The news in this publica tion is released for the press on the date indicated below. No credit need be given. THE UNIVERSITY OF NORTH CAROLINA NEWS LETTER • Published weekly by the Bureau of Extension of the Uni versity of North Carolina. DECEMBER 23, 1914 CHAPEL HILL, N. C. VOL. I, NO. 6 UNIVERSITY SCHOOL OF EDUCATION LETTER SERIES NO. 8 'Sditorial Boardt E- C. Branson, J. Gr. deR. ■ Hamilton, L. R Wilson, Z. V. -Tudd, vS. R. Winter.^. Entered as second-‘‘.la s matter November 14, 1914, at the poatoliice at Chapel Hill, N.C., under the act of August 24,1912. CAROLINA CLUB NOTES The Pity of It More than 90 per cent of tlie couutry :scho(jl children in tlie United States ’Jie.ver get beyond tlie cLenientary trades. Around ninety-l'our [ler cent of high school pupils stop sliort of a diploma; and only about 3 per cent of them enter collefjes and univfersities. The Church Affiliation of Uni versity Students A.ccordiufr to church atHliation the stu dent body of the (Tniversity of North Carolina this year is divided ms follows: Presbyterian 155, Bajitist 234, Episcopal 116, Methodist 290, Christian 23, Hebrew 15, Lutheran 15, ('allmlic 6, Friends 6, Moravian 6, Universalist 3, (iennan Ke- formed3, Unitarian 1, Adventist 1, Holi ness 1, Armenian 1, Congn'gational 1, and All Saints 1. What Becomes of Our Ameri can Feed Crops? Consumed on farms; ’orn 85.5 per cent, oats 72 per oent, b;;rlcy 47 per cent, hay 83 percent. The snr]>l uses for mark et are; Corn 14.4 per cent, oats 28 per «ent, barley 53 per cent, liny 17 per cent. Thirty-nine per cent of the A-alue of tliese feal stuffs is consimied by horses and mules, 17 per cent l>y swine, 16 per cent by milk cows, 12 jkm- cent by other cattle, 4 per cent by she«p, 3 per cent by poultry, 2 per cent by human, 2 per cent for seed, and 5 per cent ^fx-s tf> other uncertain purposes. A Giant’s TasK Tiiree and one-half million country childreri, or nearly 30 per cent of them all in the United States out of '’Sfchtiol in the census year. Denmark and North Carolina have just about the same population. But in Den mark only 370 country childreii \\er(^ iiut of school in 1910. In North Carolina, the number of chil dren out of school was 221,000. Of t^ji-s number 186,000 were white children, and 109,000 were white children liA'ina' in tlu^ country regions. Here is a giant’s task; but .\orth Car- >olina face.9 it with a giant’s courage. Calmness and Solitude At present we have in North Carolina, liponan average, only 20 sheep, 23 cattle, and 48 Ivbgs per thousand acn-s! And Our uncultivated, wilderness an>a iis twenty-two nullion acres! 'Col. Mulberry Sellers once said: Every body knows there aint no money in calm ness and solitude. Our small honre-owning farmers in North Carolina ought to be trebled in number during the next ten years, and our empire of wastt; places hrouglit into productive uses. There is indeed too little money in calnmess and solitude. Needed; A Hundred or So More The Current Topics Club at Kocky Mount is a genuinely democratic body. The members are the biisiness people, bankers, manufacturers, artisans. t(^ach- ersand doctors, lawyers and preachers of this brisk, bustling, business cc-nter. Every Monday night for three- yeai's they have broken bread together at 6; 15 o’clock in the Y. M. C. A. building— which, by the way, would do crt-dit to a icity many times larger. Apparently the membership is limited only by respectability and a t\v('nty-live cent piece for a seat at the board; and surely there never was such another hite for two bits! But the get-together feasfof reason and flow of soul is still more wonderful. Tt is tonic and quickening to the intellect and spirit. The concerns of the conumniity and the affairs of the big wide world are brought under able review week l>y week, by the men at home and by guests frc)m abroad. The club idea is simple, easily practica ble and possible anywhere. There ought ■to be a hundred siich clubs in North Car 'd a. A FIFTEEN DOLLAR LIBRARY The following list of books was cijni- piled recently by the Librarian of the University in response to a letter asking for a S15 library suitalile for a school literary society: Extension Series Bulletin No. 2—Ad dresses on .Education for Use in Declaim ing; No. 5—Initiative and Referendum; No. 6—Public Discussion ajid I>ebate; No. 11—Ship Subsidies. Supplied free by the Bureau of Extension. Bliss—Encyclopedia of Reform. By Funk & W'agnali. $7.50. Bryce—American Comnionwealth, ab ridged. By Macmillan & Co. $1.75. Ringwalt—Briefs on Public tjuestions. By Longmans, Green t Co. $1.25. lUackstone—New Pieces That Will Take I’ri.xes. By Hine,'^, Noble A El- dridgc. ^1.25. Three ^linute Declamations. By Hines, Noble & Eldridge. Sil.25. Roberts—liules of Order. By Scott, Eoresman 'c Co. ^i.75. World’s Almanac and Encyclopedia. By New York ^\'orld. $.25. Kf)bins—High Si-hool Debate Hand book. By A. (■!. McClure & Co. Ifl.OO. ROAD ENGINEERING PRIZE The University of North Carolina has been included in a select list of twenty American institutions which will be given ®50 each to be awarded to that student of the senior class in civil engineering who presents the best papier on some subject pertaining to bituminous roads or pa\'e- ments. The prize is ottered by the Barber As phalt leaving Company of Philadelphia. The otfer of this prize is based on the work done by the University in the cc.mrs- es in Engineering and by its students who are now engaged as road engineers, among whom are the following: "W. L. Spoon, of Alanuince County, senior high way engineer of the Office of Public Roads, A\'ashington, I). (1.; Briait S. Dram^, of Mecklenburg County, chief engineer in charge of municipal improve ments, road surveys, etc., Oiarlotte; Robert G. Lassit.>r, of Granville County, '■contractor in charge of pavement corv- struction in Raleigh; C!harlesR. Thomas, •fr., of Chicago, 111., associate editor of Engineering and Contracting IMagazine; N. C. Hughes, Jr., highway engineer of Halifax Comity; R. T. Brown, highway engineer of Orange County; R. P. Coble, higliway engineer of Lee County; J. B. (Jlingman. highway engineer of JMadisjn CoTinty; James V. Pi’ice, superinti'udent of roads in Rockingham County; .1. L. Phillips, of Lenoir County, and Peyton Smith, of Lynchburg, Va. COMMUNITY SERVICE IN WAKE COUNTY The last day of Comnumity Service Week in A\'ake County was celebrated in Raleigh with a great round-up meeting of teachers, corrunitteemen and corn-club boys. Till' tiu(5 noti' was struck that Every Day is (Jomnumity SerA’ice Day in Wake Cciunly. Tliree-miuute reports of community activities were made by teachei's; and j\Iiss Edith Royster, xVssistant Superintendent, gave a .suunnary of community activities for the |)ast yx^ir, showing that interest had beeii taken in and aid given to better school buikiings and grounds, more and better school equi])ment, longer school terms, better salaries for teachers, do mestic science iu the schools, and that in nmnerous other ways voluntetu- -workers have helped to advajice ('ducational and racial interests. The result of the vf)lun- tary etibrts of th(' year in money was $9,- 596.16. Luncheon Served iVtine expression of the spirit of (!om- umnity Service was the wholesome and delicious luncheon served to the as.s(>ni- bled crowd, giveii by tlie i\lerchants National Bank, prepared by a connnitto(‘ of ladies,—Mrs. .laques Busbee, Mrs. George Smnmey, and INIiss Sleiter and ser\'(>d by ten Raleigh High School girls. Corn Club Boys Wake County leads the State with 318 members of the Corn Club. I'he boys made a fine shewing as they mai'ched with their full.eared corn stalks. Twenty |)ri/es were awarded to the boys. Among them two scholarships to the A. (k M. CoUege by the (lonnnercial National and Citizens National banks, and two cash ])rizes by the County Farm ers’ Union. PERMANENT FREE GOV- ERNMENT You can believe that permanent free goverument is po.ssible only if you also believ e that public opinion can be lead by clear thinking, sound judgment, and ripe experience.—F. A. Vanderlip of the National City Bank, New York SIGNIFICANT WORK IN HALIFAX In answer to the recent request to the County Superintendents to send in, for the UNH\'ERSITY NlvWS LETTEr’ an account of significant work, Dr. Harrison of Halifax sends the folluwing interesting communication. Finding and Mending Broken Links The greatest ol)stacie to progress in tlie schotils of Halifax is lack of contact and cooperation between teacher and patrons. As an example, in one of our one-teacher schools, the teacher is well trained, has had several years experience, and is now teaching for the second time in the same community. She got along well with th‘ children and the commiuiity seemed to be well satisfied. Superintendent Finds Weak Link On a visit to this school, I found the enrollment and average attendance so poor that I began to make iu(iuiry and incidentally learned from the teacher that she kiie«’ very few of the parents, had never visited any of their homes and had ne\'cr held meetings of her patrons. Visits Homes Soon afterward, I sent the Assistant Superintendent uito this conununity. She visited i)ractically all of the homes and planned for a patrons' meeting. The teacher stated most positively that the patrons would not come out; but toiler surprisi', every home was represented at the meeting. All had a good social time and discussed school problems freely. When the meeting adjourned the teacher and the patrons felt that they really knew' each other for the first time. A Patrons’ Club Formed As a re.sult of this meeting a patrons’ club was organized and has since held meetings monthly. Funds were sub scribed for a school suj)per which was given for the benefit ')f the school. Enrollment and Attendance Improved As a direct result of this meeting, the enrollment in this school has greatly in creased and the average' daily attendance is much better. Altogether tliere is a finer spirit in the connmmity. Instead of passively accepting the school as some thing given by the St:ite and county, the people are now' actively seeking to coope rate the tt'acher in making improve ments. The Movement Spreads In order to facilitate this work, I hav(' printed a form letter. .Fiist before the Assistant Sii])erint-iKlent goes to a com- numity to spend a week, 1 scikI this let ter to the teacher. Siie signs it and sends it to all of the patrons, inviting tlunn to meet the Assistant Superintendent on a fixed day. Out of these etibrts there have been organized, in a munber of eomnm- nities, sewing and cooking clubs which meet weekly at some neighbor’s house. In this way jiot only are the people learning some practical things, but teach ers and patrons are coming into closer touch. Teachers are learning the di>.sires and needs of the jteople and the iH'0]ile are learning that the .sc1k)o1s are trying to be of genuine service. COMMUNITY SPIRIT AND PUSH IN GATES COUNTY Comnumity Service Week, says T. W. Costen, meant a great deal for Gates County. Satui'day the 5th. was a bad rainy day, but notwithstanding this fact about one hundred representative people gathered at the court-house and discus.sed “Good Roads’’, “The Whole-Time Health ,011icer”, “The Farm Demonstration .Vgent”, and other questions of inh'rest. The meeting was so full of enthusiasm that the meeting adjourned to mt-'etagain on the 11th. This meeting was also large ly attended and mass meetings were called in each Township in the county to meet not later than the 9th of Januai’y to dis- A Reminder and a Suggestion In the devi'lopment and progress of the public schools in North Carolina during the past thirty years no single agency has contributed more to help the leaders in the w ork than the daily and weekly papers of the State. They have at all times giA'en their aid and influence to public and i)ri\ ate etf'orts in every nook and corner of North Carolina. , Many localities however, neglect to get from the newspapers the help and assistance that tliey are always ready to give? to the schools. The Press and the Schools The otlierday one of the daily newspajiers in North Carolina printed a half page of interesting infor-mation about the city schools. The articles were writ ten by pupils who gavci in clear-cut sen- tenses short but accurate accounts of the work in the schoolrooms, the improve ments being made on the playgrounds, the athletic association and its \'arious teams, the debating societies, the nmsi- cal association w'ith its glee club and or chestra, and the prf>granis for the obser vance of Community Serv ice "Wc'elv by the various schofils. In fact, regularly every weelv fully a half page is given to the schools of, the c.ounty. In Johnston, AVake, Forsyth, and many other oounties the same use is made of the press e\-ery week and in this way spirit and enthusiasm art' aroused and quickened. This consideration of the interests f)f the schools is splendid and the work of the pupils is fine and in spiriting for any school. Tt keeps par- University’s Interest in Public Discussion One of the most obvious privileges of a free citizen is that of active particijtation in public discussion. To enable the citizj^n of North Carolina to enjoy this privilege, the University is working in at least two waj's: first, through the Extension Biu'eau in initia ting and promoting throughout the State liigh school debate and public discussion clubs; and second, in providing means for practice at the University itself. All Freshmen registered as candidates for the A. B. degree are required to take Public Speaking I. a coui-se which is concerned largely with the discussion of subjects of current inten'st. Enlargement of the Navy The condition of the cotton market and the j>art great navies are playing in controlling internatioiujl trade in time of war have raised again the question of the adequacy of the navy of our own country. The question will undoid)t(*dly be one of the most important before the present Congress. School literary societii's and debating clul)s niiiy well feel, therefore, that in debating the (]uestion of the in crease of tht Unitf'd States navy they an^ taking part iu a nation-wide di.scu.ssion of tirsli importance. cuss ways and means of si>cuiing Good Roads. A strong commitU'e was also ap))ointiKl to discuss a farm demonstration agent with the Boat’d of County Commissioners at their next meeting. We feel that these two things are as sured for Gates county. We feel that it isa(|uestion of only a short time when a whole-time ottic(*r will be employed by the county. The peoi>le in Gates were greatly in terested and the harmonious spirit shown by all was indeed commendable and satisfying. The teachers and the school committee men were the aggressors in these luove- ment-s. About four out of every five in the cen sus survey favored a road tax, and the great nuijority wanted consolidation and bettc^r dwellings after roads were secunKl. ents, children, and teachers interested and informed, about the work and prog ress of the schools, it gives the pupils most excellent training in the reportorial art, and it helps to promote school pride and self-respect. How about Your Schools? What are the boys and girls in your school doing to keep the public informed about the educational interests of the county and the hopes and dreams of fhose uho are charged with the care and management of the schools? There ought to be a short letter from eadi school in the county paper every week. At tirst, the j)upils may be bashful and afraid to “try their hitnd” atletter-wriling, orthey uuiy think that there is nothing to write about; but the teacher should encourage them, should talk to them about that which the school is doing, should lead them into an eyesight to see the things and a pen-.strok(“ to tell things that are taking place and that are of interest to the friends of (■dncation in the coimty. College Men and Home Papers )nr T^niversity students read their home papers with a great deal of interest and they are always anxious to learn all that they can of that which is being done at home so that they may use this kno\'5- edge in their county club meetings here at Chapel Hill. It is hoped therefore that all teachers who read this will en courage their pupils to write letters to the papers and thus let the w ork of the school be known. The newspapers want to help, the .schools :ind their help is, powerful for good. Resolved, “That the United States Navy Should Be Greatly Enlarged In debating this (juestion Uie following pohits may prove helpful: Affirmative Arguments 1. Our navy is not so large as the navies of [lossible (‘iiemies. 2. Our coa.sts are hardly fortified at all, and w(> need more battleships to pro tect them from foreign invasion. 3. AVe need a greater merchant ma rine, but such a marine would be useless in war time without a large navy to pro tect it. 4. The best guarautee of peace is an equipment for self-defense, which a large navy would furnish. Negative Arguments 1. For .'.nierica to inc^rease hei' navy would be for her to question the possi bility of international peace. 2. A navy is the most,expensive kind of protection that a, nation lias to suj)- port. 3. The money necessary for a material increase would give nuicli larger returns on the investment if used for schools and colleges, and would not be usc“d to em phasize war. 4. Our citizens are protected iu every nation by international laws, and we do not need a greater merchant marine if other nations can trans])ort more (^Ii(‘aply than we can. STATE-WIDE INTEREST Tlu're is ample evidence that the entire State is interested in the Correspondence Study Courses at the Uni\-ersity. Repre sentatives of the^ following 10 counties are now at work: Duplin, Camden, .lohn- ston, Lincoln, New Hanover, Stokes, Guilford, Caldwell. Halifax, L(>noir. Farmers, editors, teachers, ministers, are discovering tiiis new opi)ortunity to secure helpful guidance in study al3ng their particidar line. The idea is spread ing rapidly. Inquiries are coming in daily from every section of the state asking for spe cific information. A post card addressed to the Extension Bureau will bring you full information if you are at all interest ed. Can you attbrd to let a, chance like this go w'lthoiit looking at it? A DEBATE FOR SCHOOLS AND PUBLIC DISCUSSION CLUBS

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