\ ~ GIL 3 C I'! T u r0 ."iIAij IIA3 IIcL i''!'DOl', GO-0 This ear M.ono;,' h-s been r^iven ■fco s onoor a cutorip.l 'orogr:=;ji for Blacl: Fres'o. ".en. The ■ :oney caiiie fro-,1 the Ilr.i-y Gilson Fund, ?. fund G o u ■ in honop of civil ri_';,hts fi^'rccr. The ■uethod boing^ iiscd '.o riyn ")ro,^r^, . is p.s follows! any Fresh’-1 "n needr.nfi ":u/i uing *'.n a subject s’-O'.'.ld clieck a listing of tutors and ‘^.ubjects, call or talh to oj^e of t’lo tutors listed under t'^~ j subject a'd 'he arranf;:e'.:em:s be tutored. list 1/ill be sent to Fresh'.ien soon. A list is also ':'Osted on t'.ic door of the 3SII office or see yie, (An additions Till be ■00sted 01’ sent out, ) 11 ou neeo. help, as’c for it. Take ad-' va.nta^e of this o t ^orti’jnitv. An,'- Questions or n'‘oble:ns call' hA:j . :cL 933-03l;-5, 3SII Office or Union Snach Bar higiit - 9i!-2-6571 . B3M Mass Meeting November 19 -- 7 p.m, 202-201). Carolina Union Please Attend 'Tlie second regular Bi. ck "student :iove ent. meeting \ras called to order at 7’30 ?,ii, by Chair'i'iian Gureton Johnson on Tliursday, October 8, 1970, Tlie riinutes’ of th6 last neeting vrere read and an-oroved, Sev;ral'reports and announce-;® nts were "lade. Tlie B.jh- decided not t^ try to get a tea'll together for football. It x-7as noted thab the football season was just about over, so thc“^ decided to xrait for basketball and softball to begin so th-^t tbe;/ can organise intra mural tearas at t’lat time. The B3II C.i.air'ian announced that t'ere is 'loney nox\r available for s’''e''.kers, 3o:ie of the suggestions were Cleveland .jell-rs, Jesse Jackson, Uuey ilewton, ITathan Hare, Julian Bond, Charles Ha:nilton, Julius Lester, Dick Gregir^i", nnd Dr, Rose Butler Brc.rn of Durhai7i, It was also decided that the Bla cks ''ere to go to th.e ga”ie togeth^'r and be se'^tef' in t'lc sa'i.e area, liiss 'uigcla' Br77ant announced a Bid '.Tnist contest, ■r 25^ t;o The entr'^" fee is I or partners. The tourna’nent is be held in Roori 20?'of th_e Union at’ 7:30 -'.Ai, on Tuesday, Oct, 13,''1970, Door n^’izes irill be ■'•iven away. It was also suggested that anyone fro-;: other colleges “’a^" iD^’rtici"''^te in the conte :t, Coliiabus liotley gave a run.doTm of the Off Ga^inpus Tutorial ?rogra:.n. ‘This progra':! st'-'rts Ilondav, October 12. liotlc;'' aslTed for a clern un coramittee to hel‘3 clean uo the Pine Street Cora- vmnity Center, the nir-;ht of the "Off Carious Tutorial 'rogrT”7i. (Cont, p.2 col,2)