The news in this publi cation is released for the press on receipt. THE UNIVERS5TY OF NORTH CAROLINA NEWS LETTER Published Weekly by the University of North Caro lina for the University Ex tension Division. OCTOBER 8, 1924 CHAPEL iilLL, N. C. THE UNIVERSITY OF NORTH CAROLINA PRESS VOL. X, NO. 47 EdLKorltil H. 0. Braaaoa. S. H. Hobbs. Jr., L. R. Wilsoa, S. W. Kalsht, D. D. Carroll. J. B.Ballitt, E. W. Odam. entered aa aeeond-claas matter November 14. 1914, atthePoatofSceatCbauelHill. N. C., nndor the act of Aasnst 84, 1912 OTHER STATES LEADING Port Terminals and Water Trans portation is a new question in North Carolina and because it is new some people are honestly in doubt about it. The only state with an ocean or lake front and without port terminals is North Carolina. Every other state with a chance at water rate competi tion has one or more public port termi nals open on an equal’ footing* to the commerce of all the world—had to have such terminals to control railroad freight rates. And nobody in these states is in doubt about the wisdom of such enterprises. There are sixty-eight public [port terminals in thirty-one states, all of them established on the basis of public bond issues. All are self-financing and self-supporting, some are also paying interest and sinking-fund charges, and others are earning enough in harbor fees to pay for expansion as port traf fic increases. The older the public port is the better chance it has to pay its own way and to pay off j the bonds that built it. Our state highway is already on a self-financing basis and nobody is bothering about our highway bonds. A state water transportation system can be put on the same self-supporting basis. If not, then we are stupider than the people of thirty-one other states. North Carolina has shown the the rest of the states the way in pub lic highway finance. She now has a chance to show them her ability in public water-transportation ^finance. Once upon a time many timid people wanted no bonds in millions for public Yoads in North Carolina. Now nobody is in doubt about the matter. Every body is on the band wagon to day. It may be that the same story will be told a few years hence about a state system of water transportation in North Carolina. Thirteen hundred miles of navigable river ways and 1,500 miles of navigable sounds but no public port terminals and no water rate competition to regu late railway ftreights. That is the situation in North Carolina at pres ent. Does the most progressive state in the Union hesitate because the question is new, hesitate while thirty- one other states get the jump on us? A referendum vote for public port terminals in Maine in 1919 carried by a majority^of four to one. A referen dum vote in Alabama in 1923 author ized ten million dollars in bonds for public port terminals. These are the last two of the thirty- one states to establish public port ter minals. North Carolina has waked up about everything else and nobody in America doubts it. Is she a Rip Van Winkle state in public port terminals and water transportation? The vote on the Port Terminals Bill will answer this question on Novem ber 4.—Port Terminals and Water Transportation Leaflet No. 1. SELF SUPPORTING PORTS Realizing its great importance to our commercial and industrial interests the General Assembly in Special Ses sion has passed an act known as the Port Terminals and Water Transpor tation Act, authorizing the develop ment of our ocean, coastwise, and in land water trade. This Act is to be approved by the vote of the people at the general election on November 4 next. After its approval the Port Term inals Commission will, in fact must, make a survey to determine what ter minals and facilities are necessary to attract shipping and to develop our ports and inland watdTs to a point of efficiency in keeping with the commer cial and industrial importance of the xState. Undeveloped Resources North Carolina’s inland water system consists of 1,300 hundred miles of Inav- igable waters, or a combined mileage more than all our railroads. These re sources are not being used. The Federal government has spent $16,000,000 in improving these waters and stands ready to spend much more if the state will provide public ports and terminal facilities. A well devel oped seaport at one end is absolutely essential to the successsful commercial use of a river. A Seaport is an Asset A well developed seaport is a most valuable asset to the entire state in which it is located. It brings business and capital that would not otherwise come. It gives employment to thous ands of men in the immediate vicinity and to other thousands scattered throughout the state who are engaged in making, producing, or transporting export commodities. It employs capi tal and utilizes, in the repair of ships, vast quantities of materials produ^d in the state. It enhances property values and swells tax receipts. The larger these receipts the more money there will be for distribution to schools and other public institutions and pur poses. Self-Supporting Wharves, quays, piers, warehouses, ; grain elevators and other essential term inal facilities are investments in the strictest sense of the word. If pri vately owned, as they noware in North Carolina, they are expected to yield a reasonable profit after meeting all ex penses. If publicly owned they are expected to meet expenses, including interest and sinking fund charges to retire the bonds and provide a profit for additional improvements. It is express ly provided in the Bill that the schedule of harbor fees must be so fixed as to make safe the state’s investment. This has been accomplished by every state that has constructed public port terminals. Two striking examples in support of this fact will be found in New Orleans where, in spite of a reduc tion of about fifty percent in port charges, a surplus of $2,000,000 has been accumulated. In nine or ten years Louisiana has acquired absolute title to port properties valued at more than $50,000,000 above all liabilities. California about twelve years ago issued $13,000,000 in bonds to construct public port terminals in San Francisco. These are owned and operated by the state through a commission under the same conditions as are prescribed by the Bill to be voted on in this state. The revenue from these terminals has paid the interest, provided a sinking fund to retire the bonds, and increased the terminal facilities to a valuation of more than $50,000,000. San Francisco claims to have the lowest port charges of any city in the Union. These term inals have cost the taxpayers nothing. A Business Investment In building public port terminals and facilities the state spends no appro priations and no tax money. It borrows at a lower rate than any of its munici palities or citizens can do and invests the money in revenue-producing prop erties, which themselves are an ample security for the loan. The state thus owns a monopoly of a commercial neces sity and it has the power to fix port charges for the services rendered. This makes a safe investment. It is there fore a business enterprise to be opera ted on a strictly business basis for and in the interest of the people and for the upbuilding of the state. - Post Terminals and Water Transportation Leaflet No. 2. HOME BRED LEADERSHIP The South is without question en tering a great period of develop ment. There can be no doubt about that. The question that it must an swer, and answer very shortly and very definitely, is whether that de velopment is going forward by the hands and minds of Southern men and women, or whether it shall pass to other leadership. Make no mis take about the reality of this question. The South today, with its developing resources, its growing in dustries, its increasing opportuni ties everywhere, must have trained and informed leadership. That is an absolute essential for its life. Is that leadership coming out of itself, or from elsewhere? That is a ques tion that is going to be answered in terms of the education the South provides for its youth, and in no other terms. Just as surely .as it does not fit its young men to stand on an equality intellectually with men from other sections, and to compete on even terms with the best brains from all over the country, it will surrender its destiny to other hands. —Pres. H. W. Chase, in an address to the student body. A PROPER ENVIRONMENT A proper environment for youth in college obviously includes many things. It must be a physically healthful en vironment that it may encourage the development of sound and well-used bodies. It must have about it good taste, and beauty, and liberty and op portunity for friendship and the joy of living. It must be an environment that strengthens character and makes for spiritual enrichment. But I want to say to you in all seriousness that a college environment may possess all these things and yet fail in its prime re sponsibility to the public and to its stu dents, just because it fails to stress the very thing that it ought to stand for as an educational institution. And that one thing is an intellectual life of high quality and sound standards, with free dom to teach.—Pres. H. W. Chase, in an address to the student body. NEED FOR MORE BEDS The North Carolina State Sanatorium has beds for only 185 patients. There are 182 tuberculous persons now on the Sanatorium waiting list. In order to accommodate the persons waiting to be admitted to the Sanatorium practically every patient now at the Sanatorium will have to leave before all the per sons on the waiting list can be admit ted. Most persons inflicted'^with active tuberculosis need at least six months and never less than three to four months of sanatorium treatment. When this fact is taken into consideration it can be easily seen that it will be some months yet before the patients now waiting can be admitted to the Sana torium with the present accommoda tions. More space in order that the Sana torium may receive at as early a date as possible all applicants for treatment, and keep the patients after admission until such time as the [doctors^think safe for their release, is badly^needed at the Sanatorium. A children’s pavilion to take care of at least fifty children patients is much needed and will help to relieve the con ditions at Sanatorium. At the present time there are no special provisions for the care of children infected with tuberculosis at the institution. If patients have to wait so long to be admitted, most of them will be getting worse while they wait and by the time they get in they will be so sick they cannot be cured even by sanatorium treatment. . It is also hoped that all the larger counties will establish sanatoria of their own so as to help relieve the congestion at the ^tate Sanatorium and so their people can take the cure near their homes. A CHALLENGE “The University of Nofth Carolina, ” says an editorial in the current issue of the Manufacturers Record, “is one of the most progressive educational insti tutions in this country for stimulating the people of a State into improved farm ing methods and to awaken them to full utilization of their limitless resources. It is indeed an educational institution for the people of the entire State and for every class, rich and poor alike. Would that every other institution of learning in the South were doing the same work with the same energy!” That is a perfect tribute to the spirit of the University of North Carolina and to the men now in control of its destinies. It is a perfect tribute because it shows the writer’s thorough grasp of what those men are trying to do. They have set for themselves the ideal of making the State’s university 100 percent efficient in serving the needs and ideals ofj.our people. And they are coming nearer and nearer to the realization of it month by month. But in every such tribute as that there rings out a challenge to even greater performance. The men in charge of the University of North Caro lina realize—none better—that there are many more ways in which their insti tution can yet serve the State. They are continually on the lookout for sugges tions of such methods. They will find one in the recent report made public by the employment bureau of New York University. It reveals that last year, either during the sessions or in vacation time, this bureau put 1,539 students into such remunera tive employment that they were paid $1,000,000 or an average of $660 each. The University of North Carolina, of course, has done excellent work in en abling students to earn money or to support themselves entirely while pur suing their studies, but the thing sug gested by the report just quoted is the immensely valuable work it could do by putting its graduate students in touch with North Carolma individuals and cor porations in searen of able yoftng men. That would keep our young men and women in North Carolina and would in sure the big work of the State being carried on by those best fitted to do it, North Carolinians.—Asheville Citizen. WE STILL PROGRESS The State Superintendent of Public Instruction decrees that every boy and girl in North Carolina must have access to a high school for six months in every year. That is indeed a long jump from two decades ago when the average North Carolina child was fortunate if he had access of six weeks to a school of any sort. Back in the good old days of the Blue Back speller and Pike’s arithmetic, as many Tar Heels still like to call them, schools were considered accessible if they were within three or four miles of the students, and no means of trans portation over muddy roads ^ere pro vided. As for high schools, they were an unknown quantity so far as the State was concerned, and rural children had to journey to towns and pay tuition to avail themselves of high-school instruc tion: Happily for North Carolina, those days are gone, and now every boy and girl is required to attend school for six months each year. It is written in our funda mental law and was put there by the voters of the State. Much has been said about progress, but that is the big gest achievement in the long line of progressive things that this State has done. Withqut the intelligence that our schools have fostered, it would not be possible to have splendid systems of good roads that give concrete evidence every day that the Old North State is heading to greater things still. Tackling the task of providing grammar schools for every child was truly herculean, but North Carolinians are made of heroic stuff and they did not hesitate to under take it. That job was truly gigantic compared to the task of providing ade quate high schools now. So far have we progressed in two decades that we shall think little about this latest job in education.—News and Observer. CHILDREN OF CAROLINA Harnett County is making an inter esting experiment this fall in staging a historical pageant as its main feature for the Four-County Fair to be helff at Dunn the week of the sixth of Octo ber. This pageant is entitled “Children of Old Carolina” and has been written by Miss Et^el Theodora Rockwell, the State Representative of the Bureau of Com munity Drama of the University Exten sion Division. The pageant shows children in various periods of Carolina history playing the games, dancing the folk dances, and en gaged in the activities belonging to their times while they discuss the various historic events in which their elders are playing their part. Miss Rockwell is giving a demonstra tion performance of this pageant at the Fair on Tuesday afternoon, October 7, at 2:30, at Dunn, North Carolina, using in the main about 500 children of the seventh grades of all the schools of Har nett County. City and county superintendents and supervisors are urged to witness this demonstration performance so that they can determine whether they will desire to stage it later on. NEED CHURCHES TOO It is conceded that the rural sections must have better schools. According to Dr. C. J. Galpin, in charge of the rural economics of the United States depart ment of agriculture, the rural sections are as badly in need of better preaching facilities as they are in need of better teaching facilities. Dr. Galpin has gathered statistics showing that only one-fifth of the rural population goes to church; that seven out of ten rural churches have only a fraction of a pastor apiece, and that one-third of all rural pastors receive so low a salary that they can live only by working at some other occupation. POSTAL SAVINGS IN THE UNITED STATES Per Inhabitant, June 30, 1923 The following table, based on the recent report of the Comptroller of the Currency, shows the rank of the states in Postal Savings, and the amount of such savings, on a per inhabitant basis. New York leads with total postal savings averaging $5.40 per inhabitant. North Carolina comes last with postal savings averaging two cents per inhabit ant. Average for the United States $1.18. While postal savings may not be an ideal means of getting ahead, never theless they are an indication of thrift, and the rank of North Carolina in bank account savings, in bank capital and bank resources, and in other forms of oper ating capital, is always near the bottom of the states. In fairness to ourselves we need to retain more of the enormous wealth totals we produce from year to year. F. J. Wolfe, New Mexico Department of Rural Social Economics, University of North Carolina Rank State Postal Savings Per Inhabitant Rank State Postal Savings Per Inhabitant New York. $5.40 25 Wisconsin $ .42 2 Washington 4.76 26 Maine 32 3 Nevada 3.70 27 Kansas 31 4 Massachusetts.... 2.28 28 Vermont 28 4 Oregon 2.28 29 Indiana .-23 6 Montana 2.13 30 Nebraska 20 7 Idaho 1.66 30 Oklahoma 20 8 Rhode Island 1.63 32 West Virginia... 18 9 Connecticut 1.48 33 Louisiana 16 10 Pennsylvania 1.29 33 Alabama 16 11 New Jersey 1.27 36 Texas 16 12 Colorado 1.26 36 Iowa 13 13 Illinois 1.19 36 Kentucky 13 14 Utah 1.16 38 Maryland 32 16 New Hampshire.. 1.06 39 Virginia iO 16 Wyoming 1.01 40 Arkansas 09 17 Delaware......... 90 41 New Mexico .... 08 18 Missouri 78 41 Tennessee 08 19 Florida 76 41 Georgia 08 20 Arizona 74 44 South Carolina .. 07 21 Michigan 73 45 Mississippi 04 22 California 71 46 North Dakota ... 03 23 Ohio 68 46 South Dakota.... 03 24 Minnesota 49 48 North Carolina .. 92

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