The news in thii publica tion IS released for the press on the dale indicated beiow. the university of north CAROLINA NEWS LETTER Published weekly by the University of North Carolina for its Bureau of Extension. APRIL 14, 19L‘i CH APE I . HILL. N. C. \ 0L. I. NO. 21 editorial Hoard: K. C’. Branson..!. U. rloK. Hamilto!’ I.,. H Tn.M ]’ r i n' , , _ ^ ' ' ' • iwt'i.N-1.. .A. Willimn.-,, Kntcn.,1 :.S >, .'on(l-,-las,^ matter Xov.-ni)KT J-l. liiH. at tli« posr-.iKc.. at Ohai.t-l Hill, X. (uml.-r thea.-t .,f Anjru-^t'.'I. IDI-J. ©UR BILLS FOR FEED AND FOOD STUFFS 111 tlic tal)l(! tiuit hiilciws, .\ir, (i.yiruc W, av\ 111' the Runildipli ('oumy al llic Cniversity. sIkavs tin' loml and conHiiim'cl liy man aiiil boasl in each (■(lunly inure ituui llic I'arrus i.l' llic ,i'(iiinty in the,census year. Tli‘ lifiiirrs an- iiasi-d ii|m)ii inoil i-rojis :iin(i aniiniil |)riHiuct,s as (‘xliibitcd in th'c 13lli ('(‘nsiis I'c'poi t, and iipi'n llic avcraKi's •of iK'r caiiita atimnd (■(iiisiimption an- iiouiKvil I'liiin time Id time by tin- .al I>('|>ar(nii'nl nl' Asji'icultiifc. XcitluT the figures >l' tlu“ rcnsus iicir Mr, I'.iadsliau'.s us' ol' can ht* un- derelxMid as coiniilctc and tiiial totaN of food |ii'odnc(ion : so, for manifest iTa.soiis. Blit in l)o(li alike the e,niiities of rlie stare and tlie states if the rnion an* Mk- iired u])on ilie same basis and in this way tJiey stand npon a ie\et for com parison. Food-Production and Wealtb- Retention 'I'lie fooil-|'i'oliii;infr and ucaltli-relaiii- infr power of 1'aruj eominniiilies arc ciiri- •oiisly related. l‘'or instaiiee, in the South :hi 1910. Alabairia had the smallest UkkI- iprodiieiiif; (Miwer, $34 per inhabiiJtnt; and rankel last in per capita cj)initrv weaith. •Oklahoina raiiktnl Ijr.^t in fixjd pidiln>tion, ^$100 |>er inliabitiun; and lirsi in per eap- :its eoiintry wealth, :}iS29. Nortli Carolina ranked 8lJi in the Sonlh in food-jirodncinj; |H)wer, HS per inhabi tant and U*n(h in per capita eotnit.ry wt^alth, ^^322. Allegliany (\iiiiity ranked in food jiiodnoinj; povxer, $106 per in- ' habitant, and in |>f'i- acre crop pro- thiclion; but 1st in jx-r I’apita conntry waith, W56i>- ,\nd Alleghany, mark you, grows no cotion and toiiai-co |o s|)eak of; it is a liv' sloe k county. Food Deficits in North Carolina and IMPORTED Where Food Production Was Least In >^cn(‘t:ii llic an*i per cap- ila il‘Hciis in IocmI priMliKiion weiv in oin‘ rollon anil lol^acro munlics. Fn tiH*>cc'>niui('s is ifu‘ )n*-crn|», far’n)-tcn- ancy. ('mp-lien system oi' l;nniinLT—a system latal to divt*rsilieil crops and aU*- (juate hunt and iVed prodijclion. It i.s also a I'nndanfcntal hindi-anr» to the ao- (•umululi.>n oi w(‘allh in tiu* -oiini i vsidi*. In [)cr capita country wealtli. onr cot ton and tol)acc(. ccunti(*> on ilic wliolc rank low : onr giain and lora.m* countie,s rank lii;:h(‘r: while our grain. I)a3^ and live-.stoek cotjniit‘.s rank iiiyliest oi' all. Alteiha!iy kcadinji tlir* list. Making Headway North (’ariilina ha.s niailegreal K:*ins in 1 priiduc.iioii sini-e llie- census year. She has moved up beyonl live states in the last five yeai’S in the prixhictioii of tolarci'i.ji vidiiea; from the 22iid to the 17lh place. Ilettor than any other stiite in the cotton Ih-.Ii. she ha.s leiiniel the leissons taiit;ht by the calamity [irices of cotion. We aii‘ rapidly itecieasinji'our food and feed rU'licit year by year. The iie.'ct censtis will luwl'jubledjy tell another story. Our Local Market Problems 'I'he followiii};' tabic, iiidii.-ate.s the liK-al market problems in North (,'arolina. Deficits mean purcha.sin” markets by (■onsuiner.-—at prt>sent, at high price,s tx>- caiise ihesi' ilefnuts are supplied by di.s- tant tiiarkets. and consumers of I'oiirse pay the eiiormou.s overhead cIuukc.s of multi|>lied middle men. But also indicale^io.ssihle .stall ing markets for local ()rodncers. (iir inuei-s will niise siipidies abundantly when they can turn them into ready cash in the nearby |iwu or city—and not ol.heru i.M'. .)rganizatioii among farmers alow, or consumers alone, can ne\er si)lve the market jiroblem. 'I'ogether they can solve it; and when it is solved, the farm ers will gel more and the consumers will THE CHILD- I'he of the TEMPLE OF HOOD lhoiis' is ihc temple w hid '\c erect in the (io,l of 'J'he ,-chooh'ooiii is ibi' hoiiK child dIIring the most imporlant ln“>iirs of Ihc iiio.-,! imporlani years of it.s life. The .schoolroom, ihi' .schoolhoiise. and I he scli.jol grounds con.stitule the best index to Ihedegri i' ol civ ilization and to Ih(> iileals il llic commnnily. arc ihe sclio.,1 and thi the house, so w ill be the holm Ihc Slate and llie .Nation. l-'oi- commimily ihe moMo should be "Ui Schools —I lealth. Comliu't Beauty. I'. 1’. ( laxlmi. I'liiU'd Si;iles (^lUimissioiii'r of lldncation. •hool- cily. e\ cry : l-'or and UNIVERSITY SCHOOL OF EDUCATION LETTER SERIES NO. 23 CAROLINA CLUB NOTES Iredell Moves Forward TheCommissioners (,f Invjell (’.lunly have aiipro|,riale,l .•JiSCX) and have secured a like amonnl from the Ki'deral govern- meiii for Ihe piirjx>.se of securing a sufx'r- visor for the rural schiK.Is. This siiper- vi.sor uill give herenlire lime lo the run;! s,.hools.—K. n. rV'aton. Ired’ll roiinty Chib. Ten eounlies now have .school supcr- visoi's, among them Alainancr and N’ance our nearby Why nut have a •school sii|«»rvisor in OraiiLre? School Buildings .\l this .s''.as()ii of Ihe year particularly, school ollii'ials are iH'ginuing to inlen'si themselves in tlie cou.stnictioii of new school buildings. Often in iheir eager ness lo g^^l the siriicliire under way ihev neglect the \»>ry es.seiitial mailer i>f pri iper consi ruction. By such.a b'riii \\c mean a hiiildiug coiislriicled more ni-arly acc(U-iling lo ihe principles of sc.hool tiygieue than accord ing to highly scienlilic arcbiliM-ilira! prin ciples. The average architeci or con- triii'tor. very |iro[)erly, knows much uiori> about Ihe constniction of dwelling hous's. slori's. or lol)acco barn, than he does abrait the putting iifv of a s‘)iKtlhoiise suilable for teaching piu'iMWs. Desirable Help •S-ll.K.l olliccrs shoukl m:>l r!(*pend up*>n local archilec.ts or contractors lo plan their school hmlding's. ftefore a single limlK'r is placcfl, helVire even rhe location is dett'rininefi up*n. pr')per and spi'cific intVuination should l>e souglit. This can Ih'se'un*d eitla'r at the Stale I>epariment ol Kdiiiation al R.ak'igh. or from Ihe S(-hool of lOdiieation at Ihe I’nivei-sitv. .\t any rale .senfl to either place for the 1914 bullelin,'''-}’lans for 1‘nblic Schooi- honses, and study it. It will be seni fre(> of cosl. This is a vital mall(*r' .Much de.|K‘nd.s U]iou prr>pcr locaiii)u: -orreci lighling; siiflieienl Hoorspace; convciiienl localion of ripoms. halluays. library and cloak rooms. 7’he placing of hlackboanls al a proper height from ihe floor seems a little ihiiig. bill teachers .ippn’ciale hav ing it .lone as c.xp'rience has lauglil is is right. Dollars can be saved many I limes l)\ h.’iviiig ihe plans carefully gi)U(i over iiy someln»dy w ho has had e.\p(M‘- ieuce in .schiKilhouse coiislruction. A Community Index The schoolhous‘ in any community shouM exem[ilify the spirit of that city, lown or district. .\ poorly built, ini- proiK'rly planned, un wisr'ly lo-alerl seliool- hous‘.speaks volumes lo \isitor?, pro.s- jH'clive inhabitjiiils, or casual obseivei-s. A .sc.hoolhouse can nuwlo Ix'autifnl, ample, convonient, a.s easily a.s ugly, iii- sullicieut. awkward,—and at no gi-pater, sometimes at a k^ss e\j)en,se. 'I’he one necessary thing is corivcl planning. It is the ounce of pi-e\ention. worth the pound of cure. Vance and Orange Ihe Cili/ens Bank of Ilender.son. not Warrenton as .stated ui our issue of March 171 h, is helping rhe farmers. Tlie nionih- ly folders of in.striiction, counsel and ad vice in(.licaie a gi'.nerotus inU’rest in Ihe proyjiority ol die connirysidi'. TM')d! But lilt* -Mercliantv'^ and b'arnieifs' Hank at Uill.stKiro is doini,'- tin* same rhiny: in jlu* same \\a_\. Old Orange can ke.cp pace with any eonnty in N(»rth Caruiina IMPORTED FOOD AND FEED IN NORTH CAROLINA (tKOR^tK H'. -BI;A I >SH .Vliamlolph ('ounty (Tub. I'iiruri-? Bank (..\)Unlv Our delicits in feed stiills in tIu' census year, ranged pay for food and feed supvlies. from .$19,000 in Alleghany lo $4,663,000 If both these .sadly ne(‘dei results do in Mecklenburg. 'I'he loial delicit for! not follow, the attempt al solving the Ihe .State was around ?^119.0i‘0.000. Om- local markel [irohlem has been a fa4lure; 4-otton and tobacco crops in 1910 failed to no matter how elahorale the [ilans or pay our bills 1o]-importe.d food ;ind ftvd lioH e.xpensive the public markets and siijiplies by more ihan $40,000,000. PENDER’S FIRST I'ender 'oniily had iUs lir.sK,’oiinty ( 'om- aueiice.meiil on March 26l.h. It will not iIh' it.s last, lhal is certain, 'l lie weather ■man wa*; on his very best behavior, and so Avere Ihe 96S school childreji uho were in the line of mart'h. 'I'Ik^.school cxhibils were of the tirst rank and admirably ar- rang(id. The farm |)1ikIucIs were cnccI- lent and of many sorts. The coniests well demonstraled the thorough work of faithful teachers. 'i'he two outslanding features were the fact that till' whole atl'air was well plan- neil onl in detail b\for(Oiand, and the very remarkable fact that tJie >everal •events v\ere conducted on sclutlule time. 'ongratulal.ions to 'I'. '1'. Mtirphy and his co-work(!rs. If Beiuun- can lo such a lirsl-cla.s.s piece. )f work \vith a part-time Su|)erinlendenl what a ]iowerful educational factor slu! might beconui if .she would pay herSuper- inteniU'ul for full tinii'. w It is not pos.sible to slate Ihe number of stud(‘iits (‘iirolled, but on the basis of figures axailable. ii is con.servately esli- nialed lhal 2,000 adults in rwcnly-six counties are iio« embracing this new op- |)ortimity to enter the door of a largi,‘r world. Bait For Gudgeons 'The mail ordc‘r swindlers have taken three hundred and tifty-oin‘ million dol lars frciui the tools of the county during the tive years, as show n by a recent rej)ort of our Bostma.ster (General. The ilead-sure-cure and ii»> get-rich- quick .scheni(\s ol the cirt'tilars that Hood our mails catch the greedy and Ihe grun- ty ill droves. 'The bigge,st haul was wilJi patent med icines and fake cure..s by quack doctors. The [lily ot if is that the consumption and caticer \ict.ims lia\e surrn*ndered their lives wilh Iheir money. THE HONOR ROLL LIGHTNING EXPRESS GAINS In 1912 the liuss'll Sage Foundalion published a study of .school conditions in jll Ihe states ol the I’uion in the census year. ,\l ihatliuii ,\orth arolina ranked low in every [larticulur. .\nd more— besides lieing low relalix'ely she was low absolutely. Without making nation-wide compari son the follow ing facts will sliow how we luiM' advanced from 190ii-10 lo 1913-14 in cerlain e.ssenlials. Ill per capita amount'd by ta.xa- tion for (‘acb child, from .^3.58 to .^5.15; an increase of $1.57. In a\ ailable fund for each child, from •■f4.S2 lo S'S.15; an of 33 cejUs. In amount spent for buildingK and siiji- ]>lies, from $o67,696 lo $1,412,712: an in. crease of $745,016. 'That is, the amount has more I ban doubled (.luring the ]ieriod. In jiercentage of school [lopiilation en rolled. from 70.8 per cent t.o 77.2 per cent; an increasi' of 6.4 per cent. In averagi’ lengtii of term, from 102 days to 122 days; an iiicii'aseof 20 day.s, 'Thanks to the Static Department at ■Kaleigh and lo the kindness of \arious ■I'ounty Sup'riiilendents the University News Letter is abU' to pre.sent herewith ■u fairly complete liHt of the number of 'Moonlight .schools .so fai' e.stablisbed in ithe various counties. ^(■onurie.s with one moonlighi school: .Alamance, Anson, Ashe, Calilnell, | or oni'full school month, den, (negro I, (iierokee, Cleveland,, ;Handolph, Bichmond, Scotland. 'Pran- sylvania, Watauga. (,'oiintie.s with 2 moonlight .sithools: iDurham, I'Vutiyth, (ireene, Sampson. ■Cabarrus, Gafilon and Pei'son are coun ities with 3 each; Orange has 4: Kdge- ombe 5; B*eaufort, llaruett ami .lohn- tjtoii 10 eacii— Ooluinhu.s head.s the list with 13; a :yraiid total of 80 Harpies llbi dt^iths Irom tul'KU'cuiosis, in citit'S having 5,000 or more inhabitantaiitj?, in llie-registration ar(\-i of thellnited State.s, in 1913 luimbcrcd ,'0,654. In North Carolina, the number was 908. ('ilies ol this size c.niUiin about an eighth, of our lotal po|Milation. W'hicJi : means that our death roll of consump- li\es in .N'orth Carolina is .some 7,250 a year; and' iIk' .-I rickeii a re many thous ands more. It wrings the heart, hut the harpies who j>rey upon Ihe fears of rhe ailing and ■ ignorant arouse riuhleoiis indignatioji. I They take the money and li\es of iheir ■ victims. rhe Federal Departmcnl of ,\gricnlture reports that it has not yet found any advenis»i consiimiaion cures that .can 1k' r(?garded as cures in any Never- mail order concerns iloing busi- of this kind have been found, it ; says, to receive a.s many as 4.000 lett'it 'daily. Dr. W. S. Bankin of the Slate Health Board is dealing wisely with this prob lem. Bead his Bulletins, and help him put an end lo the BatenI M('i|icine Con- siunptitin Cure \’iillure.s. in average yearly salary [laid all t*ach- ers, from $174.80 to $242.69; an increase $67.89. In averjtge monthly salary paid all leaclii'is, from $34.30 to $39.81 : an in- crtiase oi' ,$5.51. 'I’hese tignres include all schools, rural anil city, white and colored. It is inter- ing to note that on the wliole Ihe gr‘ Wake County Day April 14th is Wake (’oiiuty Day in Ihe Carfiliua ('htb Calendar at the University. The Wake County Chib propo.sos al that time to thresh out the l.ocal Markt^t Brobleui lo tlie very-best of its ability. At all (‘vent.s they have di.scovewd some amazing facts lh;it the Baleisrli boani of 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 1’8 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 3S 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 Alleghany (■’■lay Tynvll Camden (iraham (> range r'urrituck Translvania Bolk Yancey (iates Dare Martin .Vicxander ... .\she Bainlico I lertl'ord •Al.'U'tui .1 ack.'^on Yadkin U>e .Swain Hyde •buies W'ashington ClKAvan Watauga (inslow (rrcene Bender IV'rqnimans (aswell McDowell DaA ie r^herokee .Mitchell .Stokes Scr)tland Montgomery Lincoln -Moore - • . Haywood Brunsw'ick Person Northampton Henderson ('aldwell ('arleret Cleveland 1 >eticil Bank County DeJicit 19,000 50 ('hatham 1,013,000 148, (XK) 51 lieilie 1,047,000 237.000 52 Bladen 1,075,000 239,000 i 53 Davidson 1,107,001) 256,000 54 ■Stanly 1,111,000 301.000 ■'>5 'Warren 1,131.000 309,000 56 Burke 1.138,000 338,000 157 Itandolph 1,145,000 O 8 |58 Sampson 1,167,000 396,000 59 Ba.squotank 1,176,000 407,000 60 Harnett 1,258,000 412,000 91 Bichmond 1,283,000 470.000 62 Duplin i,;;i7,ooo 476,000 6H Ix'noir 1,354,000 476,500 64 Wilkes 1,370,000 505.000 65 Alamance 1,373,000 518.000 66 ('atawba 1.411,000 524,000 67 Granville 1.463,000 544,900 68 Columbus 1.470,000 545,000 69 ('abarrus 1,503.000 572.000 70 Vance 576.000 71 ."^iirry 1.552,000 594.000 72 Iredell 1,558,000 603,000 73 I'ranklin 1.572,000 632.000 74 Bulberford 1,639,000 63,S. 000 75 .\nson 1,687,000 674,000 76 Wilson : 1,759,000 704,000 77 Fdgei'ombc 1,791,000 721,000 7S Wayne 1,845.000 728.000 79 Nash 732.000 80 Bow an 734.OOu 81 IScaiiforl 1,910,000 742,000 82 Madison 1,947,000 763,000 83 •lohnstoii 785.000 84 Halifax 1,968,0'0 804,000 85 I 'nion 817,000 S6 Bockingham 2.089,000 827,000 .s7 ('uniberland . ,, 2,300,000 8:-! 88 Bill 2.305.000 870.000 89 881,000 : 90 (ia.ston 2,378,000 895,00(3 ' 91 .New Hanover 906,(.00 ■ 92 I >urbain 920.000 9:-: Forsyth 2,734,000 944.000 ; 94 Buncombe 2,853,000 968,000 I 95 Bobe.son 2 933,000 996.000 ! 998.000 1 96 97 (iiiilford Wake 3,681,000 001.000 ! 98 Mecklenburg 4,663,00'^ ■■ ■ - . iiKU'eases have l>een made in th(‘ rural, . , , r . not in the city .st:hool... Such ha.s been i the consumers of larm products Ihe succesti of otn'schooLs under Dr. .loy-iike can well afl’ord t^> consider, tier's administration. I j>'st a.s the Greater ('harlotl*^ (!lub Ls doing in Met^klenburg. The fix'i and feed oonsiimeii by man and beast in Wake in the cen.sus ye^ir amounted to $3,987,000 more than the farms of the county produc^ed, ^Ir. A. B. Harper will'nt the Local .Market Broblem in detail and ex hibit it.s siguiticanc.e. .Mr. II. E. Wood will pre.sent the City F.nd of the Broblem. Mr. \'. .\nler,son will treat (he Far- tner’.s Knd of the Broblem. And Mr. .1. K. Holliday will consider the Ways and Means of solving the .Vlar- ket Broblem in Wake. The future growth of a city now div pend.s ut«>n its being the oenti^r of a well developed! region. At present. Italeiirh is not such a center. 'rile Wake ('ounty (!lub is consider a statesman-like problem. Lee County Booster Clubs One hundred and thirty-one thoii.sand acres in l.e.e county are lying wast^ and i die. Foiir-tillhs of the entire county ta neglected area, and the poiiulalion is only ' 44 to the sqiian^ mile. Lee county needs more inhabitant>i— . mori', for a scon* of rea.sons: and .so the ; bank»a's, merchants, fari'ners, and leach- j ers are organi/ing Ijee (.'ounty Boosti'r ! cluUs, says Bion H. Butler in the Sunday News and (.)bserver. ] Here is a good county and an enU'r- I prising people. They have starti^d ,sf)me- thing

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