The news in this publi cation is released for the press on receipt. THE UNIVERSITY OF NORTH CAROLINA NEWS LETTER Published Weekly by the University of North Caro lina for the University Ex tension Division. APRIL 14, 1926 CHAPEL HILL, N C. THE UNIVERSITY OF NORTH CAROLINA PRESS VOL. XII, NO. 23 Kciltorirtl Uoarrit E. C. Branaon. S. H. Hobbs, Jr.. L. R. Wilson. E. W. Knight. D. D. Carroll, J. B, Bullitt, H. W. Odum. Entered as second-class matter November 14, 1914, at the PostolBce at Chapel Hill, N. C., under the act of August 24, 1912 DAIRY COWS PER FARM B. ® L. AND INSURANCE In no department of statistics will be found any better story in tabloid than that of the building and loan associa tions of North Carolina which now have 256 local organizations with assets in excess of $74,000,000. In 1926 these home-makers erected 8,000 houses at a cost of more than $26,000,000. Thus, through this one organization alone, North Carolina tied 8,000 families to the soil last year. And all this has come about since 1904 when the insurance department took over these organiza tions, then numbering fifty, and under took to direct them with their $3,000,000 assets. It was not an easy job, for the build ing and loans lacked nearly all of the repute which has been won by them since. They had been under the domi nation of foreign influences, which lack ing the local interest made themselves in uncounted instances the cause of great popular disfavor. The insurance department.engineered a strong build ing and loan law and drove the alien associations from the state. A Big Insurance State Incidentally, North Carolina has shown phenomenal grow’th in its insurance business. When James R. Young took over the department and carried*it first in his vest pocket, then sat it down in t little room of a ramshackle hut belong ing to the first woman’s club, it was not a very impressive business. The in surance commissioner’s report at the close of 1899 showed $78,000,000 in all state business, fire and life, and 26 years later the enormous total of $1,709,049,- 366. And this does not consider the miscellaneous lines of insurance, casu alty, surety, burglary, liability, plate glass, steam boiler, title credit and accident. North Carolina with its Jeffer son Standard, Pilot, and a score of other strong home companies, has become an insurance state. There is a huge busi ness every year written. The 1926 sea son wap much the best of all. Never did so many North Carolinians win national recognition for their writing. The insurance business was colossal. In no state, except New York, per haps, did the insurance companies put so much in building as they did in North Carolina. The building and loans are just a starter in computing the con struction done through these financial agencies. The same proportion^main- tained by these associations will be found in all other realms of activity. North Carolina built last year as never before, but the first month of 1926 easily promises to best 1926. Th© state spent more than $100,000,000 in actual construction for 1926. Build- SeeK Legislative Relief To a very large degree unorganized and isolated, farmers naturally have tended more and more to resort -to political pressure to obtain relief from their economic ills, such as dwindling incomes, decline of agricultural produc tion in proportion to growth of popula tion and mounting production costs on the farm in the face of falling markets. But the agricultural problem is the common problem of all industrial and commercial life as well. It is to no greater extent a question of what will be the consequences for the farmer than it irof what will they be for our entire economic and business life if American agriculture continues to lag behind in comparison with the general economic development of the country.—National Industrial Conference Board. BUYING MOTOR CARS The State Department of Revenue reports that during the year 1926 the people of North Carolina spent $71,- 661,400.00 for new and used auto mobiles. There were 66,696 new cars sold in North Carolina at an approxi mate cost of $54,116,700.00, and 49,- 842 used cars at an approximate cost of $17,444,700.00. The money we spent on purchasing motor cars amounted to almost as much as the value of the entire tobacco crop of the state for the . year 1925. We spent more than three times as much in purchasing motor cars as we spent on public education. We probably spent more on automobile repairs and spare parts than we spent on public education. THE AVERAGE FARM The following comparisons were made from the 1926 State Farm Census sum mary for the purpose of computing the crop returns from an average North Carolina farm. The average farm in the state con sisted of almost exactly 100 acres in area. Of this amount, only 27 acres were in actual cultivation; 6.6 acres were lying out idle, and the remaining 67.4 acres were in woods, waste and pasture land. Of the 27 acres in cultivation, 9.7 acres were in corn, valued at about $20.35 per acre for grain. Approxi mately 80 percent of this corn area had fodder taken from it making about 6.86 acres so us^ with a value of about $84.04 for the fodder, and a total of $281.44. There were 7.7 acres in cotton which, at the average value per acre for the state in 1926 of $61.07, was worth $470.24. This includes the value of both the seed and the lint. There were 2.6 acres in hay crops, both cultivated and wild, which averaged about $14.66 per acre, making a total of $36.38. There were 2.1 acres in tobacco which showed the greatest per acre return of any crop, averaging about 660 pounds, worth approximately $161.80 per acre. The gross value of the 2.1 acres to the farmer was therefore about $318.78. There were 1.7 acres in wheat, worth about $31.98. There were 1.3 acres in truck crops which, valued at $200.00 an acre, would be worth $260.00. One acre was in peanuts, worth about $68.86. One acre in other crops, worth about $60.00. The gross income from the 27 culti- should be the center of interest for all the people of the community the whole year round. At least once a week there should be some special attraction that would bring the people together for an hour or two of pleasure and profit. pals and teachers choose to settle down and become citizens and vital members of the communities in which they work, it will be almost impossible to carry out a community program, especially since such a program must of necessity ex tend over a period of years. Schools of permanent influence are largely built around permanent teachers. Schools taught by grasshopper teachers can never become centers of community life. We used to think that the expensive school house had served its purpose, when we used it from nine o’clock in the morning until three or four o’clock in the afternoon for five days in the week. Now we know differently. The school building furnished by the tax payers of the community belongs to all the people of the community, and should be used not merely by the children but by the grown-ups as well. The Program In regard to the program for the school, Mr. Moser showed that no one program of activities could be devised which would meet the needs of all com munities. Every section will naturally have its own peculiar conditions and problems, he said, and the program set forth is merely suggestive and will have to be adapted to existing conditions. First, organize at each school (1) a boys’ corn or agricultural club; (2) a girls’ canning or household arts club, and let these clubs include the young people of the community who are not in school. Second, connect the school work with the occupational interests of the com munity by adding to the curriculum courses in farm management and voca tional subjects, and bring to the school as often as possible the county farm agent and others who can assist in the work. Introduce into the curriculum courses in cooking, home-making, and related subjects for the girls and young women of the community. Em phasize courses in hygiene, sanitation, FOOD AND FEED FIRST In Texas, I am pleased to report, 646 banks are on record as endorsing and sustaining the Texas Safe Farming As sociation’s slogan of “Better Cotton on Fewer Acres and More Feed on More Acres.’’ In 172 communities there is active organization by Chambers of Commerce, Lions, or Kiwanis or Rotary Clubs. Our Dallas News for two years has conducted an energetic and effective campaign for “More Cotton on Fewer Acres’’ in order to release acreage for food and feed crops. Our Star-Telegram is almost dail^ pounding upon the theme of food and feed first, and cotton next. Our agricultural papers, Farm and Ranch, Progressive Farmer, and South land Farmer omit no opportunity to stress the importance of a balanced agriculture. Literally, hundreds of our country papers are doing the same thing. At every group meeting of Texas bank ers held this week, the President of the Association has made safe farming the principal topic of his address. I have no way of knowing, nor have any of the other men or institutions I have mentioned any way of knowing, what the cotton yield will be per acre or what the total crop will be in 1927 or what the price will be next October, but we all know that if we have our food and feed, whatever we get for our cotton can be used to pay debts and buy comforts, but if we do not have our food and feed, no price for cotton that is remotely possible will yield a profit on the year’s operations, and in Texas we mean to feed ourselves. We hope the other cotton states will do the same thing. That is our philosophy in Texas. If we succeed in this planting program, as I believe we will, our next move will be to promote live stock—poultry, pigs, and milk cows—first for home consump tion and later for supplementary in come. Our ultimate objective is a balanced agriculture which will maintain soil fer tility and distribute the risks of crop failure and price depression. Our motive is profitable business through profitable agriculture.—Clarence Ousley, Director Texas Safe Farming Association, Commerce and Finance. vated acres totals about $1,507.68, This ^ _ . ing and engineering contracts brought; approximately covers the actual j and health, using the assistance of the the total to $104,514,600, according to | cash value of the field crops produced | county and state health authorities the Dodge corporation. This, the com- j j^^it include returns from live- pany says, is an increase of 29 percent | products, poultry and by-products from the crops themselves. Unfortunately, lack of space herein does not permit of further development of this subject, but we expect to en large on it in the near future. This will be from the standpoint of size of the average family, the consumption of food and feed products, the cost to maintain the average farm family, etc.—Farm Forecaster. DAIRY cows PER FARM The table which appears elsewhere shows how the states rank in dairy cows on a per farm basis. The accompany ing column shows the number of cows two years old and over classed as dairy cows, as distinguished from beef cattle. Wisconsin ranks first in dairy cows per farm, averaging 10.16 cows two years old and over classed as dairy. Vermont does almost as well. Only Louisiana and Florida rank below North Carolina in the table, and further study of census data forces one to conclude that as a matter of fact North Carolina actually ranks last of all the states in dairy cows and in milk production per farm. Many cows classed as beef are dual-purpose cattle, that is they may be milked or slaughtered, according to circumstances. Although Louisiana and Florida rank slightly below North Caro lina in cows classed as dairy cattle per farm, both of these states far surpass North Carolina in cows two years old and over classed as beef cattle. While North Carolina had in 1926 only 84,927 beef cows two years old and over, Louisiana had 300,205, and Florida had 318,517. Louisiana has per farm seven times as many cows two years old and over classed as beef as North Carolina has, while Florida has twenty times as many. Since some beef cows are milked it is very clear that with so many more beef cows both Florida and Louisiana actually rank ahead of North Carolina. In other words, North Carolina actually ranks last of all states in milk cows per farm, and therefore last in milk and butter production per farm, because no one can claim that we make up in quality for what we lack in quantity. Just a little observation settles that point. The 1920 Census showed that in quantity of all livestock North Carolina ranked forty-sixth. Both North Carolina and the South have just produced the largest cotton crop on record. There will be an enormous carry-over of the 1925 crop, probably three to four million bales. Another such crop in 1926 would bank rupt the South. Very likely more atten tion to home-raised food and feed sup plies during 1926 will pay our farmers handsomely. Cotton production on a home-raised food and feed basis has always been desirable, but never more so than at this time. Nothing is more important in such a system of agricul ture than the dairy cow. over the construction work of 1924. Residences took $29,661,900 of this and public works and utilities $27,231,- 900. Educational buildings required $12,775,200, and $11,439,000 represents the commercial construction. The in dustrial buildings brought the total above the $100,000,000 mark, and $10,- 796,200 was put into that. The state, according to the Dodges, has embarked upon a $169,740,200 pro gram, a 63 percent increase, for 1926. The year closed showed a gain of 29 percent over 1924. At the present rate there should be for 1927 something like $260,000,000 in construction. — From Greensboro Daily News. FARMERS MORE RADICAL The chief significance of this shifting of political attitudes lies in the fact that it directly reflects a serious economic maladjustment of agriculture, and it is seen by the Conference Board as a warn ing that a more scientific coordination of all industrial and business activities is needed, . . . The large capitalization of modern industrial enterprise, the growing prac tice of employe and customer stock ownership, increasing investments of savings in corporate securities, all tend to make the urban populations more and more conservative. On the other hand, the average farm enterprise rep resents a capital investment of about $12,000, generally individually owned. PROGRAM FOR THE SCHOOL What effect will the new consolidated high school building program which is now being carried out in the state have on the social, economic, and intellectual life of the rural and urban communities of the state? This was one of the ques tions raised in the regular meeting of the North Carolina Club at the Uni versity of North Carolina, March 8, 1926, when A. M. Moser read a paper to the Club on thp subject of A Community Program for the School. In answer to this question it was pointed out that the possibilities for the consolidated school to become a com munity builder were tremendous, but that so far the schools had not capital ized their opportunity in this respect. It was pointed out that if the schools ever are to function efficiently as cen ters of community life a different type of school principal and teacher usually will be needed to direct the work. At present the teachers move too often, and it was pointed out that until princi- DAIRY COWS PER FARM IN THE UNITED STATES Based on Federal Census as of January 1, 1925 The following table ranks the states according to dairy cows per farm on January 1, 1926. The table refers to cows and heifers two years old and over classed as dairy, whether actually being milked or not. Beef cattle are ex cluded, although many cows classed as beef are being milked. Wisconsin ranks first with 10.16 daii y cows two years old and over per farm, much as possible. I North Carolina ranks 46th with 0.83 dairy cows per farm. Louisiana and Florida, Third, the school should make an eco-1 which rank below North Carolina in the table, have respectively 300,206 and nomic and social study of the com-: 318,617 beef cows two years old and over, against North Carolina’s 84,927. munity. These studies should be done i Since many cows classed as beef are milked, both Louisiana and Florida actually by the students under the direction of | rank far ahead of North Carolina in milk production per farm, the teachers. They would concern local United States total 17,700,000 cows two years old and over classed as dairy, geography and history; direct attention or 2,78 dairy cows per farm. „ „ „ , , , o. rl. Jtiobbs, Jr. Department of Rural Social-Economics, University of North Carolina to origins, and racial strains; note worthy events and achievements; his toric objects and localities; study the condition of libraries, schools, churches, and forces and agencies of progress; a study of the lives of men who are lead ers in the spiritual, intellectual, and material upbuilding of the community; and a study of the occupations, indus tries and so on in which the people are vitally interested. Fourth, the school should begin to organize the interests of the community with the school as a center. Various organizations should be revived and new ones formed, and committees should be appointed to encourage, for example, the production of food and feed crops, along with some good standard money crop; to improve methods in cultivation; selling; to secure credit at a low rate; to develop community resources, such as waterpower, forests, etc. A women’s club should be organized for the purpose of studying home-mak ing, furnishing, equipment; to develop native industries—sewing, weaving, etc.; for social and cultural purposes such as the study of music, art, the drama, and literature. It was pointed' out that the school j 24 Cows two Number Cows two Number years old of dairy years old of dairy Rank State and over cows per Rank State and over cows per classed as farm classed as farm dairy dairy Wisconsin .1,961,019.. ....10.16 26 Arizona .... 32,966.. ... 3.06 2 Vermont . 279,448. ...10.10 26 Maine ...161,983.. ... 3.04 3 New York .1,376,676. .... 7.28 27 Colorado .,..163,814.. .... 2.82 4 Minnesota .1,314,742. .... 7.00 28 Utah .... 71,446. .... 2.76 6 Rhode Island... 21,961. .... 6.62 29 Nebraska ....230,502. .... 2.69 6 Connecticut.... . 113,866. .... 6.10 30 Kansas ....381,722. .... 2.30 7 Nevada . 17,431. .... 4.46 31 Montana ....104,344. .... 2.14 8 Massachusetts . 146,631. .... 4.36 32 Wyoming .... 33,110. .... 2.13 9 Pennsylvania.. . 861,014, .... 4.30 33 Missouri ....518,611. .... 1.99 10 Michigan . 807,800. .... 4.20 34 Oklahoma ....361,434. .... 1.83 11 New Jersey.... . 122,780. .... 4.15 36 Texas ....731,203. .... 1.67 12 California . 662,936. .... 4.13 36 West Virginia ....138,696. .... 1.64 13 North Dakota. 312,079. .... 4.11 37 Virginia ....291,978. .... 1.51 14 New Hampshire 81,504. .... 3.87 38 Kentucky ....388,070. .... 1.60 16 Illinois . 836,687. .... 3.71 39 Tennessee ....361,309. .... 1.43 16 Oregon . 204,890. .... 3.66 40 Alabama ....304,280. .... 1.28 17 Washington.... . 267,183. .... 3.66 41 Mississippi ..,.320,460. .... 1.26 18 Maryland . 172,791. .... 3.53 42 New Mexico... .... 39,386. .... 1.24 19 Indiana .. 697,788. .... 3.60 43 Arkansas ....272,069. .... 1.23 20 Idaho .. 139,406. .... 3.44 44 Georgia ....266,786. .... 1.03 20 Ohio .. 841,637. .... 3.44 46 South Carolina 145,982. .... 0.86 22 Delaware .. 33,793. .... 3.29 46 North Carolina. ...251,211 0.83 23 Iowa .. 692,608. .... 3.24 47 Louisiana .... 98,167. 0.78 24 South Dakota .. 243,629. .... 3.06 48 Florida 43,641. 0.74