The news in this publica tion is released for the press on receipt. THE UNIVERSITY OF NORTH CAROLINA NEWS LETTER Published weekly by the University of North Carolina for its Bureau of Extension. lARCH 24, 1920 CHAPEL HHJU N. C. VOL. VI, NO. 18 aitorial Board i HI, O. Branson, L. B. Wilson, E. W. Knight, D. D, Carrol], J. B. Bullitt. Entered as second-class matter November 14, 1914, at the Postoffloe at Chapel Hill, N. C„ under the act of August 24, 1912 CROP VALUES PER FARM WORKER 'HE OUNCE OF PREVENTION The average annual death rate in North Jarolina is a little over 14 per 1,000 of opulatioii. Of tliese deaths about 20 percent are life to such adult diseases as cancer, dia- etes, heart disease, nepliritis etc., vvliich re not readily preventable in the present ,ateof our knowledge. But about 10 ercent «re due to tuberculosis, a goodly ercentage of which could he prevented y proper sanitation and most of which 311 Id be cured by early diagmisis and roper treatment. Over 20 percent occur mo?ftr children under three years of age, early all of which are theoretically pre entable and over half of whicli are prac- cally preventable by established methods f hygiene and sanitation. Over 12 per- ent are due to soil pollution diseases, all f which are easily preventalile, and bout 6 percent are due to the acute in- ■ctious diseases, the great majority of hich can be prevented by simple means f sanitation. Upon the whole a thorough system of ealth supervision would reduce our death ite by at least one-half and would prao- cally eliminate typhoid, hookworm, lalaria, smallpox, and many other pres at causes of death and disability. The accuracy of this s'atement is well lown by figures given in a recent bul- tin of the State Board of Health. In mie eounties the cases of hookworm ive been reduced as much as 75 per- mt, while the average reduction in nine miuies which are cooperating with the ate Board is about 50 jierceut. In these same nine counties the aver ts annual death rate from typhoid fever IS formerly over 35 per 100,000 popn- tion. In 1918 their average rate was 18 than 8. One of these counties whose rmer typhoid rate was over 33 went rough 1918 Without a single death from is disease. In another of tliese counties, tlie typhoid lath rate dropped from 40 to 5, and 1 appreciation of tlie economic value of laltli is sliown by the policy adopted by le of tlie banks. Loans are made “only person,s who are able to present evi- : ince that they live amid sanitary sur- I undings. An applicant for a loan, in der to receive credit, must live in a ■ line provided with a sanitary privy. He \ 1(1 ids family must have been vaccinated ■ ;ainst typlioid fever and lie free from ^ arked evidence of hookworm disease.” | This IS not sentiment but sound bank- g precaution.—J. B. B. Attendance on normal schools and other teacher-training schools has fallen ofi fr(,)in 10 to 15 per cent since 1915 and is still falling. More than 100,000 teacliing positions are now vacant or inadequately filled as a result of this scarcity of grist for tliese schools to grind. If the foundation stone of democracy is a well-educated citizensliip we are build ing our national life on the quicksands. —L. A. W. UNEDUCATED AMERICA We liave been wont to rejoice over tlie lucalion of our citizenship in tlie United | tales. In fact we liave rejoiced so much ! id so loudly that we have neglected to , k about llie trutli of tlie matter. A. | iriety ol revelations during tlie war and | ter indicate that we are a grossly un- lucated people. Tile total average lengtli of time eacli dividual in tlie United States spends m ir public schools is less than 6 years. In -her words, on tlie average we as a ua- 3U do not have tlie education of cliil- ■en who finish the filth grade. Of every 100 children who enter tlie -St grade-of our public schools 30 drop It before they finish the sixth grade; ) of tlie remaining 70 are dropped bolore ley tinisii the eigiith grade and only □out 1 in 4 of the remainder ever finish igh school. Not only tliat Imt tlie total igh school enrollment is only about 8 5rceut of the total elementary scliool irollment. Approximately _ 1 in every 20 of our opulaiion over ten years of age can either’read nor write at all and about 1 1 every 5 cannot read a newspaper or rite a simple letter. Over and beyond lis there are many tliousands of children tteuding schools in which not one word E English is ever spoken. On the basis of the physical exatnina- ons conducted in connection with the raft it would appear that about 1 in very 3 of onr population has physical efects sufficiently severe to make them nfit for even cannon fodder. Sometliing like 4,000,000 children in urbi,„ools are taught by teachers less Elan 21 years old, who have little if any Igh school training, who have no pro- ^ssional training at all, and who are roducts of tlie same school which they 3ach„ THE NEW ERA IN HIGHWAYS The time has arrived when arguments as to the aiivantages of good roads are no longer lieard. In fact, people gen erally are keenly desirous of better roads immediacely even at greatcoat. The road building program in the United Ststes for the year 1920 exceeds that of any other* known engineering project. About three- fourths of a billion dollars will be avail able dnrihg the year for road improve ment. Probably five times as much money will be spent on roads during this one year as was neces.sary to build the entire Panama Canal. The most ditiicnlt prob lem now is not how to finance roads but how to build tlicm to stand the require ments of traffic. The Engineer’s Part In the expenditure of public funds, the highway engineers and officials of this country are facing the biggest responsi bility tliat has ever been put upon public oflicials. Road building is an engineer ing problem and tliere can be no guaran tee of a wise expenditure of tliis vast fund without tlie freest atiplication of scientific non-i)olitical tuetliods. Engineers must liav-e ample time and opportunity to in vestigate aud plan thorouglily all tlie im portant features of roads tliat are to be built and kept up, so that wliatever is done, is done in a tliorouglily scientific manner. One of tlie greatest contributions of the federal government in connection aith its aid to road building lias been the rigid requirements for thorough engineenng and tlie creation of state higlnvay depart ments whose aim it is to work in conjunc tion with tile Bureau of Public Hoads and the various counties in planuiiig and laying out a permanent road system. If funds are limited on a project, tlie engineer must decide where technical re quirements slioiild be retained and wliere ignored; but he must plan tlie work so that whatever is done will become a use ful part ot aii3 future improvement, in most of the counties in North Carolina, funds are only sulficieut to build a sand- clay or top-soil road, whicli may have to be ciianged to a liard-suriace road in a few years, to meet the demands of traffic. A road of tiiis type should be located and designed witli tiie same degree of care as tlie liigliesc type of pavement. It should be permanently established with tlie best possible alignment, the easiest grades tliat tlie topography will admit ol, the best drainage structures, and a good sate width. In fact every road of importance should be located with ‘the idea of per manence in mind. Neglected Features During die last five years, automobile and motor-truck traffic has readied such a degree of intensity and recklessness that safety to life demands stronger and wider bridges. More attention siiould be paid to the aesthetic features of road planning. The roads of Europe are ahead of ours in this respect. Borne of our bridges are an of fense to every passerby. A little extra money for appearance sake is well worth the cost certainly for structures of con crete that are supposed to stand for all time to come. We have been slow in learning that tlie maintenance of roads should, begin as soon as construction ceases; and tliat it requires the supervision of an experienced engineer just as much so as do the loca tion and construction of roads. Tlie chief reason why the roads of France liave a greater reputation for excellence than ours lies in the close attention they have paid to maintenance. The railroads liave long realized the importance of keeping the road-bed and bridges in good condition. Unless roads are properly kept up they are a liability instead of an asseu.—T. F Hickerson, Associate Pro fessor Civil Engineering, University of North Carolina. TBE FORGOTTEN MAN William G. Sumner The Forgotten Man, in the Ameri can scheme of things, is one who is delving aw-ay in patient industry, sup porting his family, paying his taxes, casting his vote, supporting the church and school, reading his newspaper, and cheering for the politician of his admiration, but he is the only one for whom there is no provision in the great scramble and the big divide. He works, lie votes, generally he prays—but he always pays—yes, and above all, he pays. He does not want an office, his name never gets into the newspapers except when he gets mar ried or dies. He keeps production going on. He contributes to the • strength of parties. He is flattered before election. He is strongly patri otic. He is wanted, whenever in his little circle there is W’ork to be done or counsel to be given. He may grumble some occasionally to his wife and family; but he does not frequent the grocery or talk politics at the tav ern. Consequently he is forgotten. He is a commonplace man. He gives no trouble. He excites no admiration. Tlierefore he is forgotten. All the bur dens fall on liim, or on her, for it is time to remember tliat the Forgotten EMail is not seldom a woman. CROP VALUES PER WORKER Eight liundred twenty-eiglit dollars per farm worker. Tliis is tlie gross wealth in crop values at farm prices proiiuced by tlie average farm worker in North Carolina in 1919. On tliis basis of comparison 19 states stood ahead oi us. Soutli Carolina is tlie only otlier Sontliern state that stood above us, as may be seen in tlie table pro duced elsewhere in tliis issue. Our per-worker average of $828 is more than tliree times tlie average of ten years ago—$828 against $236. Tlie increase is due to our immensely greater acreage in tobacco, and the current liigli price levels of botli cotton and toiiacco—the two crops that produced two-thirds of our crop wealth last year. In otlier words, the average gross crejp income in Nortli Carolina in 1919 was close to $2500 per farm family. It was below tliis average, of course in the grain, hay, and forage counties, but it was above it—far above it—in our 27 cotton counties, and it was highest in the 20 counties that produced the buln; of our tobacco. Here are fundamental facts that ex plain wily farm tenants white and black are swarming out of the Piedmont coun ties—the whites into tlie mill villages, and tlie negroes into the nearby towns or out of the state into the North and West. In tliese grain, hay and forage counties farm owners, for lack of labor, will be forced to go into expansive food and livestock farming with increased horse and machine power as in Kansas or Iowa, say, or they must reduce their farms to the family size demanded by primitive hand-tool farming and sell off or turn out the balance of their land to broomsedge, black-jacks and scrub pines. It is Hobson’s choice. Tenants of both races are fairly well content in the cotton and tobacco belt, as things now are, because they are hand ling more money than they ever saw be fore. Tliey are indeed having the time of tiieir lives in the cotton and tobacco counties. For instance, the finest motor car we saw in Scotland county last fall belonged to a negro tenant farmer. Au tomobiles in farm tenancy areas in North Carolina are getting to be as plentiful as blackberries. Some Things to Think About Wily did 19 states of the Union pro duce greater gross crop values per farm worker in 1919 than North Carolina? Tlie answers are as various as tlie states. Local conditions everywliere en ter into the explanations in important details. But certain factors are fairly con- COUNTRY HOME CONVENIENCES LETTER SERIES No. 4 ELECTRICAL TERMS Time was when the only scientific terms with which a farmer had to be familiar were confined almost entirely to agricul ture. Long since, however, with the in troduction of mechanical power for farm purposes, the average fartner has come to be more or less familiar with the lan guage of the mechanical engineer. He has some conception of what is meant by steam pressure and the term horsepower has no particular terrors for him. The development of the farm lighting set has placed in the farmer’s hands a new contrivance which must be talked about in such terms as volts, amperes, ampere-hours, and watts. These terms are not hard to understand when their similarity to otliers, more familiar, is made clear. The meaning ol tliese four fundamental electrical terms is as follows: Volt is the unit of electrical pressure. It is similar to the pressure in a water system or steam boiler, which is measur ed in pounds per square inch. Each storage cell of a farm lighting set, when fully charged, develops an electrical pressure of about 2 volts and tlie whole battery of 16 cells about 32 volts. Ampere is the unit used for measuring the flow of electric current. The flow of a spring is often measured in gallons per hour. Similarly the electric current de livered by the generator of a farm light ing set is about 25 amperes. Each 20 watt lamp requires about five-eighths of an ampere. Hence 8 such lamps would require 8 times five-eighths of an ampere or 5 amperes, and 40 lamps would load the generator approximately to its capacity. Ampere-hour is the unit used to ex press the capacity of a storage battery for delivering an electric current. A storage battery stores up capacity to de liver electric current just as a tank stores up water to be used as needed after the pump has stopped pumping. Watt is the electrical unit of power. It is just the same kind of thing as horse power. In fact 746 watts equal one horsepower. Electrical men prefer this unit of power because the number of watts delivered by an electrical generator is the product of the number of volts times the number of amperes. Also the number of watts of power required to op erate an electric motor or to light a lamp is tlie product of the number of volts times the number of amperes supplied to the motor.—P. H. D. ! stant in their effects. Omitting high-bred seeds and improved tillage we center attention upon: (1) The per acre values of the standard farm crops pro duced, and (2) tlie number of acres cul tivated by the average farm worker. The states in which fruits and vegeta bles, tobacco, sweet potatoes, cotton, and peanuts—one or more or all of these—are considerable crops, stand a good chance to rank high in the production of per- worker crop values. All tliese crops are tremendous producers of per-acre values. But gross per-worker yields rapidly diminisli according to the average acreage the farm worker cultivates. For instance, the average farm worker in Nebraska in 1919 produced gross val ues some $500 more than in North Caro lina—$1,341 against $828. In North Caro lina tlie farm worker cultivates only 14 acres upon the average, in Nebraska the average is 120 acres. Our farm system is intensive; theirs is extensive. One farm worker with abun dant horse and macliine power cultivates nearly nine times as many acres in Ne braska as ill North Carolina. In tliis way the gross per-worker yields of Nebraska farmers are easily larger than ours al though ilieir standard crops, the grains, liay and forage, do not begin to compare with coEton and tobacco, peanuts and sweet potatoes in per acre values. Our per-acre values are higher than theirs; their per-worker values are liigher than ours. But what is even more significant, their labor cost is reduced to a minimum. Consequently their net profits in average years tend to be greater, and their accu mulated wealth more abundant. As farm labor becomes scarce and expensive in the South we shall be forced to study this matter of labor costs and gradually to move out of small-scale farm ing with hand tools mainly, into medium or large scale farming with abundant horse and machine power—at least in our grain, hay and forage areas. The way out does not lie in less land better culti vated with expensive human labor, but in more land better cultivated with abun dant horse and machine pow'er. For a half century our cultivated acre age per farm worker has been steadily decreasing in -North Carolina and the South year by year. For years we have been steadily moving into intensive farm ing, and strange to say this movement has been in an area of cheap labor and abundant land. Dynamite Logic But now that farm labor has become scarce and high lye shall have to readjust our farm systems. Labor scarcity is a ffindamental condition that compels rad ical changes in our farm areas. However, as long as cotton and tobac- ' CO bring top-notch prices we are not like ly to look ahead wisely and to arrange changes accordingly. Apparently we are looking into the future with blinkers on. We are awaiting the logic of dire necessi ty, it seems. And dire necessity awaits us at the next turn of the road. It is the boll weevil. The chances are that this pest will cover our cotton areas by 1922. Then we’ll change our farm system, or we’ll go in to bankruptcy in our farm regions. Cotton and tobacco farming on a bread- and-meat basis is the way of escape, and happy is the farmer who finds it well ahead of the day of calamity. The logic of dynamite lies in dire ne cessity, and compelling logic rarely ever lies anywhere else. CROP VALUES PER FARM WORKER Based on the Reports of the U. S. Department of Agriculture covering the year 1919 MISS HENRIETTA R. SMEDES University of North Carolina Average for the LTnited States, $783.15 Rank State Per AVorker 1 Nevada $2,291.33 2 California 1,616.50 3 Arizona 1,442.26 4 Nebraska 1,341.93 5 Iowa 1,335.41 6 AV'yoming 1,249.71 7 Kansas 1,169.97 8 Colorado 1,136.53 9 South Dakota 1,127.34 10 Illinois 1,106.35 11 New Jersey 1,063.67 12 Minnesota 1,056.76 13 Idaho 1,003.77 14 North Dakota 950.81 15 AVashington 935.53 16 South Carolina 913.20 17 Oregon 891.41 18 Alary land 884.95 19 Connecticut 839.65 20 North Carolina 828.08 21 Delaware 798.15 22 Te.xas -797.16 23 Wisconsin : 793.11 24 Oklahoma 791.77 Rank .State 25 Indiana New York Alontana Pennsylvania Ohio Per Worker 1781.30 772,37 759.18 700.79 Massachusetts ggg 673:28 665.58 •■ • 662.86 639.58 627.39 619.43 588.72 582.99 577.33 572 79 Mississippi 558,4] 551.11 West Virginia 505.90 New Hampshire 497 04 New Mexico " 467’3g Alabama ” 459 28 45530 Missouri Michigan AYrmont Louisiana Georgia Kentucky A^rginia Rhode Island .. Arkansas .... Maine. Florida

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