NORTH CAROLINA CENTRAL UNIVERSITY if ********* TOO RACIST OR TOO MUCH TRUTH On Monday, September 19 the first issue of the CAMPUS ECHO came out three days behind schedule. All has not been well on the campus front since then. Rumors began to spread that 1 was going to be dismissed from school, the school was going to sue the Echo, some of the faculty was going to sue the school and the Echo, itutes social service? Is it how much I can do for you or how much can we do together? i'o make matters worst Dr. Whiting suspended funds for the ECHO on Friday, September 24th on the grounds that the views presented did not represent fairly the views of the campus and the paper did not adhere to journalistic standards. But are these really the true issues? Certainly we cannot overlook the accusation that we did not fairly represent the views of the student body. But, who did Dr. Whiting ask? As to adhereing to “standard” journalistic form, is it required that we adhere to what others have set down for us as standard? The issue should be and is whether or not Dr. Whiting has the right or the power to tell students what we can print in our paper? Or is it really a paper for the students? Is the CAMPUS ECHO for the students or is it to be a tool of the administration? We do not apologixe for our position as a staff nor as Black people. We caimot isolate ourselves from the Black community nor will we. Some of us may maintain the same position reflected in this addition of the ECHO and some of us may not. But this is not the question. The question is, whether the CAMPUS ECHO is a voice of the student body or is it an extenion of the administration. I was not, elected by the administration and under no circumstances will I be responsible to the administration. Students elected me and I take my orders from students. I will only submit to the wishes of the student body. Until that time, I and the CAMPUS ECHO staff will contimue our fight until an agreement can be reached. -IM THE MAN YOU THINK YOU ARt...lF YOU WANT TO KNOW WHAT I'LL DO, RGURE OUT WHAT YOU’LL DO. I'LL DO THE SAME THING • ONLY MORE OF IT." MALCOLM X DEBORAH SWANN MISS CAMPUS ECHO WORDS OF WISDOM The Campus Echo has been notified by several reliable students that a high administrative official has worked as a part-time bell hop for the University of Wisconsin exchange students. While sitting in the lobby of Chidley Hall resting from the weary day of getting settled, three young men with their mouths open glared at the surprising events that they later reported to the Echo. Their startling account of those events start with them stating they noticed a state owned car driven by an administrative member park in front of Chidley Hall. With two large suitcases, this elderly person escorted two of the Unversity of Wisconsin’s students to the door. After being shaken up by this development the watching students saw this official with the effeciency of a door man welcome the exchange students by opening the entrance while he still struggled to hold their luggage. These events continued until he asked the Wisconsin students to have a comfortable seat while he delivered them their room keys and linen, things that had taken other students hours to receive that same day. These are all the developments these students reported that they actually witnessed, but rumors have been spread of other happenings. Of course, this paper does not continue rumors. The Echo Staff feels that this important official is a worthwhileasset to the campus life of N.C.C.U., but if he does not always attend to his duties then he can always become a bell boy or a doorman or perhaps he might be elevated to an elevator man. $2500? North Carolina Central University is trying and succeeding in discouraging out-of-state students. They have listed finacial reasons for the increase. How much of alumni support comes from the in-state alumni? It is a fact that the majority of our alumni support comes from out-of-state. If prices continue to rise, we will continue to have fewer and fewer out-of-state students. And to let students know just weeks before they are due back that their bill has been increased should be as low as officials should go. What we cannot understand is how a Black(white orientated) university can go out of its way to discourage Black out-of-state students and encourage, pacify and support white students. What we have in essence done is, make white students feel wanted and Black students unwanted. The real question is whether or not we are really attending a Black instution? If non-resident students are kept out, we lose a valuable source of obtaining information on what other communities are doing. It is very important taht we mingle wdth out-of-state students so we will know just how b Black people are suffering all over and what they are doing about about not merely a matter of money. If we are in an environment of only residential students, we may and probably will tend to look at the struggle in terms of only North Carolina and N.C.C.U. We will need to ‘rap’ on ideas and confer on strategies on the widest basis possible. It will be helpful to exchange ideas with people of various communities. The ‘man’ knows this and is doing something about it; consequently, the out-of-state tuition is up. The sad part is that the Administration apperas not to understand what is going on. Hopefully, this article will enlighten a lot of people. FREEDOM "YOU GET YOUR FREEDOM BY LETTING YOUR ENB/IY KNOW THAT YOU'LL DO ANYTHING TO GET YOUR FREEDOM; THEN YOU'LL GET IT. ITS THE ONLY WAY yoltll get." MALCOLM X