The news in this publica tion is released for the press on the date indicated below. the university of north CAROLINA NEWS LETTER Published weekly by the University of North Carolina for its Bureau of Extension. MAY 5, 1915 CHAPEL HILL, N. C. VOL. I, NO. 24 Editorial U*arl: E. 0. Bianson, » . a. deli. Hamiltmi, L. R. Wilson. Z, V. Judd, .S R. Winters, L. A. Williams. Ki.iterfd «s soc-oiK.l-elas.^ matter S-nveinlxT 14. t!in, at tiie pii^tomce at Chapel Hill, N. C., under t.lieaot of Auj,'ust 24, tfll2. NORTH CAROLINA CLUB STUDIES TOILING WHITE WOMEN AND TUBERCULOSIS ()uc liuiKli'od and lliirty liiousmut i Mr. S. ■wliitf girls and wcmieti in North ('aroliiia ■ Teiiii‘6sco :iii of;al tlu'ii WHO SUPPORTS OTHER STATES? 1. ht'ViUilt, a nu'iiiher of tlie Clul) in tlio Univer-.sity of in tii(‘ rensUM year, or nearly one-1'ourth I North Guroliiia, is making a detailed II 10 years old and older, were earning j study ol' a recent Census Bureau liulU'tin. bri'ad l>y the sweat of their brows, | National and State lievenues and l^x- outside the home and home occu|iations. I ])enditnres 1913 and 190.'!. .'^onie of the interesting things he has run upon in fhis bulletin ar> as follows: 1. Two states, Connecticut and Dela ware, levit“d no general i)ro]>erty ta.\ foi' ho.siery and knitting mills; 988 in cigar ^ state support iiji 1912; and thirty-.'ieven am! tobacco factories and ' 577 of them i stales—eight of them in the youth— Hver> und(;r 16 years of age; 631 were l('\ied iu> j>oll tax. ' imusicians and music teacher.-!; 5,765 IHow They Earn Their Bread 'iTwenty-six ■ thousand of them were en- ■gaged in manufacture and mycbanical pursuit-i; 19,070 were at work in cotton. were school teachers; 3,715 were clerks, saleswomen, bookkeepi'rs, cashiers, etc. ; 1,911 \yere teleplKjue operators, steno graphers, and typewriters; 1,098 were factory .severs and sewing machine oper ators; 947 were milliners; and 4,574 were (bessmakers, aful seamstresses out side of factories. Sanitary, wholesome conditions and .surroundings for the indoof' girls and women who toil make an irresistilile ap- decrea.sed the number of taxpayers or (3) peal to the humanity in us. j (]|.|i Imve lightened the burden of taxes JMr. G. 11. Cooper of the Kowaii ( oun- j they pay are, as a rule, states in the well 2. Three other states, Pennsylvania, Calilornia. and ^’ermont, raised less then ! a tenth of iheir state revenues fi'om, two sources; four other states, ' Virginia, Ne\\ >'ork, Ohio and Massa- clnisetts, rai.sed less than a fourth; while 14 niored raise a half or of tlieir state r(‘venu(‘s in two ways. 3. The states (1) that have abantloned | thes(' forms of taxation or ( 2 ) that have ty Club has been slndying. the figures upon occupational deaths of white females given in the 1913-14 He[>ort i.if the North (Carolina State Board of Health. How Consumption Slays Them The per cents of txital deaths of white females in Nortli ('arolina in certain speci- • tieil occujiations, causeil by tuberculosis • of the lungs in 191H, were as follows: .A verage, below named oc- -upations 22.S per I’ent (,'igai- and tobacco workers 66.6 p(>r cent Mill and factoi’y operative's (textile I 65.0 per cent Musicians and music teachers 50.0 per't^U Teachers in school 50.0 per cent Housewives .44.0 per cent .Stenographers and typewrit- ■ era 33.3 ]ier cent Dressmakers and seams tresses 26.6 per cent No occupation stated 1.S.2 per cent The mill owners are not wholly un concerned and inactive. On the con trary, some of tliem are making vigorous • assaults upon mill village diseases and death rates. Witness the etl'ective ac tivities of the mill authorities at Roanoke Falls and the generons concern of the ■Cones in Greensboi'o; and pei hajis many • others of whom we do not know. But the fearfully excessive leath rates from tuberculosis iiulicated in the fore- gohig tigures are a challenge to the hu manity of business people, housewives and husbands, school authorities, mill anfl factf)ry owners alike. Around o7U!-eigth of all tiu' deaths among the whites of both .sexes in the registration cities of^ North CJarolina in 1913- were causeii by tuberculosis in its •various forms; but one-third of. the fe male stenographers and typewriters, nearly one-half of the housewives, exactly one-half of the musicians and teachers, .and two-thirds of the cotton and tobacco •operativeji who died in cities in .1913 die) of tuberculosis of the lungs iilone. It is api)alling and calls for attention. developed industrial, commercial sec tions of the country. In these states the basis of state taxation is changing fjom |)ersons to businesses; becau.s(' industries and biisinesst's iit thes(' states ai-e rich and )irosperous, and presumably are ln-tter able to support the state. 4. Twenty-tive staltw, all but two in .the Midille West, the Rocky Mountains and the South, depend mainly on the general property tax; that is to say. upon taxes paid by the largest number of jteople, rich and poor alike, upon the basis of ]>roperty owned. In other words, in those states w’here industries ami com merce are less wi'll developed, the pi,>licy is to encourage their il(!velo[imenl by laying light burdens of taxation upon them. General Property Tax Receipts For State Purpo,se,s, 1912. S. II. DeV.VULT, University of X. C. COMMONWEALTH BUILD ING President E. K. Graham In 1875. when- ihe I'niversity of North Carolina began its life o\cr again, the w hole South was bankrui)!. In these fortv years of maK'rial n'- building. it too. has escaped fnim an cient olisessions not a few. and has won, in patience ami foi-iitude undci- the austere (li,scipline of a fierce, nn- i'()Ual struggle. iK>t only the spiritual compensations Ilf ihe stm.ijgie, bul ma- tiu'ial libi.‘ratinn '^that is a promise /hut an immediati' reality. -\nd while thr. South isundi'rlhv thrill of the ju-osperitv within its grasp, it is not ]irimar’ily bec:uist' in the past ten yeai-s its bank de)iosits and the cajiitid invi'sted in its manu factures have inerea.sed ten fold, that hall of the nation's c-'^ports originate in its port.s, that a world treasure hid den in its oil. gas, coal, iron, water power. and agriculture nuikes certain the fact that the next great expansion in national life « ill be here, and. that lu're will he ''the focusing jiointofthc worlds coinmej'ci'." 'fhe summons that imts the eager and projihetic lone in southern life toiUiyuis the conscious- nc.-;s lhat here nndei' circumstances pregnant w iih ha[ipy desiiny men w ill make once more the experiment of translating prosperity in leinis of a great civilization. The Call to Leadership It is to leadershiji in this supreme adventure of democratic common wealth bnildiug that the universities of the South are called, and their real 4chiev(MU(‘nts depend upon the sun' intelligence, sympathy, and power, with which they perform tiicii- vital function, and make aul hoi ital i\ e an swer til Ihe compelling i|neslion of i he peo|ile as to whal, if anything, in the wav of clear- guidance Ihey havi‘to oll'er. WHO SUPPORTS NORTH CAR- OLINA? “Fvery person private and corporate -who owns any unexeinpted property of .any sort w'hatsoe.ver; and all male polls ■over 21 years of age and under fifty, who are not exempted by reason of j)o\'erty or infirmity. All such property pays forty-seven and ;two-thirds c'ents on the hundred dollars worth of property, and all such polls pay •fl.43 each to support the state. Some iproperties, businesses, and i)ersons also :pay other taxes; but nearly three-tifths ■ of our total state revenue in 1912 came rfrom the general property tax and polls. Manifestly the general property tax .and the poll tax are forms of taxation in tended to lay the burden of state sup- ,port equably on the largest nuniber of .-shoulders. These are the forms of tax ation that reach the largest number of taxpayers 1. 1. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15- 16. 17. 18. 19. 19. 19. 22. 22. 24. 25. 26. 27. 27. 29. 30. 30. r!0. 33. 34.' 34. 36. 37. 38. 39. 40. 40. 42. 43. 43. 45. 46. 47. 48. Percent of the total. Connecti(-ut 0 Delaware 0 Pennsylvania 4 (California 7 ^ ^'ealth.” THE UNIVERSITY AND ITS NEW PRESIDENT I'ecidcdly the best appreciation The Ob.server has seen of the new regime at' the I'-nivei'sity of North Carohna is the editorial reference Th(> New York Post gi\es ti.i ihe recent inaugural of J^resident Edward K. Graham, an event that “calls altf'ntion to the notable progress of-that oldest of State universities in making'lf an efficient servant of the Oomniou- Vermont 9 West Virginia 11 New York 12 (Ihio 21 M;lssachus(‘tts 24 Rhode Island 27 Minnesota 29 Montana 34 Virginia 35 Tenne.-iSee 37 Ni.irth Dakota 38 Missouri 39 Maryland 40 Washington 46 ]\laine ....'. 49 Mi'ifida 49 South Dakota 49 Alabama 50 Texas 50 Idaho 52 Wyoming 54 Kentucky 56 ('olorado. .■ 57 Ilhnois 57 Nebraska ._ 58 Wisconsin 59 North Carolina .• 59 low a 59 New Hampshire 60 Kansas 61 Louisiana 61 Nevada 62 Missi.ssippi 63 New Jersey 64 ()klahoma 65 New Mexico 66 Oregon 66 South Carolina 68 Georgia 69 j Utah, .- 69 I Indiana 7'j! Arkansas ....79 i I Arizona ....... .81 i Michigan 85 ! —Figures based on a recent Census Bureau Bulletin. The Post says the work of Mr. Graham, as dean and acting president, has beeii for nearly 10 years an example to other Southern institutions of the same sort. While the activities of the University have follow'ed the general lines laid down in Middle Western eilucation, they have in some ways been or-iginal. Night schools have been established for negroes, cor respondence courses for industrial work ers, Summer-school courses for public school teachers, rural-life conferences for those interested in the improvement of rural conditions, and road-instilutes for the-, builders of a jjennanent system of county and State highways. Package- libraries reach nearly 500 communities, and a series of extension bulletins has been scattered broadcast to interest the State in' questions relating to school, home, and city and State government. The “community service week” initiated by the University has now been made an oflicial State event. In his inaugural President Graham in dicated that the extension service would be given .increased attention, and already a special bureau has been proviiled to carry it on. What has been done thus far lias been upon an income probably than one-tenth that, of the Universi ties of. Illinois or Wisconsin. In other Southern States—Georgia, Alabama, Florida, Mi.ssissippi—there is a field as wide as in North Carolina; their under-nourished State universities should find inspiration ^in the work of their neighbor.—The Charlotte Observer. LETTER SERIES NO. 26 THE FORWARD LOOK \\'ide-awake County Superintendents, for ihe next few weeks, will he lfii-iking over ihe Held to see wherein ih(‘ .schools ! in tiicii- r'especli\'e counties may be irn- ; pr-o\ed Ibis next yi'ar. ; malter- \ety much needing attention all over- the'State is rural school sanita- : tion. .\ (ilan has be.'ii worked out in a number- of states which has worked t-c- markably well and is r'e|)orted by Supt. l-'ianci.- (i. niiv^s .of Illinois in a recent bulletin of the 1'. S. lliueau of Kducation A Plan Outlined ^ ,\ brief outliiK* of the plan is presented herewith; every intei-i'sted Sujierintend- ent shi.iuld semi ti Washington, D. ('., tor- liulletin 191.'i. No 5. which ti-eats fully of the details. Standard Requirements 'I'ar-il and oulbuililings : I 1. .\rn[>le jilaygroiind. 2. lood atipi'oaches to ihe 3. Two well-kept, wirlely .separaled 4. ('onvenieut fuel ^ rile schiMrlhoUse; 1, well built, in good repair-77 ;inil painti'd, 2. (iood foundation. 3. Well lighted. 4 Attr-actiye interior decorations, I 5. (rood blackboai’ds—somesiiitable j for- small childrvn. 6. Heated w ith jacketed stove in the, coi ner, or ha.-^c'rnent frunac‘which bring,s clean air in fbr-oiigb the furnace and re moves foul air fi-oni the r'oom. 7. Floor and interior clean and tidy. •^. Desks suitable for- i-hildn'ii of all ag(\s, |»i-operly placed. 9, Sanitary water siqiplj'. Superior Equipment In order- to secure the snperioi-di)iloma the following addilional requirements must be met : (Jr-onnds: 1. Playgroirnds al least one-half acre :uid ke|)l in good condition. ' 2. Somi' ti'eesand shrubs. ,):i. Well or cislt'rn and sanitary di-inking apiiliances. I louse: 1. Se]iar-ate cloakrooms for boys anil gir-ls. 2. highted fr-oni one side or from iiic Side and the r-ear. lleateil with basement or- room 'nrnace, which brings in pnr-(> and re moves foul air. NEW SCHOOLHOUSES During the last biennial period 810[new r-irral schoolhouses ha\c been built in Nor-ill Cai’olina—606 white and 204 color-- (>d, al a cost of S.Sll, 407.77. This means an aver-age of mor-> than one r ural school- hoiisc for ever-y day in the year- and in cluding tiu' city schoolhouses built the average l uns (-onsider-ably over one per- day. This pace of buililing al leasi one new for every daj' in the year accor-ding to appr-oved [ilans of mod ern school architectnr-(- prepai-i'dby most i-ompeteiit architects under the siipei- visionol'ihe State Deparimeni ofjKdii- and distr ibuted from the oJlic(> of the Stale Super-iutcndent of I’irhlic In struction. has been mainlained for the past twelve yi'ar.—a total of 4,475 new .schoolhouses having bi'cn bnilt during this time—in 4,383 days. This also means that three-tifths of all the si-hoolhoiises in this State have been built ani'w oi- rebuilt within the last twelve years. — Ri'pori of State Superuitendent, 1912-14, p. 9. GUILFORD SETS THE PACE The whole-time county health otlicer has come to stay in our- educational .sys tem. Ills work is so noieworlhy that the r. S. (lovernmeni is calling atteiition to it. A recenl cir-cnlar- letter- from thi> I’. S. ISurearr of Kducatinnat Washington, D. I>., sets forth the plan of health super vision of school children as conducted by Dr. W. M. .loiK's in /uilfoi-d county, (xuilford is a pace for Ihe other (-omities of the State. PROSPERITY FOR ALL The. columns of the 140 exchanges re ceived by the Uuiver-.sity News Letter are I it to be left lo pi-ivaU' initiative or-secular filled with the reports of County com-I philanthrophy '.' TRAINED COMMUNITY NURSES In Goldsboro and Statesville the good w:om(>n of the Clubs, aided by the city councils, have traiiu'd nurses busy all the lime in the homes of the poor andneedy, (-aring for Ihe sick and helpless, giving limel}' lessons to young mothers, and loriking after iiroper sanitation, disinfec tion, and i.solation. Ill what other citii's of the state are tra'ined nurses em]>loyed for- community uses'.’ What prosper-ous church keeps trained nurses busy upon errands of mercyIs it proper work for the (-hurch, or ought University of North Carolina The Summer School for Teachers—June 15—July 30 Write now for rooms to N. W. WALKER. - Supt menceinentvS all over the Stat(>. In the brief space allotted to us we can only call attention to the fact and rejoice with the several counties at the increasing pow'er of the public schools in our body politic. Wake county furnishes an instance of what is going on all over the State*. Its school propei'ty in ten yeai-s has increased in value from $36,000 to |300,000, teach-, jjjg person, ers from 181 to 288 and i)upils from 8,500 ; foreigners in to 12,000. There are 65 special districts in the county and $80,000 has been voted in bonds for new buildings, with two more districts about to vote on bond is sues. HOARDED MONEY The chief of the department of mine.s of a western State points out that when an Italian, Hungarian, Slav or Pole is injured a sum of money, ranging from fifty to five hundred or even one thous and dollars, is almost alw'ays found on GRANVILLE PAGEANT The University School of Education has just received a part of the dialogue used in tthe pageant given at [the Granville County Commencement. The plan wa.s conceiveil fand executed by Mrs. .Tallies Y. Paris of Oxford, and Miss Mary Shotwell, Supervisor of Rural Schools in Granville county. The dia logues were written almost entirely by the various teachers of the schools thus giving an individuality to the unified whole. Only the Colonial period in the history of the State was attempted since the plan is to continue this type of work at future commencements. Such work is exceedingly valuable. It aroiiseji jmpils and teachers, it stimulates communities, it teaches ease, grace, cor rect speech and ability to follow directions, as \\ell as historical fact. W'e shall find our country grip their nickels tightly and hoard their earnings thriftily. It is a lesson, we need to learn in the South. New Hampshire had more mon ey in lier Savings Banks in 1913 than our Southern states all put together. Strange to say, there is not a single Mutual Savings Bank in the entire South. Our savings banks are joint stoc^k, not mutual banks. SPEAKS FOR MULTITUDES Dere Frend I Red your letter With Much Pleasure consuming your State N 0 and Suround- in secsion AVill you Plese rite to !\Ie con suming What Per Chance there is in your Country for a Pore IMan What Could farming land Be Bought at Per acre or Could Rent a farm Resonable I am a S C Man and all Cotton dont Suet Me I want to get With good Peepul and W'here I Can Make Corne and Wheet & Sucdi lak and Would like \ery Much to oane little home of My oaii any Inferma- tion on this Line Will Be hily apreach- eted By Me I am about 40 years old With a Wife and 8 Children here Slaven for ... , , the land holders Making all Cotton I am use tor these dialogues in our work here jugt a hard Working Sober Man in the School of Education. I Yours very truly