The news m ihis publica tion is released for the press on the date indicated below. the university of north CAROLINA NEWS LETTER Published weekly by the University of North Carolina for its Bureau of Extension. MAY 12, 191S CHAPEL HILL, N. C. «dioriHl Buard: E. C. Branson, ,T. G. cleK, Hamilton, I.. K. Wilson, Z. V. Jndd, S H. WinttTs, L. A. William-. BntevMl VOL. I, NO. 25 as s«'Oiul-,-lass mattfi- NovwnWr 14, 1!I14, at the po.stoffl,^(. at Chapel JIHl, N. C., un(l«i' thf act. of Au^-ust 24. KUa. A THRIFTY FARMER Last yt^ar lie rai.seit 49 halt's oi cntlnii. 1160 bai'i’ols of' Corn, 3,500 iioiiitds of iin'at, 175 l)aiT(‘ls of potatof.s. 200 t>n.-liels of |)0tat0e.s. ami 100 lioxt‘8 of fx'tiii.s, .says the Oliiitoii Di'iiiocrat. lie is a negro faiiiiei' Luther I’arket hr ■ iiaiue, and he li\’es live miles fi-oni Clinton in Sjinijtsoii County.' LESSONS FOR GROWN-UPS The tivei'age |xm' uere yielii of corn in 1 )faiige ill th(' census was only 15 hn. The hoys beat lhal recoi'd last yetir nearly four anil a third times over. If dhe grown-ups in Orangv «ill ftirm this year as vvt^ll a.s these Ixtys did last year, the corn cro]) of the i-tmnty willin' aroniul 1,400.000 hiialu'ls: ora million bushels • more lhaii it \v:ts in 1910. At that time the corn crop of the comity was 90,000 l>nshels k'sa than the cpiantity neeiled for home consiniijition in 1910. OUR GAIN IN PORKPRODUC- TION Oti the lifsl of last .lamuiry we htid 1^25,000 swine on farms and ranges in North Carolina, worth tit ctirrenl market .;priees }il2,505,000. It is nearly three luindri'd thousand hog.' niore than we had in th(' census yt^ar. What is more, the cotton bt'lt states .show creditable increases tltiriug .this fotn- year period ; except Mis.souri and 'Oklahoma whitdi sult'eretl of live .anil 23 [K^r cent respectively; and .\rkan- sas, Louisiana, and Teiini'sstH' which g;iinet only three, si.\, anti eight percent in the oitler naiinH.l. South (!aroliii:i. Ahibama. ami 'J'l'xas ■gaintvl 23 per cent each, while .North Carolina lietids the list w ith a 24 per cenl, inertias*'. .Ul told, otir net increase in 1 togs iutluv .South (hiring the l;wt four years was 1,834- \ OOO. Tint South can rais* pork when ' neces.sity pinches. j Closing Up a Deficit { In 1860, we had in North Carolina^ nearly two hogs per irdi;d>itant. exactly! 1.9; but in 1914 we had nearly two-thirds of a |)igper iK'rsou, exactly65 hundredths. The average annual consuntptiou of iiieat ill the. I'nitt'd Slates is 125 lbs. pei (>er.son. t-hie tw'o-luuulreil j>ound hog per iidiabitant would drt^ss-out just aboiii thetimount n^eded yearly. Beet counts very little iipon an axiM'age in the general .meiit iliet of till'year in tin'South—only .two poiuids per ]»ei\son amon;; the (uiston .'ounty farmers in 191M, Closing up our antnial meat deficit in the South is a fairly simple thing to lio. half dozen more |)oultry pi'r person, and another or a better pig would tuake us indepeudeut of W'estc^rn racket's. And wt'are moving toward such inilopeiidenc«, A gain ol ne.arly two million hogs in four years tells the story of a great achievement. Wiser Before the War During the last census period our de- ^■rease in liogs in North Carolina was 122,000; but since 1910 our increase has lieen 297,000. -\'evertln‘l(*,ss on the Hrst of January 1915. we had 358,000 t'ewer hogs in North 'Carolina than in 1890. ()ur population incrt^a.sed two and a third timi» over dur ing thtwe 55 years: but our supply of liome-raistid pork has suti'eriHl a decri'ase. ()ur forefathers believt^d in full smoke houses, and they were wiser than we in this ruatU^r. There is not likely ttverr j And ni().st ot these crojjs are raist'd mainly under the faiin-tcnancy, crop- lien. time criHlit systi>m. That ti'lls tin' I whole story our tood mid let'd (i(‘ficits in the South; alsfi of our small per ctipita 1 country wealth. Hyde Leads in Per Cent of Gains ; Twenty-eight counties in Xorth Caro- 1 lintt li'tiiiK'd in the numbt'r (tl hogs during tlie last (('usus period; at rales ranginy 1 t'om lotu'-teniliH ot oite ]*er ct'til in rtiil- : ford to 61 per c('iit in Hyde. The gains i were mainly in the lide-water or coastal ])lain coiuities.. (ruilf»r*l and Stanly alont' show in the grain ^rowiiii’, hav . ami fortigi' region of the .''tate. Moore Leads in Per Cent of Losses ; (In the other h:inil, 69 coimties show losses ill hogs during the last censu> periotl; at rates riiiigiug from a Hfth oT one p(“r cent in llarni'tt to 55 ]>er cent in -Moore. I'otir coiintii's lost :i half or more of their piys during (he ten years, j Strange to say. Ibesi' lossi's occurred ■ mtiinly in middle Xorth Carolina ;md the mountain counties—i1k‘ grain urowinir. hay tuid forage ri'gion of the Statel I‘ilt('eii ot th‘ cotton ;tn*l tobacco coun ties made gtiitis in pork |iroductif>n. In the main, the rest of them lt>st 'ground— some of them in large ratios. Where Your County Stands In the Tniv'ersity News Lelteroflic- ceinber '2nd, Mr. .1. M. Daniel of the Davidson County ('lub, showed the dis- trilnition of hcigs in Xorth Carolijui, county by county. In this issiie, Mr. D. Iv lOagle. of the Iredell Cmnily CInl). shows tlie Kain or loss of each county liilring the l;ist ci'nsus period. THE MODERN UNIVERSITY President E. K. Graham The modern university seeks to re- a.ssert for present ci\ iliztuion w hat ptisl ci\'ilization says to America, together with what .\ni('rica has to say lor it- s(‘lt. riirongh its coll(‘agttes of lilx'ral arts, pure and ajijilied science, pro- tessiojud and technical schools it re- I'Oats till- culture messages of the pi'ojihets of the liinetwntli C('ntnry: Arnold s m(>.ssn>>c of swet'tness and light, llnxlcy s tne.ssage ..f the spii-ii of iii(|iiiry. and ('arlyl('’s nicssaLie of the spirit ipfwoi'k. A New Culture Center 'rin-ongli its attempt to make a new tusion ot lioth witli work during the 'i;reat constrm tivi' years of the past hall-century, our civilization has cauu'ht the im|>ulse of a new culture ct'iiter. It is this thai the state univer.siiy seeks to express. It is more than ati aggregate of parts. Asa university it is a li\ing iinit> , an otgauisin at tla' hi-art of the livini:. ilemocratic st:ite, iuli'rpretiiig it.~ lit'*', not by ]>arts or summary of parts, hut wholly,—fusing tile I'imclions of brain and heart ami hand under the |>ower of tlii'immor tal s]iiril ot d(“nioi'racy tis it moves in pre.sent American life to the complete realization of what men really iiK'ant. The Measure of its Power The real measure of its powers will be wh('ther. liscarding the irrelt'van- cies ot the jiast and pre.sent. it can focus, fuse and-interpret their eternal vc'rities and raiiat' them from a new oi;anic center of culture. This let it lenratively deline as achi‘\cment touched by tine ti.'cliiri^s — as t riith ali\e and at wdrk in the world of men and thiiiiJS. UNIVERSITY SCHOOL OF EDUCATION LETTER SERIES NO. 27 GAINS AND LOSSES IN PORK PRODUCTION IN NORTH CAROLINA During the kist census pt'riod D. K. l':A(iLK, Iredell County C!lub I Gains Rank Cotuity Per cent: Rank County r*er cenl Hertford ;. ■ IS 2. (’artaret . 59 16. Scotland 3. Brunswick 39, 17. 36 18 Sampson 5. Onslow 35' 18. Duplin . . 9 6. Tyrrell 31 20. C!hovvan 7. W'ashington. . 30 20. U'ayne S 8. Beaufort,. , ,' 2S : 20. Columbus 8 9. Craven 27 23. Stanlv 10. Pender 11. New Hanover 12- Greene 13. . Pa.squotank 21 . 27. l^enoir 4 14. .fohn.son 20 i 28. Guilford :, ... II. Losses Rank County 1. 2. 3. again to be a time wbe.u we can buy meat i of any kind more cheaply than we can ! raise it at home. I 4. 5. 5. 5. 5. 9. 10. 10. 12. 12. 12. 12. 12. 12. 18. 20. 20. 22. 22. 22. 25. Less Bread and Meat; More Cotton and Tobacco Our ptsr capita production of corn, v\lieat, oabi, pea« and Ix'ans, j)otatoes, beef, pork, and mutton was less in 1914 than in 1860. The simple reason lies in ■ our increasing, overwhelming attenition to | 25 cotton and tobacco. 25. In 1850, our tobacc.o crop for the entire ' 28. state was a littki leas than twelve million 28. pounds; in 1914, it Wiis tnort' than four- 30. teen times thi.s total. :!0. In 1850, our entire cotton (;rop w as only 32. 40,436 five-luindred pound bales; in 1914, 33. it was more than twenty-four times as 33. niuch. 35 Per cenl Harnett 2 Person 8 Edgecombe , 1 H^arren 2 Northampton 3 Pitt 3 Gaston 3 Halifax..... 3- Anson 5 Iredell 6 P'orsyth; 6 Caldwell 7 Alamance 7 Cleveland 7 .Tones 7 Perquimans 7 Union 7 Graliam 8 David .son 8 Mecklenburg 9 Durham 9 Kolieson 10 (Jabarrus 10 Catawba 10 Chatham 11 l^incoln 11 Wake 11 Bladen 12 Biuicombe 12 Rowan 13 Van(» 13 Camden 14 ; Surry 15 Yancey 15 Stokes 16 Rank County Pei- cent 86. 1 lenderson 17 37. (iates ig 3S. Franklin 20 3«. -''‘ash 20 38. Wilson 20 41. Davie 2I 41. Yadkin 2I 43. Dare 22 43. (-rranville 22 43. Orange 22 43. Polk • ,,,22 43. Kichmond 22 43. Kockingham ; 22 49. Caswell 23 49. .lackson 23 51. Ma*iison 24 52. Kutherford 25 53. Ilayvvooif 26 53. Swain 26 55. Alexander 27 56. Burke 30 57. Macon 31 53. Cherokee 32 59. Clay 33 60. Alleghany 35 60. Mitchell 36 62. Randolph 37 63. Wilkes ... 28 64. Ashe 41 65. Transylvania...., 42 66. McDowell 50 67. .Montgomery 51 68. Wattiiiga r 52 69. .M(K)re 55 MINIMUM EQUIPMENT FOR HIGH SCHOOLS • \\ h(*u \\0(lisciis> iiiiiiinjum (‘(jiiipiuent : i'"r a I'liirh school \\c miisr inevitably he roni I’olled s(lial hy llu* size of llic school. \\ hat woulil Ik' more than sntli- , ciciit loi- f»ur of.UnaJ-y Uhcc orfour teach- ci' hiiih -cli')o| would he totally inaU'^|nalo : tor a city higii scliool. 'Phis niinin)uni ^•((uipnicnt is iV*r our or-diiun-y slat(‘ aidol public lii^h sch(K»l. (>ur tcachinj^ statl’ in such'a school, as an cconnmical uti*as- nrc. couio to hr noi l(‘ss llianthnM* teachcrs. all dcvfttinu tlu'ir iMuin' lini(‘ to (1k‘ Work of the school. It is on snch a f>asis and with such an ideal in mind that tliin (M]ui[)nicnt i.s ontlinrd. It may not Ix'' possible to r(*l all liiis equipment at the start (»r in any one year liul it surely can lie secnred by the ol' a five y(*ar p'ricHi. aii^lin.ii' a lirtlt* (*acli y(‘ar. A Prime Requisite Fir>t. let us have a properly consti'ucted building. By this is meant a building c(pnstrucied more nearly according to the lirinci|iles of school hygiene than accord ing' t(. hit;hly scieniili- archite'tural principles. Do not depend on local ar chitects or contractoi-s to plan your high school building. S'ud either to the State D('])artnu'ut al Ivaleigh or hereto the School of .[education for information and ! assist,•nice. In General 1 ict tlH'sc folllowing features incorpo rated imo a building : — - 1 )ne-side lightiu". Ade.|uau' heating and \-entilation. .V .separati- room t'oi- each teacher, 24' .K 30' X 12', ,\]i assi'inbly hall. A room loi' a library which may be! us(‘l as a music room. ! 1 ,\t least one room for laboratories, j Sutti.cieni and (iroperly arranged ward- | rolws. j A NEW COLLEGE PRESIDENT (TIu' Boston 'JVanscript"I 'I'oilay the University of North Carolina c.Jtablishe(l as its new president I>r. Kd- ward Kiilder (irahaTii, a nuin ((uite young' yet of almost I'xactly tbesami' number of' years which the I'ldversity itself has li\cd since its reconstiiiction in 1875. By. his inaugiual aildr'ss Pi’csid('ut (d'aham \'oiced not only the larger li-aditioits which ha\(‘ come down fronj the rni-\-er- sity’s earlier past—a history that iH'gati with the history of^the I'nited i States—but also the sigidlicancc' of the reconstructive years w hich he himself has ‘ known and helped to render ell'ective. Dr. Graham appeared abmidantly 'on- scioiis of the leadershi]p which tlu' uni versities of the Soutli must asstnne in the j»resent years wln'U, the foundations b('- j ing rebuilt, the str-ucture itself of material and jueutal prosperity waits to be reared. President Lowell of Harvard, (roodnowof .Tohns Hopkins, Finley of .\'ew Yoik— tliree men loiig eugaged in siuular work in the North—all 'spoke at the inaugural exercises in fUiapel Hill today of their willingness to co-operati:* with the South and their zeal towards the common ends of national progress. The inrity of this country’s ideals in education was surely made clear. President Graham, as he surveyed the imniediat,e need wdricJi the TTniversity of Xorth Carolina must seek to meet among the people of its State, the new possibili ties in learning and research which the South’s recovered vitality opens, disco\-er- ed the modern ideal of symmetry which the institution must constantly raise for itself. Thus, though North Carolina needs \'ocational trainining, Dr. Graham reminded his fellows that “democracy, has come to mean more than an aggregate i of vocations, grouped for tlie purpose of I material exploitation. The whole effort of' theprodnctiv^e state is to unify its life, nor ' by casting out material good, bul by in-1 terpreting and using it in its synunetrical 1 upbuilding... .The State T’niversity is not so much concerned with doing a certain ' set of things, as infusing the way of do-1 ing all things with a certain ideal. Not by spasmodic reform, nor l)y sentiment, nor by the expiations of philathropy, but by understanding, criticism, j-esearch and sub- ('ach Plenty ot slate blackbriards, properly set. Wide corridors, if any, built-in bfiok('as(' )!■ (doset in (‘ach room. Internal or WorKing Equip ment Indi\ilual adjustable .seats and desks, |iro))erly .set, A teacher’s rlesk and chair with at least tU(. >xtra chairs for each class room. Plenty of wall maps suited to the ject taught in each room ; histoi-ica'l lo('al industrial auil coniiuercial agricultural, line liigli sceool dictionary for room and a large unabridged diction ary for the libi-ary. .\ few well-chosen pictures on the wall, keeping in mind the nature (Ttho aiiole.scenl and the character of work ilone in that room, from 250-1000 \\*ell-c]nts'u \olumes in the library; refeience books. Kngli.-h classics, gooil modern ti'tion, travel anfl biography, magazines. iliction-iiri('s of foicign ■\ piano if at all possible. Miscellaneous Needs iHistless cbaik.^jioi.s(d\ss eras('rs, ers. waste bask(‘ts. individual drink- iug cups and towels, dustless hair l)rush broom, where possiliie the sanitary drinking' loutuaiu. wash basin, pokei’ aiil Hr* shiv(*i Lor (‘acli stove it unlortuiuU(‘ enougli not to haveasingi(' lu'atin^x plant, ioor mats and loot scrapers at outside doors. Th(^ board shfiuld also I'uruisii’ the teaclier with a ml! set of such books as have been aJopte«i tor use in the subjeei tliat teacher is handling. !ani;ua;es, applied kiiowledjre it would revt'jil the unity of th(‘ cluuuiels through which life flows, and minister to th‘ pui'iticatiou of its curmits.” Il(‘re is no mere liuHoric—though it were wrong to pass Dr. (rrahain\s speech witliotit some comment on tlu’ eloquent (iow ol its diction—but an ifleal wJiei'eou Xorth ('aroliiut s iu*w j>resident niay cany his colle^(‘ to tine a.ul practical attaiiuueut. Disposal Health FREE PUBLIC HEALTH LIT ERATURE I'he Stal(‘-P>oard ot Ih^alth has a lim ited (|uantity of lu'allh literature on the I subjects listed below, which will be sent I out, free of charge, to any citizen of the State as long as the supj>ly lasts. IfyoiK-are for any of this literature, or waid. some sent to a frieml, just write to the State Board of Health, at Haleigh. post card will briiiK it by rKurn mail. No. 10. Clare and Feeding of Babies. No, 11, The Plague of Flies and Mos quitoes. No. 12. Residential .Sewerage Plants. No. 13. Sanitary Privy. No. 14. Hookworm, No. 15. Malaria. No. 18. Tuberculosis l>'aflet, No. 19. Compilation of Public Laws of North Carolina. No, 20. Tuberculosis Btilletiir. No. 21. Fly Iveatlei. No. 22. Baby Leaflet. No. 2.S. The Vital Statistic.s Law'. No, 25. Typhoid Fever Leaflet. No. 27. The Whole Time County Health Officer. -8. Typhoid Fever. 29. Model (!otmty Health Laws No. 30. Measles Pamphlet. No. 31. Whooping Cough Pamphlet. No. 32. Diphtheria Pamphlet. No. 33- Scarlet Fever Pamphlet. No, 34. Smallpox Pamphlet. No. 35. Some Light on Typhoid. No. 36. County Health Work on an E(fi« cient Basis, No. 37. The More Common Physical De fects in Children. Anti-spitting Placards (11 inches by 9 inches.) Anti-fly Placards (11 inches by 19inches.) No. No.

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