Black Ink March 4,1991 Remember What Your Fifth Grade Teacher Said "Quality, Not Quantity" This past summer, when we sat around working and dreaming on Bloc kink, it seemed as if evay sentence began with a wish. For instance, “Wouldn’t it be nice if we could be a weekly publicati(m?” Or, “Man, if only we could even tie the recod... 18 issues. You coukln’t teU roe nothin’!” Well, we are a weekly publication. And this issue will tie the record set by previous Bletcklnk ediUM' Allen Johnson, who is now the assistant managing editor of the features desk at the Grer/u6oro News and Record. We are quite excited to be able to s^ we will break Johnaoo’s record. However, as the m(»ths, weeks and issues h^ve gone by, the idea of publishing 18,19 or even 20 issues isn’t half as important as it was this summer. You know how it is. What you wish for isnevo-as great as you thought it would be. We are not saying It isn’t wonderful that we have been consistent and have published weekly, but you know what your fifth grade teacher always said. “Girls and boys, it is not quantity but quality.” The excitement of the publication of another issue has been replaced by the panic of a misspelled word, the fear of a weak article and the prayer that we are producing a quality paper. We hope when people look at our publication, they do not only say that tiK Black Ink editors of 19^91 broke the record and published the most issues ever, but say that we tried to publish a paper that rivals the best college magazines, black w white. We hq)e they will see a progression and improvement in style, editing and design. We also hope they will remember this and do every thing in their ability to keep improving Blacklnk. Many of us may think it is novel that Black Ink is a quality^ consistently published paper. However, we realize this is not true. As editors, we have bera preceded by some of the brightest minds to pass through the University. At 22 yetfs of age. Blacklnk is one of the oldest publications on this campus—older than the/’Aoenu, The Carolina Critic and the catalyst. There were times in thclnk’s history that it was a quality and coisistently published paper. However, because no one took the respcmsibility to keep it a continuously improving, many of us only remember its recent, less successful days. Thus, exciting as it may be to reach the our 18th issue, we are a great deal more omcemed with the continuing quality of We know we can improve and plan to do so. However, we hope we will set a standard that demands future students to keep AlocJl/nik the paper k deserves to be. Peace. —Enlui F. Campbei and Akiawolc N’Gai Wright Black Ink The csscufr of fnrchm is understanding'' EdMars-bt-Chkf Erika F. CannpbeU, Akinwole N'Gai Wright Asst%lant Editors: Debbie Baker, James Benton Business Manager: Andre Tippens Sti^: Chris Brown, Corey Brown, Lem ButJcr, Teresa Jefferson, Tim Little, Roger Madison, Chandra McLean, E>aniel Peddle, Myron B. Pitts Calendar Coardinatar: Raquel Bushnell CaUrfbiMon: Chris Bracey, Michael Caldwell, Hardy Floyd, Dana Lumsden, Dillard Massey, AbboQ Whitney, Inside Black Ink Monday, March 4,1991 —Cover Story— It is no big secret that UNC-Chapel Hill is under investigation for alleged discrimi natory hiring and promoting practices and other civil rights violations. But the big secret is the actual investigation itself. —UNC Under Fire Pages 6-7 —Current Events— Ten years ago, this country ranked third in the world’s incarceration rate trailing only the Soviet Union and South Africa. Now we are No. 1. —U.S. Has Highest Incarceration Rate of Black Males... Page 3 Forum Black Ink presents write-in candidates for BSM president and parliamentarian. —Black Student Movement Elections 1991 Page 4 —Reflections— African- Americans have often fought iHavely fw their country even though they face racism and segregation back at home. -Fighting To Be Free Page 5 People, Arts and Entertainment -Into The Woods -Point After Touchdown. Pages 8-9 Endsights -Racism Prevents Progress At UNC -Appreciate Education , Page 11 About the Cover UMC ILJirii(dl(gir IFSirc cover by Malcolm Aaron Btac* AOt founded U. 196R is the w«iay iH^»p.per of the Black Scuteni M«OTem «the Uitivarty of North CaoSn. «t ClMpd Hffl. origta Of h«Klic«p ah muiurapt., Ieaei», ph«o^ Bkjjiriiioo. «iyjoch« ire wetoo» belied. TlKsflfae* W NC 27514. Phone. One yeviubKipiion m UA uid posKsion* jaOX». Single am, $l.»(M«ke cfaeda p«*le to Umdt M«. ^ be prinurf be .ibaided the Vedne«ky pobtoitoo dl^^ pubB,hedcomt^ by unh»aity«udenuc« the SCAPEGOAT deAuypubtirian«,/«em«riorinu^^^^