p ARCHIVES THE CECIL W. ROBBINS LIBRARY LOUISSiJRG COLLEGE i/%4A.>\M/V (aj. t-' COLUMNS November 13, 1996 Volume 53 No. 1 Cane's Eye on Events Wednesday 13 • Human Auction Thursday 14 • 10pm-lam Pajama Jammy Jam (MPR) Friday 15 • 7:30pm Women's basKetball: Home vs. Cherry Point Saturday 16 • 12pm-4pm Open House Day (Fall V/isltatlon) 3pm Women's basKetball; Home vs. Little CreeK 7pm Men's Basketball: Home vs. Craven Comm. Coll. 7pm Cultural Fest '96 (Auditorium) Monday 18 - 12pm Blood Mobile (MPR) Tuesday 19 - 1 l;30am-6:30pm YearbooK Portraits (MPR) ■ Faculty, Students, and Staff Wednesday 20 - 8:45-10:30am College Fair 11:30am YearbooK Portraits (continued - MPR) 5pm Christian Life Council (Blue Room) 5;30pm 5QA Thursday 21 - 11am Academic Affairs (Main Conference Room) 8pm Concert Series (Mew YorK Vocal Arts Ensemble Auditorium.) Friday 22 - FranKlin County Arts Council Saturday 23 - Pepsi Classic Monday 25 - 11am Administrative Council (Chapel) Tuesday 26 • Last day to withdraw with a WP/ WF Residence Halls close at 6pm 1 immm DORM... Dismal Old Room of Mine by Stan Zeigler, Wright Residence Director Contributing Writer In the 1800’s and early 1900's, the archaic term "dormitory" was used to describe the structure in which students at a college or uni versity lived while pursuing their education. Today, residence hall educators call these same struc tures Residence Halls. We call them this for the simple fact that Residence Halls are additional learning centers for the students. Residence Hall Staff are con cerned with the development of community. A Residence Hall, at any given time, contains several of the basic elements of a com munity: a group of people who live in close proximity who share a common purpose (getting an education), who are interdepen dent for the fulfillment of cenain needs (security) and who inter act on a regular basis. So you see, "dormitory" was a place where students resided, while a "Residence Hall" is a place where students live and learn and to call it that would make the structure be more than just another place to live.