V The .Library, Chapel Hill. The news in this publica tion is released for the press on receipt. THE UNIVERSITY OF NORTH CAROLINA NEWS LETTER Published weekly by the University of North Carolina for its Bureau of Extension. NOVEMBER L4, 1917 CHAPEL HILL, N. C. VOL. IV, NO. 1 I'EdHorial Board : ®. C. Branson, J. G. (ieJ-i. Hamilton , L. R,. Wilson, ,T. H. .Toimston, R. H. Thornton, G. M. McKie. Entered as second-class matter November U, 1914, at the Postofflce at Chapel Hill, N. C., under the act of August 24, 1912. EVERY READER CAN HELP Fifteen thonsand copies a week! That’s the I uuib(.‘r of University News letters goinfj into the malls these days. Keai each one of our War-Time Specials, or pass' it along to your neighbor. We earnestly hope you will do both these things. Or post it fl-eek by week in some public place. e are mailing extra copies to the •county and city superintendents of schools. A\’e beg these otlicers to send them out promptly to their schools, to be read by teachers and pupils. Tlie\ arc full of suggestions for short talks about tlie War to school children and to asbeinblies of the lolks at the .school houses. Use tlie information in the News Let ter for Friday afternoon exercises by the children. Here’s a chance to inform your people about the most perilous event in the his tory ot men since the worhl began to be. H you are a county oliicer, please dis play the News hotter on the court house .bullotih board. It is ii\e. Anybody can have it mailed -direct, ..-y scnan.g us a post card—or so, ■until our publishing fund is exhausted. signed the cards. A million a day, so far! Indiana lead with 110,000 cards, Virginia came next with 107,000, and New York City stood third with 104,000. In .4uglaizie county Oliio—a county half (iernian in poimlation—nine-tenths of the homes have already signed the’ food pledge cards. That’s the answer of American women to the cry of our soldiers and our allies. And the campaign is hardly yet begun. We have not yet learned the results in North Carolina, but wo do not\ioubt the patriotism of our women. When the figures are all in, it will be seen that the Old North State stands high in the Food Fledge column—or so we have the faith to believe. There are 600,000 households in North Carolina and the signed pledges ought to 'nuniher 500,000, at the least. Surely we can do as well in North Carolina as any half-German county in Ohio. .We have boasted our pure Anglo-Saxon blood for many long years. We can now see what it’s worth in a pinch and crisis. FOOD MEANS VICTORY More than a century ago Napoleon said that an army travels on its belly. To day the^iiireme question of war is that of food, lor food has become the chief munition of war. Its abundance with us means our victory; its failure in Ger many means her defeat. Every' ounce :saved in the United States is worth a bul- •let firi.d at the‘enemy, and he who today makes two blades ol grass grow wheie only one grew Irefore is more than a -statesman—he is doubly a patriot. LIBERTY’S BLAST Laura E. Richards Blow your horn. Liberty, Liberty, liberty, Blow your horn. Liberty, Over the hill! Rise up and answer it. Answer it, answer it, Sons of America, Now with a will! FOOD WILL WIN. SAVE IT Henry A. Page To wage successful warfare, every government must have the active co operation of all it citizens. Those of military age and condition constitute merely the first tine of de fense. behind these every man and woman must servo The war service nearest to your hand is your job. Have you found your place? ‘ Food will win the war; don’t waste it.” In this important sphere of war .ser vice every one may and should serve daily. Inform yourself about the needs of your country; set yourself earnestly at your own task, and thus become a ‘‘soldier of liberty.” UNIVERSITY SCHOOL OF EDUCATION LETTER SERIES NO. 140 TEACHERS CAN HELP Peculiarly fitted by temperament and TRAMP, TRAMP, TRAMP The other day our boys in France wait into the front line trenches singing Tramp, Tramp, Tramp—the Boys are Marching. And they firgd a shot heard round the wOrld, like that of the embat tled fanners at Concord bridge in Revo lutionary days. Within the next twelve months mil lions of our hoys wilt he on the battle fronts abroad. They mast be fed and clothed, armed and oqniiiped, cheered and comforted by the faith and self-de nial of the folks at home. They cannot be left to starve and rot,' forgotten and neglected, in far-away lands while fight ing oiir light for democratic, freedom in Ihe world. The Stay-at-Homes Can Help V’e can buy Liberty Bonds almost witlmut limit. We are not giving the government anything; we are lending the governnient money. And we are getting four per cent for it, which is as much as the savings hanks pay. Dit costs 125,000 a day to run our 50,000 -mo'tur ears in North Carolina. If we run our cars one day less each week, we save enough to buy J.1,300,000 worth of bonds in a single year. And this is only one way -of saving-there are scores of otlu rs. ; And Yhis nation of scandalous wasters needs to get the habit. It will be worth 'billions in' the years that follow tie war. Stop the Household LeaKs They run up to .5700,00^,000 a year in America, say the authorities in Wash ington. If each of the 22 million homes in this country saves daily a pat ot but ter, an ounce of meat, a slice o iriai, a table poonful of sngar-if we keep these, small wastes out of the garbage can j^ily_w'c’ll have seven million bushels of-whaet, one and a half million cattle, three and a half milUoii hogs, a luillion and a (juarter pounds of butter, and fifty- live million pounds of sugar more to send ■ to , nr 1,-ys in the trenches this year; ant this Muu-.il more from this single source of "SAVUlg. , The more we save in our homes, tlie less the local merchaiitswill need to Ship in and the greater will be the supplies in the big market centers for the government to send abroad to our men m the battle lines. The Women are Doing It The first ttiree days of the Food Pledge ^Campaign, three million housewives Off with the bonds of indulgence and avarice; Shake them and break them and fling them away! On vvith the bonds of devotion and sacrifice; Firm be tlicy riveted, strong be their sway! Take our liafids. Liberty Liberty, L berty, ( Take our hearts, Liberty, Now with our gold! So as your bondsmen we ^ Yours to the death will be. Bond to the right, and free, Faithful and bold. Blow your horn, Liberty, Liberty, Liberty, Blow your horn, Liberty, Over the hill! Rise up and answer it, Answer it, answer it. Sons of America, Now with a will! FOOD AND PATRIOTISM Patriotism and food! 11 inning a world war by eating poultry and corn products instead'!^ wheat and beef! It will take wholesale education to get this point of view in America. An army of food savf-rs docs not appeal to the im agination Uke an army with giins and banners. But remember the large words of M. filoch: That is the future of war —not fighting, hut famine! Germany’s Way I had some opportunity during the two years from May 191-’’, to May 1917, of seeing embattled Germany at close range. And I saw Germany lighting, not only with armies of men in field gray, but with greater armies of un-uiiiforined men women and children—the civilian ar mies of workers and food-savers, (mr- many is figliting a.s d whole people, a whole nation mobilized. Germany is fighting to win a war that was to have been all conquest and glory, and is now all Uurchhaiten (holding fast). In this fighting and Durchlialten, Germany has lifted food to all the importance that Dl. Bloch prophesied for it. She is strug gling to hold off famine from herself and to impose famine upon her enemies. Germany controls food, saves food, stretches food, as no nation has ever done before'. That she has not already been beaten is due no less to her food organ ization than to her fighting organization. She lias put patriotism and food togeth er. So must we.—Vernon Kellogg, No vember Atlantic Monthly. with us in war falls for the present upon the American people, and the drain upon supplies on such a scale necessarily allect-s the prices of the necessaries of life. If our people will economize in their use of food, providently confining them selves to the (luantities required for the, maintenance of health and siren,gth; if they will eliminate waste; and if they wi 1 make use of those commodities of which wo have a surplus and thus free for export a larger proportion of those required by the world now dependent upon ns, we shad be able not only to ac complish our obligations to them, but we shall obtain and establish reasonable prices at home. Sacrifice and Devotion Needed To provide an adequate supply of food both for our own soldiers on the other side of the seas and for the civil popula tions and the armies of the allies is one of bur first and foreiuoSt obligation^; for if we are to maintain tlicir constancy in this struggle for the independence of all nations, we must first maintain their health and strength. The solution of our food problems, therefore is depend ent upon the individual service of every man, woman, and child in the United States. The great voluntary effort in this direction, which has been initiated and organized by tlie Food .-Idniiiiistra- tion under niy direction, offers an oppor tunity of service in the war which is open to every individual, and by which every individual may .^erve both his own peo ple aud the people of the world. IVe cannot accomplish our objects in this great war without sacr lice and devo tion, and in no direction can that sacri- tice and devotion be better shown than by each home and public eating place in the country pledging its support to the Food Administration and complying with its requests. by training for service, and interested in the conservation of all resourjies the teacher has a most unusual oppbrtunity in the months to come. If we are to win this war we must win it with food and feed as much as by guns and men. We need food for our people here at home, for our hoys over there, and for the armies of our allies and their families. Our people do not yet realize how vital ly necessary fooil is to the winning of war. They seem to have a notion tliat there is a great deal of talk about something which is not so very important. They may perliaps recognize the need for great numbers of men, for ships, for ammuni tion, for guns, for steel and iron, but that we must provide great stores of food stuffs and feedstuff's Seems too far removed from warfare to apiie.ar a real necessity. The teachers can talk such matters over I with the cliildren in-school and make j clear to them how necessary food is for an I army and successful warfare. Teach the Sin of Waste I The first great lesson the teacher can drive lioine is the' necessity for saving j what we have, using certain foods and feeds not easily transported across seas and thus setting free for transportation the wheat, meat, sugar and fats so easily carried and so necessary to a well- rounded ration for fighting men. Some parents feel they are being asked to live on a shortened ration. Teachers can correct the error and impress upon the childi'en the idea that we can still live A as. well and l etter by using certain ar ticles of diet more and using others less. Teach Production The second lesson is to begin prepara tion now for producing more food and feed next year than ever in our history. As time goes on the waste of war will in crease and the need for us who have great untilled areas to make them produce will he ever greater and greater. Not less cotton and toliacco but more corn, w heat, hogs, cattle, vegetables, ami fruits must be produced. Geography, language, arithmetic, all lend themselves as convenient media through which the teacher can do this w'ork. Here is a chance for the teacher to do.her bit. The Bureau of Extension will furnish specific information about such work if the teachers who are inter ested will send a postcard reijnest for such help. ] you cut down quantities, merely that you ' substitute different varieties, j AVLcat, meat, fats and sugar are the ! most etiicient foods and the most easily j shipped. No one in the world has them to give but America. They can be sup plied only by the individual savings of our homes. I do not mean of course, that we should waste foods other than these. Every housewife in America has a personal reason for not doing that. Please do not understand me as accus ing America’s housewives of being w’aste- fuh The vast majority—about 70 per cent of them—could not live more closelj to the margin of true economy than they dOj,, That is splendid. It is among the remaining 30 per cent that great w'.iste is found. Food Will Win the War. i\ly plea, therefore, is that each of us take this food conservation program se riously. It is my profound hope, that the women of America will begin that serious consideration by signing the Food Pledge card and that they will then patriotically and faithfully live up to it. For it is not a mere phrase, that of “Food will win the war.” Food is the first and most vital of all our ammunitions.—Herbert Hoover. Second, Machinery by which county and munidpal activities could be com bined whenever the people desire it. Third, Uniformity in keeping all rec ords of accouiiG, their periodic auditlng,- and the full publication of all information in convenient form for circulation. * Fourth, Changing the tax laws prefer ably in line with recommendation made by the State Tax Commission. Mr. Willard’s address was rich with the wisdom of life-long activity in county af fairs. THE PRESIDENT’S APPEAL The chief part of the burden of finding food supplies for tlie peoples associated , to eat differently IT IS SUCH A VITAL THING. I wish I could talk personally to every home in America about the Food Pledge Campaign. It is such a vital thing, and such a simple thing. It means so much to our success in tlie war, and it asks so little of individual homes. It means, briefly, that if our 22,000,000 homes will follow the course laid down in the food pledge cards and will make the few simple changes asked in our eating habits, cur allies will be fed aud their hearts kept high for'victory. It means that if our homes do not do this, our al lies will go hungry and fall into discour agement. While this service is a major service from our women, we are not asking them alone to bear the burden of conservation. We are asking that the men support it and that every hotel, restaurant and fac tory practice it. That ounce of meat, that slice of bread, that third of an ounce of fat, that ounce of sugar we ask each person to conserve each day, will weigh heavily in the scales against the kaiser. Please think of that when you go into your kitchen to prepare your meals. Only America Can It looks small, it seems trifling, I know. But so does the acorn. Yet in a basket of acorns is a mighty forest. So, also, in our ounces of savings is the germ of an allied victory. . We do not ask you to eat less, merely We do not askj_that COUNTY OFFICE CHAOS The North Carolina Club at the Univer sity, at its third meeting of the year, was addressed by Mr. M. S. Willard of Wil mington on County Finances, and by Mr. George G. Scott of Charlotte on County Book-keejiing and Pmiform County Accounting. I am fully pe'-suaded, said Dir. AVil- lard, that onr present county financial system, with all its failures to accomplish what is desired, is not so terribly ' bad if the laws as they exist were really en forced. For instance, taxes are not levied and collected as prescribed by law in a single county in the state. Diligent ett'orts to collect all flaxes are seldom made, said he, and there is no similarity in the methods employed in handling delinquent tax payers. Should the sheriff enforce the law be would lose his office. Mr. Willard asserts that he has never seen an annual balance sheet that accurately showed the amount of un collected taxes due a county. The Way to End Chaos The shortcomings and looseness that prevail in county offices can be charged to the people themselves, and will not cease until taxpayers and voters take a lively interest in county affairs. Mr. Willard is satisfied that we would come very much nearer to attaining the goal if we should change our laws so as to provide: First, A small board of commissioners with complete authority over all county business. , Sorry Public Accounting Mr. Scott, speaking on Uniform Coun ty Accounting, said, It is a fundamental principle that efficiency and economy of administration cannot be any higher than the information produced by an adequate system of accounts. Our la'.vs governing county accounting are not adequate in their scope. Limited knowledge of practical ac counting by county officers causes vast discrepancies in the methods employed, and numerous errors in the balance sheets. The commissioners’ books in one county were examined and a deficit of $200 000 disclosed. There was no dishon esty liere, but the case is cited as typical of general ignorance in handling finances and preparing e.xhibits. Money is col lected and paid out without note being made of it. It is a common practice in county offices. The state is in need of county officers who understand the keep ing of accurate books. The counties are sadly in need of a uniform system of ac counting. Legislation Necessary Mr. Scott suggests that necessary laws be enacted for the creation of a State Commission of Public Accounts to deal with the matter, with the following powers: First,- To devise, chart, and establish a uniform system of accounting procedures for the counties of the state; to prepare an accounting manual therefor, and to re quire the adoption of a budget system. Second, To require all counties to in stall and maintain such ilevised systems aud accounting procedures. Third, To require an annual audit and examination of the books and accounts by qualified accountants. Fourth, To require all counties of the state to publish an annual Year-Book containing uniform statements of opera tions and financial conditions together with uniform statistical data. Dir. Scott is chairman of the State Board of Accountancy, whose business it is to examine and license Certified Public Accountants. His address with Dir. Willard’s ought to be read by every legislator and the in telligent people of the state in every county. Both addresses will appear in full in the 1917-18 Year-Book of the North Carolina Club. s