylor and also IVrone "Power house" Riddick. These three guys put something on the ball. The Wrighteous Ones then met defeat whey they came up against Wrighteous One's nightmare team, The Ten Commandments. Doc has always had problems with the Ten Commandments since last year. Why? He couldn't put to gether a lineup strong enough to defeat them. The Wrighteous Ones went on to defeat Easy Out and the Flying Love Squir rels in the absence of their manager. Doc. On Tuesday, September 19, Doc Taylor, along with his loud, outrageous mouth and expertise put together the lineup that knocked the Ten Commandments flat on their back. "This game everybody came to play ball," Coach Doc said. The boys kept the lead every inning. Top prospects were Jeremy Sales who leads the league in homeruns. Doc Taylor who is second in homeruns, and outstanding perfonnances by Derrick Hopkins, Tyrone Riddick, John Freim, Todd Queen and the whole outfield. Doc has finally foimd the team that makes the Ten Commandments the book of lies! Doc is now looking to start a new softball team in the spring. It will be called "The Perfect Ten." Uniforms will be ordered no later than December 1. 1995.