OCTOBER 5, 1992 COVER STORY 11 tnmaker Spike Lee |l but the black schools couldn ’ t the financial aid that the i schools could. I never thought jducation was inferior at black piions. i j I sit true that Michael Jordan \upposed to accompany you to '^ly? I ipress conference No. I talked to Michael yes- f. He was unable to come, but id that he is in full support of [dents also. He wanted to clear ^t he would make a financial \bution to the building but he 1 stated that he would finance tiiding totally by himself He |said that. I Could you respond to the 0 the editor in the DTH that that your coming here to- ^ just a waste of studentfunds? ■ My visit is not coming out of dy’s pocket. I’m just here be- I’m concerned. So they don’t b worry about funds being 1 \ I How do you feel about the 'Awareness Council and what fe doing on campus? LEE: I think it’s great and I think it should spread all across the coun try. This being the election year, I don’t think any of us can afford to just sit back and just watch stuff go by. I think everybody has to be come politicized. 1 think we’re go ing to see a throwback to the radical days of the students across the coun try during the 1960’s when the stu dents were at the forefront of change. They were out in the streets battling with cops ev- eryday-battling cops and tear gas. Students were at the fore front to stop the war in Viet nam. Without the students, that movement would have never been as powerful. INK: What are your views on a multicultural center? LEE: You need a black stu dent center. They want to build a multicultural center, let them do that afterwards, after we get ours. They’re just locked in this ignorant thinking that if you have a black cultural cen ter, it ’ s going to promote sepa ratism. I think it would be great if the white college student at UNC stands up and says this is not going to be the case because then the administration would have no outs. It would be great if we had the white student population’s support too. It won’t make it a black and white issue anymore which is the way that they want it to be. INK: What do you think you will have contributed to the students af ter speaking tonight? LEE: The biggest thing I could contribute coming here is to try to get some more national fwess here. I mean, I didn’t hear about it until I read the article last week. This has to become a naUonal story. Once it becomes a national story young black people will see us and they are going to apply what you’re do ing here to their own particular si tu- ations wherever they go to school, and this is going to start a move ment across the country. That’s why I’m here—to get the press here. This story is not confined within the small-town landscape of Chapel Hill. This is a national issue; this has effects far beyond UNC-Chapel Hill. You know that this is not the only school in America that is hav ing the same problem, and if all of the black students see that connec tion, they may say they could use your tactics at their school. Particu larly, black college athletes have to find out about this. Let’s say, for instance that Tim and the guys sit out and say ‘We’re not going to play!’ The coach says fine. Then the black athletes at the schools that are the opponents of UNC say, ‘We’re not going to play. We’re not sitting out the whole season, but we’re notgoing to play againstNorth Carolina in support of the black students there.’ That shit has rami fications like a mug! INK: Do you believe that there is a big difference between the South andtheNorth, whichiswhereyou re from? LEE: Down South they let you know from the get-go while up North they’ll be more slick about it; but in the longrun, you’re still a nigger. Basically it comes down to that. INK: W'/wi are some points that you would like to emphasize to students tonight at the rally? LEE: Well tonight I hope that people don’t expect me to talk an hour because I’m really down here to learn. 1 want to really hear what the students have to say, especially with the mic in the audience. I’m going to say a couple of words, but I’m here to show my support. I’m not down here as far as any leader ship because your leaders here got it started already and you got it under control. I just hope that when things get tight, people can face being ex pelled. You got to be strong. You got to keep it up. Lee quietly observes goings on at the rally Fists in air, rally attendants display Black Powder