> The news in this publi cation is released for the press on receipt. THE UNIVERSITY OF NORTH CAROLINA \ NEWS LETTER Published Weekly by the i University of North Caro lina for the University Ex tension Division. AUGUST 26, 1925 CHAPEL HILL, N C. THE UNIVERSITY OF NORTH CAROLINA PRESS VOL. XI, NO. 41 Editorial Boardt E. C. Branson. S. H. Hobbs, Jr.. L. E. Wilson. E. W. Knieht, D. D. Carroll, J. B. Bullitt. H. W. ( Entered as second-class matter November 14. 1914. at the Postoffice at Chapel Hill. N. C.. under the act of August 24. 1912 JX. WHERE THE TAXPAYER’S MONEY GOES A. Otitiine 10. Schools: Administration. Teachers’ salaries. Payment on buUaings. Transportation. Fuel and janitor service. Supplies. Roads; Construction of new roads. Maintenance. Interest and payment on indebt edness. Construction.of bridges. New equipment. Courts; Prisoners: Are they in idleness? Can they be made self-support ing? Is there a convict camp? Does it pay? Health Work: Its results can not be calculated in dollar.s. Study effect o,n schools, on crime, on poverty. Welfare Work: Results intangible. ^Administration of poor relief. Child labor. County home. Compare inmate cost with that in other coun ties. Elections: Is there unnecessary expense? Printing and supplies: Compare printing charges with those in other counties. Compare prices charged the county with prices charged in dividuals. Are supplies wasted? Salaries: Is each officer busy? Is he fitted for the work he is attempting to do? Miscellaneous: Examine mis'cellaneous expendi tures. Is anything concealed therein? E. Explanation State taxes in North Carolina amount to about 14 million dollars a year, coun ty and school taxes to 34 million dol lars, city and town taxes to something over 20 million dollars. The personal income taxes paid to the federal gov ernment amcfunt to five-and-a-half mil lion dollar.s. I The people of the state are therefor^ paying around 74 million dollars a year in direct taxes, or an average of $138 per family. If we add to this the indirect taxes paid the fed eral governmeat in customs and excise duties and the income taxes paid, by corporations the total would be much greater. Of course, this tax burden is not evenly distributed. Less than one per cent of the people of the state pay a federal income tax, and the percent age which pays a state income tax k about the same. In other words, only one family in twenty pays either a state or federal income tax, and this family is usually an urban family. The rank and iuo of the people, especially those who live in the country, contrib ute nothing toward the support of the state government except what they pay in automobile and gasoline taxes, all of which goes info the highway fund. It is impossible to determine how much an individual pays in federal taxes, but if he uses tobacco he pays considerably more than he otherwise would. The bulk of the^ taxes paid by the average taxpayer are locally levied and locally expended. If the taxes are burdensome it cannot be charged to national or state extravagance. .Tiie P2ople are voting taxes on themselves for strictly local purposes and they see the money expended before their eyes. That is-an encouraging fact, for re sponsibility and control thus rest with the local community. If taxes are to be materially lowered in North Caro- fina, it is in these local units, closest borne to the taxpayer, that the lower ing must be done, and it must be done by or through the direct influence of the taxpayer. High taxes are not necessarily an evil. Taxes applied to the construc tion of good highways or the erection of modern school buildings enhance the value of real estate and are therefore in the nature of an investment. Taxes spent for police protection, education, public health, and poor relief make life pleasanter and safer for the whole com munity and probably reduce one’s pri vate expenses by atleast the amount of his tax. Most of the causes clamoring for support through taxation are legiti mate and worthy, but, even so, there is a limit to the taxpaying capacity of a community and it cannot safely be exceeded. The accompanying outline suggests soipe of the major expenditures of local government. It would be well to ascertain and show graphically just what portion of the taxpayer’s dollar goes for each purpose: It may be found tjiat some departments are yield ing far more return in service for each dollar expended than other depart ments. It must be remembered, how- •ever, that the results of education, welfare work, health work and other social activities are less tangible than roads, bridges, and buildings and must not be underestimated for that rea son. C. Questiofis Does your county publish an annual financial exhibit? Is it really an “exhibit” or only a conglomeration of figures? Are tlie items so arranged and classi fied that one exhibit can be compared with another? A few counties print the exhibit in booklet form. Does yours? What proportion of the total tax levy goes to the schools? For roads and bridges? For interest? To apply on indebtedness? For all other purposes? What services of county government could be dispensed with with the least injury? If you were delegated to prepare a budget for your county how would you proceed? How much does your county pay into the state treasury? How much does it receive from it? Do fines and forfeitures defray court costs? Would it be profitable to have more frequent sessions of criminal court? D. Sources of Information J. G. Armson, Where Taxes Highest, The Country June 27, 1926. University News Letter, March 18, 1925. The last two financial exhibits of your county. The Guilford County Exhibit, 1924. The New Hanover County Exhibit, 1924. KNOW NORTH CAROLINA Educational Progress In 1900 all public school property are Gentleman, A PRAYER God give us men who boast of the money they spend for education. Give us men who are unashamed to be proud of vast amounts spent in the transmis sion to the youth our culture, institu tions, and things we hold dear to the human smrit. Give us men who do not quail berore the unthinking clamor of greed couched in the man-pleasers’ ap peal to the selfishness of the crowd. Give us men whose courage does not. fail and whose hearts do not flinch be fore the assault of the self-seekers who prey on the future generations. Give us men who will not meet the eager enthusiasm of our children with nig gard penury. Give us men whose answer to the cry of youth is not emp ty-handedness. Give us men who.se philosophy of education is something else than economy. G.od give us men who are unafraid to spend public money for the children of the race. Give jas men who dare to refuse to crueffy childhood on the cross of poverty. Oh, jGod, give us men who believe that the highest function of the wealth of soci ety is its dedication to the upbringing of the children of men. God give ufe men who believe in the race to be.— Nebraska School Journal. in North Carolina was valued at $1,097,564. In 1924 public school property was valued at nearly sixty million dollars. In 1899-1900 we spent all told on public education $1,062^303. Ifi 1923-24 we spent $29,747,075. Of the total, expendi ture $57,4(i0 went for outlay pur poses in 1899-1900, while in 1923-24 we spent for outlay purposes $10,668,419. Triventy-five years ago the average schoolhouse in North Carolina was worth $168.66. The average school- house is now worth more than eight thousand dollars. In 1900 there were more than five thousand white one-teacher schools in North Caro lina. In 1924 there were 3,633. In 1899 1900 the average length of the school term was 70 8 days, against 143.4 days in 1923-24. Four hundred thousand children w.ere enrolled in school in 1900, against nearly eight hundred thous and in 1924, Only half of those en rolled were in average daily atten dance in 1899-1900, against 72percent for 1923-24. In 1900 there were only, 30 public high schools in the state with a total enrollment estimated at 2,000. In 1923-24 there were 738 public high schools with an enrollment of 63,875 pupils. In this particular the bulk of the growth has taken place since 1919. As late as 1916 our high schools graduated only 1,061 students, while in 1924 our high schools graduated 6,900 students. Our educational system has been functioning long enough for the high schools to begin to show real results. The increasing number of high-school graduates within very recent years is the most amazing fact in the educational progress of the State. Our schools have finally begun to bear large crops of fruit. VIII. INTERNAL COMBUSTION ENGINES neys-general and 69 percent of the justices of the supreme court. As it figures it, the college man’s chance for eminence is 870 to 1 against the non college man. Even more surprising is its showing that 277 times as many col lege men bad amassed wealth as had non-college men. This proportion is expected to grow sharply ip the next fifty years, for the colleges are now turning their attention^argely to prep aration for success in business careers.—Kansas Teacher. In the article of last week the pro duction of power from fuel was con sidered, first in a general way and then more particularly in connection with the use of steam engines and turbines. Internal combustion engines will now be considered. In the internal combustion engine the fuel, gas or some form of oil, must be vaporized and mixed with the proper amount of air to insure an explosive mixture, which is admitted into the cylinder and ignited. The combustion of the fuel results in productfig a gas under hHgh pressure, which does work directly against the piston, an action similar to that of steam in the recip rocating steam engine. Thus the fuel is burned directly in the cylmder of the engine, instead of in a separate ap paratus, as in .the case of boiler and steam engine. Compared with the steam plant, the internal combustion engine eliminates several steps in the process of transforming heat energy into work. That is the reason it has a higher efficiency, which means that it converts a greater proportion of heat energy in' the fuel into work. * Internal combustion engines may be classified into three types, Otto cycle, Diesel cycle, an^mixed cycle engines. In engines operating on the Otto cycle the fuel and air are thor oughly mixed before'they are admitted to the cylinder, wiiere the mixture is compressed to a moderate pressure, and burns explosively upon ignition. This type is the ordinary |#is engine used in automobile's and airplanes. Small stationary engines, also, are usually of this type. Such engines use easily vaporized liquid fuels, the most com- moi^ being gasoline and kerosene. Artificial and natural gas are also used in stationary engines. Otto cycle engines are - low in first costand easy to operate; they are relatively simple "and of small weight j per horsepower. However, they are not as efficient as the other two types and the cheap fuel oils cannot be used. The high cost of the fuel they use pre cludes their adoption in plants of any appreciable size, unless it be where natural gas is available. Diesel cytjle engines use the heavier liquid fuels, wbichy are difficult to vaporize and relatively cheap. They are built in medium and very large sizes, from 20 to 4,000 horsepower. In these engines air only is compressed to a very high pressure, about 500 pounds per square inch. The fuel is then in jected into the cjdinder, where it burns upon contact with the air, the tem perature of which is su^cient to cause . ignition because of its high compression. This burning continues during the stroke as long as fuel is injected. The principal advantages of Diesel engines are high efficiency and capa bility of utilizing the poorest grades of liquid fuels. They are not as simple in construction or operation as the Otto engine and their fir^cost is high. Engines operating on the mixed cy cle include semi-Diesel and oil engines. They are built in sizes from 10 to 100 horsepower. They burn fuel oils, rang ing from kerosene to crude oil. In this type of engine air alone is compressed to a moderate pressure, 100 to 360 pounds per square inch, and the fuel injected into the cylinder as in the Diesel engine. To assi|t in vaporizing and igniting the fuel, a bulb or plate in the combustion space retains suffi cient heat for the purpose. Compared with Diesel engines, semi- Diesel and oil engines are simpler and lighter, their first cost is less, and operating expenses are lower. Com pared with Otto cycle engines, they can utilize cheaper fuel oils and are more efficient. Next week steam and internal com-- bustion engines will be compared.— E. G. Hoefer. The cost of instruction per white child enrolled in the 24 largest cities wais $40.91, against an average of $20.07 per rural white child enrolled. The urban white schools were oper ating an average of 176.9 days. The length of term in the rural white schools averaged 136 days. The average rural white schoolhouse in North Carolina is worth $6,726, ! agahist the city average of $78,704. I The investment in school property \ ^ averages $201.91 per white child in the' I urban schools, against $63.92 per white j child in rural schools, or three to one ! in favor of the urban child. It is interesting to note that more money is invested in school property per colored urban child than is invested per white rural chi]d~$68.78 against'$63"92. EDUCATIONAL PROGRESS, 1900 to 1924 The folllowing table, based on State School Facts, 'Volume 1, Number 22, shows the educatioual progress made by North Carolina between 1900 and 1924. Items bigger’EDUCATION PAYS The United States Bureau of Edu cation brings out some statistics to bolster up the self-respect' of that much derided thing; the college diploma. It points out that although less than 1 percent all Americans are college graduates, this 1 percent has furnished 66 percent of the presidents, 36 percent of the members of congress, 47 percent of the speakers of the house, 54 percent of the vice presi dents, 62 percent of the secretaries of state, 50 percent of the secretaries .of the treasury, 67 percent of , the attor- RURAL VS. URBAN SCHOOLS Volume one, number 22, of State School Facts gives an interesting and valuable summary of education'al prog ress ■ in North Carolina since 1900, along with a summary of school facts for the year 1923-24. Urban and rural schools have made remarkable prog ress, but they are far apart in attain ment. North Carolina Is predominantly rural. A large majority of the future citizens' of the state are being trained in rural schools. But the school facili ties for such children are far behind those enjoyed by children who attend urban schools. Witness the following facts. In the rural schools there were 2,229 white teachers, or nearly 18 percent of them all, who have never finished high school. In the city schools there were just.52 white teachers whose training v/as below high-sehool graduation, or 1.31 percent of the white teachers in urban schools. The average rural white teacher in the state had four years at high school and three-fourths of a year at college. The average urban white teacher had four years at high school and nearly three years at college.v In the elementary rural schools 71.4 percent of the enrolled children were in average daily attendance, while in the city elementary schools 79.9 percent of the enrolled children were in average daily attendance, Total school expenditures Expenditure current expense Expenditure capital outlay Value of school property • Average value per schoolhouse Number of log houses Number of white one-teacher schools Number of teachers a. White b. Cplored Average monthly salary paid each teacher. a. White b. Colored Average term in days a. White schools b. Colored schools.. Average number days in school :... a. White pupils b. Colored pupils Total school population a. White b. Colored Total school enrollment Total average daily attendance Percent of population enrolled Percent of enrbllment in average attend.. Number of public high schools ^ Enrollment in public high schools Number Sta^-aided rural libraries Educational appropriations: a. Public schools, maintenance, (Improvements -b. Normal schools'; Maintenance . 1899-1900 1 Improvements. e. Higher institutions-, Maintenance. . The average annual salary paid white 'teachers in the 24 largest city schools was $1,300.86, while the average salary paid rural white teachers was $668.18, or only about one-half as much. Percent illiteracy 10 years and over. a. White b. Colored $1,062,303.71 1,004,903.09 67,400.62. 1,097,564.00. 168.66 1,190 5,047 8,320 5,763 2,667 23.46 24.79 20.48 70.8 73.3 65.3 1923-1924 ■i 657,949 439,431 218,618 400,452 206,918 60.9 61.7 ’30 ’2,000 16,000.00 42,600.00 65,000.00 28.6 19.6 47.6 $29,747,075.84 19,078,666.87 , 10,668,418.97 59,758,006.00 8,222.03 ^53 1,633 21,403 ■■ 16,283 6,120 99.93 110.06 64.83 143.4 146.2 134.6 103.3 109.3 89.1 921,315 628,132 293,183 793,046 671,359 86.1 72.0 73S- 63,875 6,070 1,678,760.00 -2,219,000.00 393,000.00 4,796,000.00 1,425,000.00 •■'iJ.l ■'8.2 '24.6 ’Estimated. -Two years. Only four are white. •■'1920. Based on Census Report.

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