''The VoUe of the Siudents'' Spring Week Activities Set By Steve Nations Gaslight SGA Reporter There’s something about spring that brings forth special feelings in people. For the past month, when the sun was shining and the weather was warm, students here at Gaston have been taking advantage of the climate and gathering around the courtyard, in the grass, or wherever they could find to enjoy the sunny skies. To climax aU the good feelings floating around campus, it is appropriate to celebrate with a week of extraordinary activities. E^ach year, Gaston celebrates spring and the approaching graduation with its annual Spring fling, “Spring Week.” This year will be no different. “Spring Week,” which is sponsored by the Student Government Association (SGA), is a time when students can really let themselves loose from the every day hassles of classes, home and work. Beginning on Monday, April 25 and continuing through Friday, April 29, Gaston College has something planned for everyone. Several bands, such as Chairman of the Board, Willow Creek, Doc Holliday, Shady Grove and The Vandals wUl be on hand for music lovers. Also planned is a male and female pretty legs contest, a fishfry, a cookout, a talent show and a student-faculty softball game. Clubs aroimd campus will have booths set up Monday with displays, food, drinks, and organized games. Much time has been spent in the preparation and scheduling of all the activities. ITie SGA hopes that all students will attend and will enjoy themselves. The activites are free. Students have already paid through the activity fee. The “Spring Week” schedule is as follows Monday • Monday, April 25, the spring fling activities will begin. All of the clubs on campus will have a variety of activites. Qubs Activities: • AHA — Auction • Foreign Language — Foreign Pastries • MOA — Ice Cream Sale •AEYC —Bake Sale •B AC —Fish Fry • Crimnal Justice — Dunking Booth • Fashion Merch. — Fashion Show • Library — Old Book Sale • Phi Beta Lambda — Tacos and Drinks The “Shady Grove” Band • Shady Grove, a country bluegrass band, wiD kick off “Spring Week” with a 11 a.m. to 3 p.m. performance in the campus courtyard. - SGA Activity • The SGA begins selling tee-shirts and cups. The SGA wants to remind everyone to purchase a cup “because you never know when you might need a good cup to mix up a drink. ” Each cup holds 20 ounces and comes in white with red lettering. The cup can be purchased for $1, with your choice of Sun Drop or Cheerwine. The tee-shirts are gray and feature the Budweiser logo and slogans. Other selections include Budweiser’s Clysdale horse and the slogan “Bring out your best.” The other tee- shirt has Uncle Sam plunging through a “Bud” label and reads “This Bud is for you.” On the back of each shirt is a list of all the bands appearing during “Spring Week.” All shirts and printing are first quality and cost only $5. Tuesday Talent Show • The school-wide talent show will be held oil Tuesday, April 26 at 11 a.m. in the Myers Center Au(Utorium. Many talented students have worked long hours in preparation for this event. Freddie Dee is in charge of the production. Softball Game • Following the talent show, there will be a student-faculty softball game. Last year the faculty team won 15-6 over the students. Continued On Page Three