A Rainbow in Black/1980 Edition Allen Johnson Editor Linda Brown Editor. Black Ink Teresa Burke Editor, The Campus Echo Published annualJy by the Curriculum in African “"d Afro-American Studies as a supplement to Black Ink of the University of North Carolina and The Campu Echo of North Carolina Central University fi variety the word I this year int'H 'A ! ' wall hvv.ord in tht se- . d a-i'" li Raiiibi)W in Black p otographv ...mpeiiticn co- ,pon‘.-,:i by Alrican-Afro Amcncan Studi ' and thi> Black Student Move- mt>nt a! UNC Chapel Hill I'ntrifv ran9*’d fuim a siark haunting ,;jclv ot .irmt’d Communisl Workers Paily member' during a memorial nirtith 111 (jreciisboro to a l)iile girl at iPmptinc lo eat :ce cream while putting more of it on her face than in her mouth And ihen there was a nude portrait called Cinnamon and Friend" which, ri'ie ro Its less than G rated sub|ect mat- let was featured in a Carolina Union exhibit but could not be featured on the Reflections' television show on WTVD. Channel 11. or in this supple ment Did you see what those people are doing in that photo^' a colleague asked ■ Yeah ■ I said If they put that pic ture in the paper, somebody s mama is going to withdraw her child from the University." In any event, after hours of examina tion by oui panel of judges, a Best in Show " winner emerged Senior Citizens" by Matt Cooper, a UNC lunior from Littleton, featured an intriguing photo of a gentleman at a senior citizens' meeting One distinct aspect of the photo is Cooper's framing of his subject with other people. ' I look to use other people to frame my shots, " says Cooper. "It adds a sur "B. T. Talks Basketball "by Chris Bunitt (Honorable Men tion) real aura to your subiect matter and it s more natural than using a bare wall or trees Runnerup in the contest was "Pigeon Man" (also a cover shot) by Joseph Turner another UNC student Special thanks go to contest )udges Rege Anders, manager of Foister s Camera Store in Chapel Hill, Harry Amana, lecturer in the UNC School of Journalism. James Parker, former photography editor of 'Black Ink and Beth Wicker. Chapel Hill artist and photographic counselor Also special thanks to the staffs of North Carolina Cei%al University's Campus Echo" and UNC s “Black Ink " without which this supplement never would have been Untitled by William Graves (for exhibit only; not entered if) contest)