The news in this publica tion IS released tor the press on the date indicated below. THE UNIVERSITY OF NORTH CAROLINA NEWS LETTER Published weekly by the * University of North Carolina for Its Bureau of L> tension. APRIL 21, 1915 CHAPEL HILL, N. C. VOL. I. NO. 22 Editorial B»Hrd E. Branson, J. G. deli, Hamilton, i H. Z. V.JmUl. S I'. Winters, [j. A. Entered a second-* las> matter X'»v»‘in>x*r U. 11M4, at tIk* at Chapel Hill, N.C., iiud«T tiif'act of Aui;iist 24, HH-i. SCHOOL NEWS Earning and Learning Till- ’itizcii> liaiik and Tnisl ('(Hiipniiv (if N. belu'vi'.s ill nruiii(; •s III ml cl I ill Ill'll ti> learn about hanks aiiii tnuikiii^. TIk'V have i'o-o|icrat.cil with tlii'C'imnly Supci'iiilfiiikiU of ScIuhiIs ti> .awari! prizi's iVw coijijmtsiiiitiisaln>ut hank- hiy. 'I'liry slate tlii'ir objci t aslieini;': In to Mh- .scIiimiI rliilih'cii nl'('allarrus ('iiiiHly inuiriiiatiiin mi llic siiliji'i't nl lliuiikiii**'; to u^ai'li tliciii what a bank is. what M hank docs, how to deal with a liank, and how a bank l aii hcl|i each biiy jind to hcconic a succcssl'iil and indc- jii'ndcnt man oi' woman. 'I'lic details ot Ihe |ihiii may he sei-iiied :fr(iiu the coni|iaiiy or from Sujit. I>. S. ;Li|ij>ard, EXTENSION ADDRESSES Till' [irol'essors in ihc riiiversity ol .Vorih Carolina conliiiue busy deli\('rin,i; I'oinmeiicement in various parts of l.he State, few of tiu' places, lec tures. and dates are indicaled thus: ,\l- II. Siacy. Forsyth ('ounty Com- meneenient. W’iuston-Saleiii. .\pril 1. M. S. Nolile. I liddenite. April 14. Meckleiihuri; ('ounty ('nimiiencemem, CharloUe. .\pril 16. Zebuloii .Itidd. Wake ('ounty ('oiii- Miieneement. Kaleiyh. .\pril 9. Xelm. I .\pril 16. ('. I,. Raper. Sieui, .\pril 13. I.. W'iHiaiiis. ISeiisou. .\pril 20. II. I’attersoii. .Madison, .\pril 23. ('oilier ('ohh. Milton. .Vpril 23. I II. W. Chase. Ilillsborn, .Vpril 3(J. Country Versus City The iiliteracy liyiires from the 1910 cen- siLs make iiUi'restin” readiu.n. From these figiiiTs il apjcar^ that the rural rate of illiteracy amoue [n'r.sons '10 years oi are and os'er in the I nited Slates is praetical- ly twice ;us ureal as the urban rale of 11- lit!rac,y; to Iw e.'^acl. 10.1 and 5.2 per ’i>nt n':-ipecii\’ely. Tlii.s is largely due to the lack oi np- portunities for school woi'k in Ihe rural .(.tintricts. N'orcan ihi' hinher r:;'. ' of n:- 'I'hI illit.erai y in our Southern States he laid to ihe nemo poimlal ion : because for the (Mltire iiri.nip of Southern Suites the rate of iliiteracy amou” rural w hites is three tiiui'S the rate ainoni; uvhan whites, and llc(- rati- aluoiijr rural whites is great er in every individual Southern State than ,amoii; nrhan white.s. Tlio rale of illiteracy ainoHi; rural ni - yroc.s in the siiiiic.'-^iates. '.\hile iU!arly sev en times the rale for the rural whiles, is only one and one-half times the rate of . iilUf.m'.-y iLUAoiig ne4iJLui‘s COLLIER COBB, LECTURER I >11 .Salui'day, ,March 27th. 1‘rof, ('oilier CJohh. of ihe I'niversily facully. deliver ed a lecture before the people of Wil- ininiiton on lli,"h\\ays ,'ind I’yways of Europe. This leclure was .uiven in the hi.iili school auditoriuiii and was one of a.series w Inch is beinn Liiven under tIu' auspices of the W’ihuiimton public school authori ties. GREAT NAMES IN ORANGE chief .I list ice Waller Clark reminds us that in 1841 (h'aii.u'e county furnished both Fniti‘d Slates S(>nators, William (Trabani and Willie i’. .^lan!^■nm. and the chief justice of the Stati'. .I lid,ire Thomas linllin;and in 184.' all tiiree of the Su preme Court jndsres. 'riiomas ibitlin, I'redi'i'irk .Nash, and William 11. Katllc, and the (iovernor, W'ui. (Jraham, T H E LONG FORGOTTEN MAN lie wassbahhy in appi'arance. aud be besiialed. as he 1 imidly approached one of ihe windows in the Italeii’b ]iostollice and iniiiiilileil a ipiestion in a low voice. He was askinu fora sheet ol letter paper, ()f I'onrse be eonid iio| ji'et it ihere. bill lbroii;;'b their pockets by some of the well-dressed men slaiidina' near sup plied the iiee.l. .V.yaiii be iiesiialed and apo|ni;etieal- ly he asked if somebody would uo| write a sbori li-ltei' for him, l''or aii inslani e\eryho|y held back, bill ; ipiicklyoiie of ihe Gentlemen present ai;-reed to assuiiie I be responsibility and soou the Idler waswrillen. ad dressed. and sent on' its way. Why was this illiterate man treated thus kindly'.' I’erbaps il was some thin,!;' in hi> fac that said: 1 never had a cbanee. I’erhaps il was I he kindliness of Italcioh people. .Xor'ih Carolina's social coiisi ience is awakeniii”'. :iinl the .\foonli,nht School mo\'euieiil will snon make such a seene ( which really bappeiid I. im- jirobable anywhere iu ,\ori h ('arolina. ,\l present, nearly lifiy thousand illiterale liali\e white \otcrs iu North Carolina oll'er daily inslances of simi lar belplessiu',sr;, — .\dapled from ihe l(alei,”'h Times. UNIVERSITY SCHOOL OF EDUCATION LETTER SERIES NO. 24 CAROLINA CLUB NOTES Montgomery Booming School pro^'i'i'-'s in \lonl;^omery County IS bein; studied by ,VJr, 1;. I’>. lioliler at the [fiiiversify. The tigiires be has work ed mil di'aliiii; with the growth in bi^h .school Work from 1907-08 to 1911-12 arc encoiiraKiuL;. l-'or tlie year tlie average leimlb of the hiy'h .school year for till’ county was 9.1 weeks longer than was Ihe a\'eragi‘for the State- as a whoU“; in 1911-12 it was 2.1 weeks longer, 'i’his is due to the fact (hat the State increase had been and also ibat durin.t; the period a new high s-hool had been established in Ibe -county with only a 32 weeks term. The (“nrolbiient in the high schools 'during Ihe period has increased more tliaii twice as fast in .Montgomery as in the .State. (>f some iiu-rease is to be t‘X|icclei|. but the amount in this county is iiniisnal. I'inaneially. tlu' relative amount ofsup- port derived from local la.valion for fChools ha' increased about four times as fiist as tiu- amount received from State funds. Moiilgomery county is doing ex actly riglil in supporting its own si-hools with its own local funds. WORTH-WHILE READING We do not know into how many homes our Xortli Carolina Health ISiillelin goes, or bow many people in lhes(' homes read it month by month. We do know that it is readable from co\'er loco\'er; iiiter- estin,ir. simple, and aiilhoritative in niat- K'l's Ilf vital iui|>orta.uce. Sini[)lifyin,i;' great snbjects all rad ively for popular use is a ditlicult feat rarely ac- complish('i.l. 'I'lie bulletin ot our Stale Hoard of Health easily ranks with those of Texas, I )hio. New York, and (Califor nia. In some particulars, it easily out- ranks them all, I-',very home in the State ought to ha\'e j it I'cgiilarly and read il carefully. Write for il. to Dr, W. S, Kankin, K’alcigb. N. C . A GREAT SOUTHERN CON FERENCE ,\t ('batianooga, .Vpril 27-30, w ill occur the greates: confereji'.-e of so(-ial servants ever held in the Smitb: the Southern Kdiicationai .\ssociation. the (iraiii (Jrow ers Confercuci-, the Li\ e Slock (irowers, tiie Fruil (ii-owers, the iSee Culliirisls, the Artisans, the Southern Club Women, tl:e Country ( liurch Workers. The Southern iComiiK'rcial Oon,gress, and so on and on. It is worth a far journey to get the dy- ■namie jiowcr of siicb a nicetiu,t;. Nortli ('arolina has a promim-nl place •HU the varioiLs programs: l>i-, , ^^.|oy- :iier, Dr. (Clarence Poe. MaryOweii '(iruhain, I’residi'iit K. 1\. (irahaui. Dr. •C. II, llerty, /('billon .Indd, FI, C. ISran- ison, Iv Hrooks, I’n'.siilent D, II. Hill, C„ J’>. W'^illiuni.s. I'residenl Ifobert IF Wrigln. THE HAY FARMER’S CHANCE The a\'crage pri(-e paid to prodncers of hay iu Xorth Carolina for bay lastmoutb was $17,SO per ton—the luLibest price paid lo farmers outside New Knghuiil and ibe .\ortb. .similar iiiiod prices have riileil ill .North Carolina tbroiighoiit the last live years. 'I’here is money iu raising it losidl: but an c'normoiis in buying il lofeed farm animals. In fact, the farmer pavs around ', , I S3G a ton for bay w lieu be biivs it at I ini(>- j prices, i I n the census ,\ (-ar. more 1 ban a t hi nl ; of the farmers in Xortb Carolina bought hay and otiier Iced for farm animals, and spent for that S3,151,000. 'I’be feed tax a\eraged S41.U0 ]n-rfarm. No othi'r tax our farmers paid was heav ier than this. President Graham’s Inaugural (In ,\i)iii 21si Dr, I'.dward Kidder (irabam will be formally iiidncted into ibe I’residi-iii y of l.he Fniversity of Nnrth ('arolina. The acailemic iirocessiim will form in I'rorrf ivf the ,\dmit'‘rtsfrai ion dlfiititijig arid mo^■e to Memorial ll.-dl, ,\t ele\eii o'clo(-k, addrc.sses will be made by I’residcnt .loliii 11, Fink'y of the I'niviM’sity of ibe Slate of New 'V'ork. i’residcnt Fdw in .\. ,\lderuian of the rni\'crsil,\ of N'irginia: aud I’residenl ,\l- bert Lawri'Uce I.owi-ll of llarxard rnix'cr- sity: after which I’ri'sident (irahain \cill deliver bis inaiigiii'al address. ,\l two o’cliK-k the .\lumni will iratlu-r at a Inncbcoii in -Swaiii Hall, and al o'clock a reception will be held in liyniiin (iyninasiiim in honor of l’i-csideiit (ira- ham, Il is ail occasion of deep signilieaiice. So, because of the distinguished uni'sts wbii come from other iiislitiilions aud Slates, .''o, hi-(-aiise loyal sons of the Fniversily are here in miilliliides lo.ser\i' the rni\'ersity in her niissinn of ser\ice to North Carolina. .\nd so. because of Fjlward Kidder (rrabaiii himself—his catholic sweep of vision, his aci|iiaiiitane(‘ will: riii\'crsily de\-elopment at home and abroad, his lo\ e for his mol ber-state, and Ills loiiLi'iii,”' to rel;\t(> the Fniversity in larger ways |o hei |iroblcms and ne cessities. bis safe and sound \'iews of ways, means, and ends, ihe sanity of bis think ing and the simple, iinairei-ted wbole- sonieness of bis pi'rsonality. .Norib Carolina lirst and the riiiversity as an agency to this end is the \ ision and the lairpose of F'dward Kidder (irahaui. Edgecombe Pushing Farm- School Idea We an- glad lo noli- in the recent issni- of till- I';di;-e(-omb(- County Schoul I!nll(-tin lhal Fd,u:cconihe is piisbiii.ii' I be de\'elop- nu-nt of its .school farms, 'I'liis bulletin gives ,-in at-ci.)iiiil of the orgaiiizatioii of a school farm at I’inelops. School .No. 3 in ;'rownship No 14, and al I’leasanl Hill, The schoiil-farni is a mosi ell'ectivc a.LiciH-y for the ai-rouiplishnient of three : detiiiiu- i-nds. 1. The Socialization of the Community ,No| even the t'ormal galberings al I ebnri'bcs and school enlei-ta.innienls pro- \'ideihcmost wbole.some coiidilions for' the best menial reactioiis and Ihe uri-atesl fiisiiiL; of ideas :iiid idi'als. Il is the in- i formal galberings .-il the school-farm. wbenpeo|ile in work-a-da,\' i-lotlies, an-i working imder I he impellini!' interest of soiiie delinitc concrete [iroject. that pco- pli' are frcesi and lliink most intensely i and (-learly. 2. The Provision of Practical j Intellectual Stimuli No event or occasion is more calciilalcil ' to provoke inlensi\e and persislent tbiiik- iiig lhan the work day on the.srbool farm, w hen childi-en, yoi.tbs. mol hers, and fallu-rs meet for the ciillivalion of the small plat of _n'ound. usually about two acres, known as the school-farm. In ad.- dilioii to ihe actual work which is per formed. new problems. arisin”'onl of and ■ (-oniiected with the cultivation of ihe farm, i-all for deliniti- readin.i;’of bullet in,-, and ma.ii'azines. inleresiiiii;- dis- i t'liT^h-TtT H+nr pfa(-lK'rt}-T'UgJ4l*STliTn: ,\ iitue is usually S(-t aside also fur ihe di-cussion of those \ilal home and coiiimmiily proli- lenis that to-day are agitatiiii; ihe rural mind and the ]iress of our country, Thai the work of the school farm may the bel- ; ter be direrled aud thus liecome a ; I thorough leaching agency, ii is plaei-d I under the, snpi-rvision of one of the most wide-;iwake and progressive farmers in ' ; th(-(-oniniunity—a farmer who reads in-i I tclli.yi-inly and widelv. He calls ihe peo- | pie lo I heir work, del ermines the met hods of cnitivalion. and is in lar,t>(- iiieasiirc re sponsible foi- Ihe int'llectiial program of Ihe ,s(-hoi'l-fanil workin,”' day, 3. The Provision for the In crease of School Revenue The si'bool-farm is morelban an e,x- lierimenl pmit-i-i. It is also a denion- stration project. Therefore, in addition lo proving an ell'ecri ve' a.yeiu-y for ihe di.sseniination of a.uriciiItnral aud conni ry- life ideas and ideals, il is a means of crc- aliii.i; weallli. Thiswi'alth is created out of the expenditure of time w liieb would otherwise have im economic value: for llii- social needs of ihe comniiinity rei|uire such galberings. I'ur tliis reason, the meetin.” is iniich more wholesoiiK- socially than the ordinar,\ Saturday afternoon .iratheriugs al cross-roads, country rail road stations and olhersnch jilaces. The school-farm iililizes the time tor a trelik' piirpos—soeial. ediicalional. and econom ic. Fniler ibe improved methods prao ticed on the school farm ibere liave been many instaiu-i-s \( ben 1 he net incouu'from one of iliese small [ihds of ground ba,^ been as high as .'r250. School Farms for Every County X"! (“V(‘iy cuiiniry conimiinity i.s ivaHy foi lin’ scliool lariii imt coiinmniitics iu coiiniy |ic()|)](‘ would \v‘lc(nuc the 'ipporluuily all'>rl(‘( 1 hy tlif sclujol-lann lor tIk*associ ation aiul il’.c praciical suir.L'^(‘stious mivru 1)N llu'work. for t.hc (lis(*iisi*us and th‘ accouijtaiiyiii.i: panics au'l j(\Traiions of lli(* si'IkjoI I'arui. 'I1i'y would also w(‘l- couir a prarticai iiirutis ol' conirihutin^ to lln* sui'crs'^ of lln'ir schools liy aldii\^ to ils all-loo nu*a^i‘(“ rcvc'iinc. Bulletin of the United States Bureau of Education I’raclical suggestions for Ihe organiza tion and operalioii of the school favm are contained in a hnllclin published hy the Fiiiled Stales liureaii of l-Miication, en- lilled. Cultivating till- School (ironiids in W'ake County, .North Carolina, by Zehu- lon .Indd, 'I'his bulletin may bi'had by ai>plying |o the ISiireaii ol Kdiu-alion, \\'asliin"toii, I I.e. A Wonderful Story In titt* last ten ,V('ars, has :rperit iii-arly one hundri'd and thirty-six niiHi.»u dollars of |)ublic iiiouey upon cbicatiou; upon her (-oinmon ••ciK)o!s, high schools, normal and Irain- ;ing .schools for'liors, and her I niver- «itv. The General Property Tax Nearly 1 bree-liftbs. 59 percent, ol our State revenues in .Norlh Carolina in 1912 an is(- from 1 begeni'ral properly tax. poll a ml oi'i-iipation taxes. Here is llie tax that reaches the lar.iicst uunib(“r of pi'oplc. Twenty-one states raised smallei- re\- eniies from ibis source, and twenty-nine states a smaller )iroportion of the total n'vennes. Two states. Connei-ticut and Delaware, levied no snchtax. .six .stales showdl a dei rease bi receiiits from a .U'cneral property tax during the ten years —(’alifornia. (Hiio, I’ennsyhania, New York, N'ermont and West \’irgiiiia. Thirty-seven stales leviiil no poll lax; among- tb„-iii e:L:h; So;u!;-:-;';i st:!!e-;— Keiitiu'ky. Te;iiu-ssi-e, Florida, ,Mis>iss- i ijipi, Foiiisanu, .\rkansasand (Iklaiioma. ; —Xoles upiin a recent ('eiisiis l!iiri-ali I r.iiileiin. Proud Of It ’^riic lieloii, Wis.. Xew.'' says. Citizens of \\’isconsin are proiid lo ba\ea Fiii- vcrsity that lakes a li\'ely inlen-st in those |U-actical thin.^s tbal make for the welfare of the slate: Ibat is not loo dead to aid in ihe develo|iuient of the Stale's resources or too de\'oU-d tu the mnsly jiast to lake notice of i be tbrobhin.i;" pres(-nt. Where Our State Revenues Come From (>11 r total stale ri'x eiiues in 1912 amount ed to a little more than lliree and .a qiiar- ter million dollars. The a\cra,i;'e was $1,43 per iubabilanl. and it was in Xoi lli Carolina than in any other stale in the Fnion, South Carolina came next with Si,51 ]ier in habitant. Ten stales in the South recei\'el more money :uid had larirer resources with whii-b to rare for iheir alilii-led I'hiidi'eii. their old soliiiers. tbeir public scbonls and universities, to build inipro\'('d highways and promote piil.ilic sanilalion. — .Xotes upon a recent Census Bure:iii ISiillelin. Two Wilson Girls Win the Ay- cocK Cup ' '^I'hi- third amiiial tinal contest of the 11ig'b School Debating rnion of Xortli Carolina was held al the Stale rni\(-rsily in('bapel 11 ill April 8 and 9. (liie Iiiiii- ' dri'il and uim-ly-six debaters repres(-nt- iiig 19 high .schools came to Chapel Hill ;inil look part iu this contest. 'I'be i|ii(-ry disciiss(-d was, "Ue,-olved, 'I'hat the I'nited Slates should adopt ihe ' policy of siibsiilizing its mercliaiit inariiK- en,u'ageil in forei,”'ii trade'', .\fler two pvelimiiiaries had been held, Stewart ('owlcsand Cowles I'liistol. representing the Slates\ ille high school, were chosen to uphold ih(- aHirmali\e sid(- of ihe i|iii'ry in the final debate, and .Misses Falla Ivookh Fleming and Fthel (iardner. repre.senting tlu' Wilson high school, were, cho.sen lo defend the negati\e, ! The linal d(4)ate was held in .Memorial Hall and was attended by 2.000 |)ersons. including debater,', leaehers, principals. ' sii|ierinteiidents. students aud [u-ofessors , of the F'iii\ersity. tow nspi-ople. aliiniui, and olhers. I’residenl K. K, (irahain, of ’the Fni\ersil,y. pj'esided o\er the debate, I 'rile decision of the judges was mianimous I'or Ihc negative, and the ,\ycock >lenio- j rial Cup was prescnti-d to the Wilson de- ; balers. I’revioiis to the liiial (-ontest the trian- "lilar debates of ihe High School l)(>bat- ing Fnion were held I hronghout the I Stale on ,\lar(-b 26. .\l this time, 1,000 ^ youna high sc.hool stndenis participaltMl ' in debates bi-ld iu 250 coiimiiinities and 91 i-oiiniii-s, Tli(- lotal audiences al this ! .s(-ries of dehales numbered 50.000 per- I SI »ns. i d'he High,School DebaliiiL' Fnion was ; organized in 1913 by the Dialc(-li(- and I’hilanthropic Fit('i-ary .Sin-ielies and Ihe liiireaii of l-;xtension of the FiiiN'ersity. j Since ils organization, il has nii-t with a ! reniarkabk- siic(-(“ss. Its work will he i prosecuted with much viiior next year. Investment Money I’ublic money spent ii|ion public educa-- lion is a public investmi nt iu public pro gress and pro.s|ierity. To spend meagrely upon (-duculion s to spend wash'fiilly. Solomon had the idea. Said he, 'rhere is that s(-attereth and yet bath increasi-; th(>re is lhal witbholdelb more than is meet, but it ti-iideth to poverty. Orange County Booster Clubs IS of (Irange county—172.000 —:ire abitndone-l |i Sex'er.-tenl I acri-s all told- w ,1,. ness grow libs. The country jiopulation is only thii'ly-niiie lo the ,si|uare mile. Here is ahiindaiil ell)ow-rooni for the hoine-scekers who are swarming out of Ihe middle West. Here is tin- Stale Fniversity. Here are good schools aud churches, a good coimtry popiikition, good soils and seasons. (-hea|) farm lands, ahiindaiil stri-ams and jiasliires for |iroti- table live-sto(-k ()rauae, ('ounty Fiooster Clubs are in order. What a Dollar in Our State Treasury Represented ,'u-i'oriliiig lo the soun-es yielding it, i-a(-h dollar of stale revenue in X'orth Carolina in 1912 re|u-esenled : (ieneral I’roperty tax. Polls and (•(-(-iipation taxi's , DepartmenI I'^arnings, .Mi.scel- laneoiis. elc iiusiness and Iiu-oine 'Paxes.. Interest and Kents Federal Government, for .\gri cultural I'Aperiinenls and Kducation Non-linshii-ss'Faxes: on .\iito mobiles ISusiiK'ss Ijicenses (other than Liipior I S|ie(-ial I’roperly 'Taxes: on I m heriiances —I'igiires based ii|ion a re I’.urean Bulletin ,59,00 cents 16,70 centH 12.00 ct-nls 8.0Q centH 2.50 cents .50 cents , IS (-en 1.1 . 16 ceni.s ent ("ensiis

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