[ SEPTEMBER 16, 1992 COVER STORIES- ^ng BCC Kicks Into High Gear The Shot Heard Round the World: Students Bum Rush Hardin's House By Tuere Randall j Ink Staff Writer What happened on the night of ptember 3, 1992 was magical. :iure this: on this campus about 0 Nubian princes and princesses ;re transformed into African gods d goddesses as we marched into ; iiight to “ The Pit” and then to lancellor Hardin’s house to mand our free-standing Black iliural Center. And though our ices rang loudly and clearly in the ickness of the night, we received \ citations; and there were no rests. Even still, we were heard. We |ide it very clear that we would no nger sit back and allow the . ematic deprivation of African- piericans that has become the j acy of this campus. It pleases me en more because this is exactly 1 kind of suppcHt I wanted to see are frequently last year when I ■ote to you, my brothers and iiers, of our apathetic nature. It came apparent that those students 10 came to that event witnessed lat was perhaps the birth of what IS the mass awakening of African- nerican consciousness on this mpus, because what followed factly a week later was the most ihilaiBting moment of my college ireer.What looked like about one ousand students marched from rhe Pit” to the South Building led members of the Coalition to liver to Chancellor Hardin an imatum: by Friday, Novembo" 1992, if he does not comply ith the wish for a Black Cultural :nter, we will have no other choice It to take direct action. The sheer |nll of supporting each other was tautiful and emotionally stirring. (q are making history together, ishing forward together, am )pefully we will nev» turn back to e cluelessness and apathy that hac cmingly become characteristic or rican-American students here. It never too late to join the struggle, it we do not have the time or ience for half-steppin*. So come brrea or just don’t come. I I want you to realize this; if a iee-standing B.C.C. is what we 'ant, need and deserve, we must fa \W. I ■ t a ■ . ^ llrst understand WHY we want, need and ultimately will have one. I was reading through the Chancellor’s letter to the freshmen, where he lauds Carolina and prides this University on Ijeing “a place where intelligent and inquisitive students with varied talents and interests, different cultural jackgrounds, and diverse dreams and aspirations can come together to learn and to grow.” So being the intelligent and inquisitive students that we are, we ask why is it that this administration is so adamant about denying us this building which will commemorate the life of Sonja Haynes Stone, who fought for the recognition of varied talents and contributions made by diffCTCTt people (e^jecially African- Americans), so that pec^le of any cultural background with their diverse dreams and aspirations can come together to learn and grow. We are the people who gave birth to civilization (thus the concept of a higher institute of learning), it is my belief (and I am siffe many of you share this sentiment) that college is the cultural crossroads of education. There is no better place to celebrate the culture and heritage of others than at college, especially at a University as large as ours. We owe it to ourselves to love OUR heritage and to teach others how they have benefitted and reaped the rewards of our contributions. We have that responsibility and duty to humanity because for years it has so conveniently left our histwy out of (his-story) books. Let us ask ourselves this; when we go to our friends’ houses, do they not take us I Hitchcock Speaks As BAG Members Look On % in and show us photo albums? Do they not tell and teach us things about how their family is special and unique? Would we not do those same things with a B.C.C.? T.D. McNeil, the woman who first sparked the first protest march, said something that struck me: “An obstacle is something you see when you take your focus off your goal.” We cannot afford to be unfocused because there are too many people. They will call us separatists and I Watch Onlookers Students Gather probably worse things behind our backs because we will not settle for a multicultural center. We know we are not separatists because we recognize separatism all too well. Separatists are what they were the 160 years (approximately) before they let the first Black student auend this university. By instating a Black Cultural Center, we would be promoting integration because integration can only occur if smaller ethnic groups can have an equal interaction and exchange of ideas, culture and knowledge with the majority. Why not a multicultural center? S imply because other people of color have made significant contributions to the world and it would be unfair to restrict the amount of space they may want and need to reflect themselves. Would the Tri-Delts share a house with the Tri-Sigs? I THINK NOT! We are a loving and forgiving people. How else could we tolerate a campus that has several of its buildings named after klansmen— a point so eloquently made by April Turner at the “speak- out” Do you think that Jews would tolerate a Hitler Hall, or study in a Goebbels Library? HELL NO! I regret that more people do not see that this should indeed be a multi racial effort I am sorry that some White people who came to the speak-out felt targeted by some of the remarks made or that they may be the brunt of 400 years of frustration. To you I say this: this is not about you as an individual, this struggle is larger than that. You could not undo, nor do we hold you responsible for the centuries of victimization perpetuated by the Caucasian race against people of color in the diaspora. But you can do your part; spread the word and encourage others to come out and make yourselves known to Chancellor Hardin who mistakenly sees this struggle as a “Black Thing.” Besides, it is very human to feel emotions like frustration or even hatred for the injustice that is methodically dealt to us by the “powers that be” at this university. These emotions fuel our potential energy, and in order to turn that potential energy into kinetic energy, we must have unity among ourselves. Chris Miller of Alpha Phi Alpha spoke of the brotherhood and sisterhood that he wishes would exist between all Greeks. Reggie O’Rourke of Kappa Alpha Psi, responding to this pledged his willingness to put aside traditional rivalries and differences. It was amazing that night to see the unity of which they spoke come to life when we left the Pit. Like disciples of Jesus, we went to spread the “Good News” and when we met back in the Pit and watched our numbers quadruple, the unity materialized. And again I watched it become solid and concrete as I looked down from inside the South Building and saw the ocean of black fists held high, staunchly, fervently demanding a BCC. There is strength in numbers my brothers and sisters, enough strength to unite us into one voice that this administration can not ignore. The freshmen should be commended because they were a great presence at the march on September 3rd. My heartfelt thanks and appreciation goes out to you for believing in this cause which is so new to you. “The die has been cast.” We can only go forward now, and now we have so many intelligent, gifted and articulate leaders who are more willing to show us the way. We have only to feel it in our hearts and be involved. Come to the BSM meetings. Support BAC. Work through the different organizations and the various committees. Come to the planned events. I offer you: erase all of the evils of racism and ignorance on this campus. Let us bask in the beauty of being black. lack Ink