The news in this publi cation is released for the press on receipt. THE UNIVERSITY OF NORTH CAROLINA NEWS LETTER Published Weekly by the University of North Caro lina Press for the Univer sity Extension Division. APRIL 18, 1923 CHAPEL HILL, N. C. VOL. IX, NO. 22 Editorial Boards .'B. C. Branson, S. H. Hobbs, Jr., L. B. Wilaon. E. W. Knight, D. D. Carroll, J. B. Bullitt, H. W, Odum, Entered a:, second-class matter November 14,1914, at the Poatoffice at Chapel Hill, N, G, under the act of August 24. 1912 THE UNIVERSITY’S POLICY ON CO-EDUCATION We are carrying herewith the full atatement by President Chase to the faculty ©f the University explaining the policy of the University of North Caro lina on co-education. His statement follows: The question of co-education at the University has aroused so much discus sion that it seems to me the position of the University administration should be made clear. The position is, in a word, that the policy under which the University is now operating, and which has been decided upon after careful thought, is altogether in keeping with the logic of the situation, and with the mature thought of the great majority of both men and women in the state. There appears no evidence that it should be changed. What does appear, however, is a considerable misunder standing of just Owhat that policy is, and a begging of the question brought about by the division of opinion as to whether a building for women should be erected at this time. The question as to the immediate erection of a woman’s building is one to be determined in terms of what is practicable now. The University’s at titude toward women students, on the other hand, can be considered only, as it has been considered, in the large and permanent terms of state policy. Let US see, then, on what the University’s policy is founded. In the first place, no great democracy is possible today without full and free recognition on the part of its citizens of the fact that there must be for both sexes equality of educational opportun ity. The state of North Carolina in her rapid progress needs trained women, women of wide horizons and clear vision, every whit as badly as she needu trained men. In so far as higher education opens a way to life, to larger life, that way must be open to young w/omen and young men alike. In so far as higher education is & means, as the framers of our Constitution said it was, to promote “the happiness of the ris ing generations,’’ the rising generation without distinction of sex is entitled to its benefits. Second. The University of North Carolina is the State University, the head of the state’s educational system, maintained from the public funds, to serve the state whose creation and in strument it is. It is, as it is described in the Constitution, for the benefit of the “youth” of the state. No consti tutional provisions, no legislative enact ments, bar women from its halls. It is, therefore, its duty and privilege to functiom in the education of women in whatever ways are designed to ensare to the women of the state eqnalitj of educational oppertunity through the state’s educational system. It cannot conceivably take &ny other position; it cannot for a moment be aatisfled with any policy which would mean that it refused to play its part in making pos eible a well-rounded system of higher education through state sui^rt for women as well as for men. It cannot deny its function as the University of a democratic state, whose citieens of both sexes share equally the duties and the rights of citizenship. Keeping the two principles stated bove in mind, it is clear that the part which the University should play be comes a matter of definition, a ques tion of fact as to what is essential to make equality of educational opportun ity a reality. It is a question to be deter mined, that is, in the light of the facts as to what the state is doing and should do for the education of women, and which can be wisely settled on no other basis. What are the significant facts? To my mind they are these. State universities in most sections of the country have not separated their facilities for the higher education of women from those for men. Such state universities as those of Iowa, Michigan, California—in fact, those of the middle western states generally—oifer univer sity education to women from the fresh man class up through the graduate school on the same campus and under the same instructors as for men, and have done so from their foundation. In North Carolina the develi^ment has been somewhat different. With the full assent and active support of the citizenship of the state, the institution for women at Greensboro, originated as the Normal College, is broadening into the North Carolina College for Women. I trust that no one will think me presumptuous for saying anything in this connectiwi about another insti tution than the one I have the privi lege to serve; it is essential if the situ ation is to be clarified. The North Ca rolina College for Women, then, with the thoughtful citizenship of both sexes in the state behind it, began some years ago its development into a state- supported institution of collegiate grade and scope, and has been recog nized as a standard college by the Southern Association of Colleges and Secondary Schools. This matter of policy in the higher education of women is, I believe, settled in the minds of the state, and to it, as the state has de fined it, the University should, and does, cordially assent. Now this means certain things. It means, ^he first, that the University cannot, and should not, attempt to do what Iowa,- and Michigan, and Cali fornia, and their neighbors have done; adopt a policy which enrolls hundreds and thousands of women in elementary classes on the same campus with men. In none of the states which have done this does there exist a separate state institution for women playing a part in the state’s educational system compar able to that played by the North Caro lina College for Women. The point should be emphasized, because I do not think that it is fully understood. State- supported normal schools for women exist all over the country; separated state colleges for women are rare. The most fully developed example outside of North Carolina is probably the State College for Women of Florida, which is located at Tallahassee, while the State University (to which I believe women are not admitted at all) is at Gaines- viile. In the light, then, of our local situa tion, I am convinced tjiat a policy of absolutely free and unrestricted co-edu- cation at the University of North Ca rolina would not be wise. It would in volve on a large scale a duplication of resources and of expenditure for large elementary clasBes; such an unneces sary duplication as should have no place in a well-conceived state system of higber education. Let ns consider next the other ex treme, that of graduate and profes sional instruction. Such instruction has been built up through years of ef fort at Chapel Hill. It is expensive, it is work of University, as distinguished from collegiate, type. The state de mands such work of its University. It is one of the functioas for the perform ance of which it exists, I do not be lieve that I am saying anything to which the friends of North Carolina College for Women would not assent in stating frankly my opinion that, save for the fields into which women largely en ter, the logical place for graduate and professional work for both women and men is at the University ofNorth Caro lina. This is at once the simplest and most economical solution; the simplest in that strong schools already functioning exist at Chapel Hill; the most economi cal in that the duplication of special ists, books and apparatus would be a terribly costly business. Is it not clear, then, that the graduate and profes sional schools of the University should, as a wise measure of state policy, al ways be open to women as well as to men? I, personally, am absolutely con vinced that it is. So far, then, a logical policy would seem to point to the exclusion of women from elementary work at the Univer sity, and their admission to graduate and professional work. But there is still another point. What of their ad mission to advanced undergraduate courses? Tne answer to this question is, I think, clear. It is inevitable that, as soon as we get beyond the elemen tary courses of freshmanLand sopho more grades, which are fairly well standardized in all good colleges, in stitutions will vary in ^he| range and scope of the advanced courses^wbich they develop in this or that depart ment, and that students of varying KNOW NORTH CAROLINA A South Carolina Verdict Another South Carolina newspa per, The HaTtsville Messenger, pays high tribute to the North Carolina spirit of hustle and foward-looking progress. Taking the observations of Editor Ball, of The Columbia State as a basis, the Hartsville paper goes on to show the South Carolinians how it is done in North Carolina: North Carolina, now regarded one of the most progressive states in the Union, is constantly being held up as an object lesson to South Ca rolinians and South Carolina legisla tors as to what can be done through constructive legislation and efficient administration of government. In government, in development of its educational system, in development of its state institutions, in construc tion of good roads. North Carolina has perhaps gone further in a short time than any state in the Union has ever done. The North Carolina General Assembly is now in session (they have biennial sessions, by the way) and the editor of The State is spending some time in Raleigh to see “how it’s done.” His observations on North Carolina, and his compari sons of the two sister states, as published daily in the paper of which he is editor, are furnishing interest ing reading matter, and incidentally throwing new light upon the differ ences of the two states. Among the things that Editor Ball finds in North Carolina is the apparant absence of the picayune localism and - precinct politics, and the prevalence of a high regard for the state over the narrow idea of “county rights.” He finds there, in the traveling hospital idea, the co-ordination of education, health, and roads; a co-ordination that characterizes the efforts of every department or institution of North Carolina with every other department or institution. There is absence of jealousy or conflict be tween institutions, and apparently complete separation of stare and church. In North Carolina the rich county helps develop the less fortu nate county. Revenues as from motor licenses go to the state and are used by the state highway com mission for state roads. Forsyth and Mecklenburg counties, two of the wealthiest, are helping build roads in Montgomery and Bladen. 'Even coun ty seats do not determine the loca tion of a state highway—North Ga lina is building roads where she needs them most. But what of South Ca rolina? Editor Ball says: ‘ ‘The nub of the matter is that if South Carolina will turn over to the highway building agency the vehicle revenues, clothe it with power to locate roads and with discretion as to their character of construction, charging it with the duty to main tain them properly whatsoever their character, we can start with a road building program without straining the state’s credit, by borrowing ^0,- 000,000 or $10,000,000, and obtain a first-rate state system as quickly as though we borrowed $60,(X10,000. On the other hand, if we are wanting in the breadth of mind, the common sense, the honesty and faith in deal ing with ourselves, to delegate the money and the power to state agency to build roads for the whole common wealth, without puerile concession to and compromise with every village seat, without insistence that the best road run by ‘my school house’ or ‘my farm' or through the neigh borhood from which ‘my votes come, ’ the sooner we cease our prattle a- bout state roads and to find our joy in running around in circles within our counties and school districts, the more time we shall have to devote to other pursuits that will lead us somewhere.” In the matter of education. North Carolina is developing her schools a- long the same lines that she is de veloping her roads. She is develop ing schools with the state idea in mmd, and not the county idea, and in these schools she is using just as many Winthrop-trained teachers, trained at South Carolina’s expense, as she can entice over the line by paying them higher salaries. As North Carolina develops the process of enticing South CarolinianB over the line will not stop with the teachers and as Editor Ball asks, “Where will it stop?” Summing up: North Carolina is developing a common wealth. South Carolina can’t ignore her, but can learn from her. “If North Carolinians haven’t got Andy Jadcson from us, they haven’t quit trying,” says Editor Ball. They are ahead of us on that—they have his memorial on their side of the line.— Gastonia Gazette. types of mind and interest will find at different institutions that work which most nearly meets their needs. Local situations, matters of institutional pol icy, naturally lead to greater develop ments in advanced work at a given in stitution in some fields rather than others. It would seem logical, there fore, that women who find at the Uni versity as juniors and seniors advanced courses which the University has de-; veloped, and which are in line with their serious interests, should be al lowed to pursue them. Any other pol icy would, I believe, be a contradiction in fact of the theory of equality of edu cational opportunity upon which our state system of higher education must be based, inasmuch as the needs of young women of widely varying types of interest must be considered if real equality of opportunity is to exist. There is in such a position no conflict of scope between the institutions at Greensboro and at Chapel Hill; rather in this respect they are to be considered as supplementing each other. The policy I have outlined is, I be lieve, fully in accord with the logic of the situation. It is not original with me, but is the policy under which the University has been operating for years. Women have been, and are, welcome here under that policy. It has not, I think, been fully under stood, and I have attempted to clarify it. I see no reason why it should be OUR CHEMICAL INDUSTRIES (Frank C. Vilbrandt, Professor of In dustrial Chemistry, Department of Chemistry, University of North Caro lina.) Has it ever occurred to you how close ly chemistry is brought home to you in everyday life? Do you realize what an important part it is playing in the de velopment of the state? Excluding such industries as furniture, foundries, tobacco, metallurgy, and water puri fication wherein chemistry plays an im portant part and in which industries many chemists are employed, there ex ist 290 other chemical plants of mote or less importance in the state. Compared with some of the more important industries in the state such as cotton knitting and cotton mills, the chemical industries yield greater production values in proportion to capi tal invested and laborers employed than any other class. The cotton mills and knitting mills numbering approximately 626 in all have an invested capital of over $231,160,000, employing over 90,- 000 people and yielding $320,000,000 of products. The twenty-three tobacco plants constituting the industrial side of tobacco, employing 9,300 people, have a capital investment of $180,440,000 and yield $226,000,000 worth of products. The chemical industries, of which there changed, save as it changes in detail of itself naturally through the years, in terms of the offerings of North Caro lina College for Women and of the Uni versity in this or that department. I believe it is a policy upon which the friends of both institutions can unite, as wise alike for the institutions and for the best interests of the education of women in the state. The question of a building for women at this time is another question. It is not, and should not be considered as, a determining factor in the University’s attitude toward women. Whether it can or cannot be built at this moment is a matter which must be carefully sLudied in the light of all the facts, and of the best interests of the University and of the state. But whether or not it is built at this moment, the provi sion of adequate material facilities for women at the University in accord with its fixed policy is an obligation which the University cannot, and has no de sire to, escape. On the contrary, the University has no deeper satisfaction than that of proper provision for the needs of the growing commonwealth which it serves. But this is apart from my main point. What I have tried to say, as clearly as I know how, is that the University be lieves in equality of educational oppor tunity for both sexes, and in its duty to see to it that it does its part to help make that principle a reality. are 290 plants, have a capital invest ment of but $117,600,000 employing but 10,060 people and yielding ^01,600,000 worth of products. These figures do not include proprietary drugs and medi cines which belong rightly to the field of pharmacy, but which the layman attributes to chemistry. Statistics show these chemical industries are al most on a par with our great tobacco industry, in which we lead the world. It is evident, therefore, that the state is as much of a chemical indus trial state as it is a cotton or tobacco state. Chemical industries rank third, following only cotton and tobacco. If tbe industry were to include all those allied branches in which chemistry plays a part, such as metallurgy, water puri fication, furniture manufacture, and foundries, it would dwarf all others. Its interests are many and varied, as should be, taking care of the wants and comforts of the people not only in this state or country but also in foreign lands. To watch, safeguard, control, and operate this giant, men trained in the fundamentals of chemistry and chemi cal engineering are economically essen tial. Data for Aluminum Company of America, Badin, N. C., not available and therefore not included in Chemical Industrial Data. RaaK of Indvstries Arranged to show (1) the capital invested, (2) yearly production, (3) num ber of plants, and (4) number of employees. The total number of plants is 6,846, with a capital investment of over 953 millioB dollars, of wMch 117 million are invested in chemical industries alone. The latter industry ranks as third in the industries of the state. Data secured and compiled by the Industrial Chemleal Drvision of the Chemistry Department, University of North Carolina. Eiaancial Comparisons Industries Plants Employees Capital Invested Yearly Output Va Cotton Mills 460 73,600 $200,000,000 $286,000,000 Tobacco Industry 23 9,800 130,440,000 225,000,000 Chemical Plants 290 10,050 117,500,000 201,500,000 Knitting Mills 176 16,600 31,160,000 33.270,000 Furniture Factories 124 14,000 16,000,000 40,000,000 Woolen Mills 9 961 1,800,000 3,600,000 Silk Mills 3 874 2,000,000 1,800,000 Cordage Mills 2 42 66,000 300,000 All others 6,270 60,000 466,000,000 47,260,000 Rating of Chemical Indnstries in North Carolina Arranged by the different chemical indnstries to show (1) capital invested, (2) value of plants, (8) number of plants, and (4) yearly production value. From the data is excluded that of the Aluminum Company of America because it is not available. The great fertilizer industry with the Virginia-Carolina Chemical Company’s large holdings easily surpasses the others. Second stands the enormous cotton seed oil industry, which is to be expected but even with our enormous forest reserves we can give but last place to our forest products chemical industry. Industry Fertilizers Cottonseed Oil Products Leather Paper and Pulp Ice Gas and By-Products Rubber Fabrics Ceramics Dyeing and Mercerizing Cotton Turpentine! and Rosin Plants Capital In vested Value of plants Estimated Value Annual Production 42 $79,760,000 $39,700,000 $31,920,000 56 12,000,000 28,000,000 183,600,000 11 8,360,000 6,600,000 10,660,000 8 6,860,000 4,200,000 6,660,000 65 2,760,000 2,000,000 2,600,000 10 2,600,000 600,000 1,600,000 3 2,200,000 2,000,000 4,000,000 103 2,000,000 1,600,000 7,000,000 3 900,000 2,000,000 670,000 10 6(1,000 70,000 110,000