Inside Lou-U A Call For Service By The "Columns" Staff Louisburg College WAVES is sponsoring a Big Brother/Sis ter program for the students and teachers at Louisburg Elementary School. WAVES, an acronym for Workers Actively Volunteering Energetic Services, felt a need to reach out to the community, as a means to help young students, and to establish a link between Lou-U and the town. Sue Guerrant, WAVES Advisor ex plains, "This is an excellent op portunity for WAVES to become well-rounded individuals. It is one thing to come to college to study, to live on campus, and to enjoy college-life activities, but to spend an |iour or two a week with a young person who needs indi vidualized attention can bring ful fillment and depth to an educa tional experience. I am delighted that WAVES has chosen this project." Louisburg College stud( are paired with teachers who hj requested help in their cla& The teacher coordinates! the as sistance betw( dent and tlr^orl^ge^i whether itjiy r^a^e,^i math, orv Guerrant sayl,,^|We'Hav( WAVES helping several hours a week and then, we have other students who can only give one hour of service. Both are equally important." Any Louisburg College stu dent not affiliated with WAVES, but would like to be a Big Brother/Sister for Louisburg El ementary School should contact Angela Thompson, WAVES President, or Sue Guerrant, WAVES Advisor. Persons need to have available time between the hours of 8 a.m. to 2:30 p.m.. Halloween Plans By Kiejah Dionne What are the plans for the students at Lou-U on one of the spookiest holidays of the year? Around campus, students pro vided some interesting input. "I'm just going to play basketball and chill out," Darryl Todd from Patten Hall mentioned. Spencer Douglas from Hillman Hall said, "I'm going back home to visit my family in Charlotteville." Derrick Bond from Wright Hall and Felica Gill from Kenan Hall both^om- ntejfKhat they plan to go mck- atiiu and sleep! Amy avenfrom Merritt Hall siid "M^^I ^'^S'ej^sWating H; loweqrfbl^a^e ril/^6ig^going ti s-So^er l^e^nals 0[here Louisburgwfll play i^^g^st Sp e all wish obt Parent's Day By Becky Kroeger On Saturday, October 18, 1997, parents gathered in the au ditorium on Parent’s Day to be welcomed to Louisburg College by it’s president. Dr. Ronald May, and Jamie Dew, president of SGA. Special music was pre sented by Dr. Candace Bailey and The Louisburg College En semble. Mozart’s Aveverwm cor pus was presented, as well as, And the Father Will Dance by Mark Hayes. Parents and stu dents enjoyed the musical perfor mances. It was a special day for Tina Haynes’parents. Angela Thomp son, president of WAVES, pre sented Mr. and Mrs. Haynes with the Outstanding Parents Award. Many essays were submitted, but only one could be chosen. If you submitted an essay in your par ents' honor, be proud of yourself that you appreciate your parents. For some students, this was a dreaded day due to unsatisfac tory grades, but for others it was a time to brag about their aca demic aceomplishments. Parents :eUo fkculty and staff to learn )^/mei^ons*’ of daughters' mid-fefiff^mgfess reports. In the aftemoon/^Sre^ enjoyed a de licious buffet in the Duke Dining ^ students everyone have a safe holiday! to eat with their parents.