9t«€klfUi August 18,1980 ULACK INK The ^stance ot tteuaom i» untiur*ittHiii»g aykfm INK 9Jfjpe-flO0ffl g§i, 8-e?F9hB? UBIflR ehspe}liUl,N;§P?§l4 09nn§ 0: WBU3RPF BFfiWn Editor Ppm^fsd 9y HID N? w§p8peF Times ara getting bad In frpffl {h? 8§M Ch|»irp«fSeB h«s (P«)dUi9f)^lly § iflgemiBjj fFwhmsB f IlM: § B§FS8H wh9 BF§f?F§ B0{ {fi I W0Hld B0W llh§ (R w^ieem^ fI§§§ 8^ }i§4 bb el §§M: New (N§ mm SBd FflFdiJil w?lgeffl§ h«§ F§ffliiB?d m[mi } weuid iil(^ (e ^l)§Bfi? fe^us ef (t)i§ 1?H?f fFem thg lF^§l)mflB 9l§s§ (e •1} §(Ud§Bl§; Th? ef i§§§§ wiii yB= deu^lf^ijf ^ 0BI el eeBlliel, §(Fm^ I iiii| 9B^ et)aBi«; A\ Mi mem«Bl ’ 0HF B»l)0B is n- BfFiiB^iBi a §()il( IB lh§ diF§^U0B el (1)1 allilu^lBii p^B- dUiUffl: eFiaB(2§U8B« 8F« BB ^9 Naiis iBd Ml8B§m§B m§F^h iB ^9 §Bfl §8ffl§ givii aF§ ^#iB| iUBB§^ 4ewB (R 80l(l ^lee^; Th? Fal? el iBllalieB l§ fIsIbi wiih i^ai^FjBK 11)^ Bum^«F el ^vilia^ij* jeBs B§§ b^gemg Ib^ liRU«§wsl} 4Fin F^aistraiieB h»»s ^«B «Bfi war IB Ihf* B?aF IhIhf? 40#s f»ei le b? Ib: ?eRP?ivabl§: iB af« WHlflU aBd w»M cgflUBUf le tJ^eeffl? WOF§ H Is ifl Hwh «‘ffii!ar»«(hal w^ a§ a p@eple el ? UBiiu@i ^lv@F§ille4 aB4 UB^ViBi §uUuF# have ipadUlenal^ 1^ Fi§eB te B^iei Ihe ghaliiBge lhal lae^ U§; W§ hav§ §UFVived IhFiUih §lav§Fy, waF§t 0ppFg§§ieB aBsl ilepFf§§i§B; We a§ a Fapi tiave alwai^§ mel Ihe B@e^§ |0F euF§elve§aBd pe§l§Fiiy; New we IIb^ euF§elve§ eBleFlBi inii llie I96§s aB^ (hiFe e;{l§l§ a ^ilfepent (l^pe el ^haDeBge: We have ipeven phy§ieal))^ eealen l^a( we 0aBB0( ^ewB: gy( Ihe la§li§ lhal lie ahea^ el u§ will FepiFe Bftere IhaB Ihe ph^iieal duFBbllii^ el euF heFllai(e: The Beit §e( el §haiB§ we weaF will ^ eB eyp mlB^§i (he Bex( wap waged will he agalBit euF iB(elle€(i (he epppe§§i§H we will expepieBee will he ef eyp im-- agiBalieBS: II eyp elleF(§ (e evepeeifle shsyli laili IheB deppe§§ieB weyld m§§i a§sypedly delepiepale (he very §§«1 el eyp^yKype: P’ep y§ (e wi(h§(aBd (he Bew pepll§ (ha( will api§e (hl§ deeade we my§( ppepape eyp§elve§: Tha( i§ eyp pyp= §e§e a( (his yBiveFsit^; (e leapB and ipt pqrmipiisgFew: 0yp 8BPes(PF§ BBvep lailed (e Fise aBd mee( (he Phallefiges ef (help (ime: l^( w B0( hFeak Ipem tha( preee^eflpe: MiFk H; @iMdy B§M SiMippcfMfli IMNI Get priorities in perspective Weleome, {reihmen. I would llko to eemmend all of you on your admli- §i§n toUN@. doming t@ iPhool aa a (reshmin ii« great ^Kperien^e, and U'a up to you to maKe it a pleaeant one. f irit, put your priorities in per§peetiv9 with your goals, and hopefully that will nnein eieellent aeadtmie aohiovement. It is n)OHt advantageoui for one to peeeive a well rounded education. This includes getting involved in lome el the many organiiations on eannpui, preferably 88M. The g§M has soniething to ofar everyone i for the journalUm itudant there's BU0I1 Ink, for the dranna atu- dent, Shony Beaders/Onyx Theatre, for daneers, Opeyo daneeri, for singers, the Qospel Choir and for the pohtieal seienee student, B8M gevernment. The §IM has many plans this year that will hi very beneficial to freihmen. You may recall the letter freihmen received from the BSM chairperson, Mark Cinady. BSM will aid as a link of com munication, and as a method of educa tion and of up dating you with the 1 contemporary iMues of today. Jeue Cureton:- The BSM will also aid .In planning ■oclal functions such as parties, seminars and cultural activities. 1 hope that all of you are exemplary In your dealings and I wish you the belt throughout your stay at Carolina. My personal invitation welcomes you to visit me in suite B as Vice President of BSM, and suite C as Director of Campus Affairs, Monday through Friday. Again, Congratulations! JeaM Cureton, BSM Vie* Ch«irp«rfOD, 1M041 TT/fm THi BLACK PRESENCE AT UNC filttvk Ink fovuHen in on campm students WelFeme flew aB^ Fe(UFBlBg §(»^^eB(s I'm hefleFed (e hav« (he plea§«Fe el wel^emiBg mmm aB^l ib- (Fe^ypiBg seBie (e ffik l0F (he llFS( (MBg: /«* ii* a Bew§ wagaiiBe feyiU B whi( !(« FefRWHBKi' wai^es K; >veF^f0fle!»( wilFefRe*^ Ce mal^e eefl- (fi(JH(i0fls el aFdPlM: »i4bBi!( ie((eF!i (e lbs p^uoF fl? b«p«me a fegylaf §fPWR fflefflhep- APdPles have ne speellie leBgth. hH( ie((ep§ (e (he editep ape lHBi(B9 (e »§§ wepds and flfiyst he ae= eeBipapied hv ap addpess afl4 phene iBh'i §(alf (Pies (e leey§ in on (he ^lapti gemm«Bi(jf: It, hewevep, dees Be( always i^new what evepy eFganisaMeB is PlaRBiBg: Thepefope. aB^eBe with iRfepmatlefl (hey leel §h^^}4 he IB M sheeld hPlng it (e sui(e § el (he §apetiBa yRien (wheFe (he ilapH SiwdeBl Mevemem tti I Hj§f;e yayp Ipfapma^ tion in the Blaek Ink folder there. This should he done as soon a possible; we have early deadlines. Although, there are other papers on eampus, you will soon discover the importanee of Sl»pk Ink, The value of seme aetivities in the Blaek com* mynity is more important to the ma jopity ef the Hlaek esmmunlty than etherS: And many activities In the Slaeii eommunity eould ho unnoticed wUhuyt a paper designed specifically lop Its interest. Most importantly, our hap the Blaek perspective. Black Ink hopes to be able to tell you where the party’s going to be and when to be there. We want to see that you know that Black culture exists on the UNC campus, and we want you to know who the people are in it. We also want you to know about events hap pening that may affect your lives and how you will be affected by them. But most of all, we Just want you to know you exist. Please help us do that. Linda A. Brown, B/flc/r/n/f Editor