. 1 ■) T ueoort fpoiii B.S:i (cont.) BLACK ?;(jo:ncn ap?iv] OiT C.^LUO ■ the co-'-aing of oepteiiber 11, I97O3 ’c/ie largest Biaclc Freslxiian class arrived at the Univcrst:/ of ilorth Carolina at Cha'pel Hill. '/ith this class, carae the ^seudo-i.iilitants, militants, "liberal Ilegroes," and those of us vriio wouldn't be caught dead irith another Blach person, naviely the Uncle Toi'is, 'l^ach on of these '?eo'ole had a definite ;olan as to irh"t'he or she would do at Carolina, But when each of these ^eo^ole began to see just hovr these white _?eo:5lo -^.re, they decided that thoy had besb b:^,nd together, T'h-_; )seudo-viilitant beca^ie 'aili- tant; r.iilitii ts beca::ie -'.nore .'ilitant; liberals becarae radi cal; and the Uncle Tor.is ^ra^^'ed to God th.at tnc 7 wouldn ’ t h_ave to be around other blachs. Tliose th_at had at first condera- ned the 3 .h dccided th.-^t if th::. ■' vrere to re^'.iain Blr'ch, they vjould h" Ve to get tog0th..cr ■ ■:ith oth;r Brot'.iers r^nd Sisters, Pro ; this ca'iie a bactor under- stpridiag of th_c 31-'ch Co’.T-amit^'' at the Univers:.t':', .0 found out t'lat no -.atter hox; rac-j-c'^l or l^.o': libcr-1 p. v/hitc 'ion is, he is still white i:ian, vr.ecl'. a co'-i.-.-n goel in ■"ind of the ■ e.M'^loit ’ tion of Blacl: ;"eo :>le, 'Urely, • 'ist will s'lile at you a'a.d invite you. l^o their rooms iust to see :■ f 'ou "ipve th s the hnir, :he t’^'ick li.s, flat nose, and sexual 'oow-.rs of tl'iO str:reoty'Ded ''nig- e-',r'' like their 'jarents told s > 7 W- , 0 If b ■ c'eance, that riinority of Blacks :.L-0 still don't see fie to unite with other Blacks should deci.de that the ^ are our •'loo'ole, ’.’■e' 1 >h..y he toe late;’ .411 -'^eo-ol interested in a Black dra?.i?. production ^.Tere asked to eieet in the Union Tuesd-y, Oct, 1 3 at 7 ",Ii, with Cassandra licGlain and Gwen Simp- on, For information about an African’ Dance Troupe contact Gwen Siin'oon also, Lee Stiff 'ould like for '.'lorc people to join a fex\r Black students who are researching infti 'n on speakers visiting this caenpus, Tne 31 ^ck 'aeinbers of the Honor Court are Jiexny i'cRae, Lonnie n-:rr-itt, C^.mthi Clicks, -^on Bowkes, Roosevelt H^ndol'Vn and */illiain '.'illiams, Tliomas Jones, a senior, v;as 'oresentec to the BSn as being a'^iointed to study t-he fraeiewor’: of the University, He' serves on the Chancellor’s Coniinittee, Jack iicLean, Lari'v liite, and Ashley D^vis are on the 'hDS, a coeraittee on the disadvantaged. The last part of the neeting was taken u.'^ with a discussion ideGlogy of a politicel organization T/ith no dilution of povrer. This discussion x;as brought on b3r a suggestion of the iionor Court Scribe that Black ‘3eo':)le could be aopoin.ted to 'oositions on th e li o no r Court, One hundred and fotirteen peo-:>le attended the "'aeeting. Respectfully subinitt Angela Bryant Reported by hona Si^'nieons THs C .'-“TR^.L COn'TTTRR The eiest ieroortai t organizati ~nal set up wi thin the BSII is the Central Co n- ::iittce. The Central Comnittee is made U' of outstanding leaders. These leadei head verious organizations within the BSII. The- serve the 3-SA x^ith relentless vigor. T^a y ; eet and talk over oroble-ns 0.Q e i3 CO :ie up on ca.v.ious concerning the -slacks, (cone, 3, col, 2)