PAGE 2 GARDNER-WEBB PILOT DECEMBER, 1944 GARDNER-WEBB PILOT STAFF WILL GARDNER-WEBB MAKE MONEY? WHO’S WHO HIGHEST AVERAGE Editor-In-Chief Louise Edwards We often hear people say, “When you get more students. Miss Marigold Long, daugh- you will be able to make money at Gardner-Webb.” We are ter of Captain and Mrs. T. C. Associate Editor - J. i. Jones, Jr. ^he business of making character that will stand the test Long of Forest City, North xr Fditor Bernice McMurry the times. We will never be able to make money from the Carolina, and a freshman in students of Gardner-Webb. It costs far more to keep a stu- our college had an average of Feature Editor - Eris Smith dnt in Gardner-Webb or any other college than the college is 93 on all subjects for the first “rSXeaTderritnl Circulation Manager Louise Martin JorroX ^ and in- to_furnish our^^^^ “""bE^RnJce'MCMURRY Reporters...- Evelyn Harrill, Claudia Pearson, Colleen cidentals. It has been found Bernice McMurry is the Talbert, iVlarigold Long, Miss Carolyn Wray, help support the University? daughter of Mr. and Mrs. R. Pat Sumner, Jeanne Kollms, Ruth Berry per stude^ to a full ^ college and L. McMurry of Lawndale, and Members of the Journalism Class. we must realize that we will North Carolina. In 1943 she ID r n T student other than ministerial support our college graduated from Belwood High Typists - Pauline Costner, Ida Lattimore, and special students pay support our coiiege. | j honors Martha Ann WalKer $346. This means that there What about some plan for ^nd TSe-presfdent is an amount off $154 00 to our churches in support of ana was vice-presiaent 01 .ner Managmg Editor - Mr. W. Lawson Allen |oMO the college. Many of our “v^e Sired Card* from some other source it churches ne?-S Meg” S a Ss£ EXTERNALS ONLY? Gardner-Webb or any other now supporting the college m respected and . . college continues to operate a iine way. Let us give two classmates What has a student gained if he succeeds in attaining on a high standard, and as an examples. The Boiling , • , evident bv the a diploma from this institution if he fails to develop himseii accredited institution. f„J'from its"" election of officers for the in a lour-fold manner. It is the purpose of the mg trom its budget ;(>-i,ooo.uu ^ rnvpvnTnpnt Assn It IS not the purposesof this college to send out graduates trustees and faculty of this Per year for the running ex- Hatio„ of which with only a diploma and a few pages of memorized notes, college to keep the expense penses of the college. That is 1 ^ ^ ^resident Durina- her hgures, and facts, but rather, as tne old Romans expressed it, per student as low as it is ioul^mv ^eshman year she was active “An individual as a pertect work of art. humanly possible so that as 100 members, ihat would pay . camnns activities To be a well-rounded personality doesn’t necessarily many students as wanting the over and above amount reporter for the college mean that a person has-to be an authority on books, borne our service may have it. We ±or eight and s^-tenths stu- booKs are to be tasted, others to be swallowed, and some lew must keep our rates low dents. The Cliffside Baptist „ stn'dpTit Govprnment to be chewed and digested . ” This school strives to enough for all—even the Church is paying into the , . functioning un teach its students which tew are to be digested in order that poorest to come here. We in- expenses of the col- ’ they may live a deep rich, and abundant life. It gives them tend to do that. Then if we Jgi^and ^^ip of Miss McMurry who the opportunities and the forward push necessary lor attain- keep the rates down, where is enough to pay tte over a^ positions as see ing tne highest character qualities which they possess. the difference beyond what above expenses 01 ten stu- ^ .p x, Athenean-Ram- “Cheatmg is a quality of character.” This quality is not the students pays coming dents. These two churches are Society secretary of Y desirable, and we do not want it on our campus. What has from? It must come from one doing a great part in guaran- ^ ^ ^ editor of the a student gained if he succeeds in acquiring a diploma by of two sources; from an en- teeing a greater Gardner- ,1 ’ ^nner She is doing- hook or crook, if he does not have the intelligence which dowment or from the Web College for years to Q^tstandinsr work with all her would have been required if he had got it honestly, churches of this section. come. ^ " “Honesty is a quality of character.” This quality is desir- Let us look at the possibi- With very few exceptions, know her is to love able, and we encourage it on our campus. lities of an endowment. We our churches could ‘ support For what does it profit a student 11 he gains his diploma have a very small endowment one student’s over and above fi'vci ia RFKlPFIFin and does not have high qualities of character. now and the prospects for a expenses for each 100 mem- f, • greatly increased endowment bers of the church. That is, -Miss Ovella Benefield is the 0 ^ to take care of our needs is if a church resident members, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. A. “THE LETTER KILLETH” very dismal. I doubt that we they could pay $350.00 per ^ BenefieM would want the great endow- year for the current expenses ^Nortn L-aroiina. bne graau- “Do unto others as you would have them do unto you.” ment which would assure us of the school. That would ated from Bain High School What a different spirit there would be if this were practiced! of a means of continuing our mean that the church would iii 1943 as valedictorian of But most of us have too much ego. We have the attitude of work here, for great endow- have in the budget $30.00 per her class. In the fall of the doing for others only when we’re sure we will get something ments have a tendency to month for the college. If the same year she entered Gard- in return. What is the joy of helping if it is only for praise alienate our colleges from the church could raise ten dollars ner-Webb College and began of man ? hearts of the people, from the a week for the college her study for missionary Where is the spirit of love and friendship that should denomination, and from the through a budget, that would work. Miss Benefield is loved prevail between the students on our campus? In place of churches. indicate a resident member- respected and is a friend this a large number of us seem to have the attitude that j^g^t year we will need ship of 300. There is a pos- everyone. Her winning everything and everyone is against us. We are jealous of $20,000.00. Four per cent is sibility that some church wondertul personality, and feel inferior to each other. We try to hinder rather than a^^out as much as an invest- could not meet that amount industrious spirit, and devot- help our schoolmates. If we would picture ourselves as a j^ent will bring in normal per member, but there are team cooperating instead of a group of individual stars, we times. $20,000.00 is equal to some churches as stated highly capable of filling her might live together successfully and happily and make our pgj. ^ent of $500,000.00 above, that are already reach- Position of president of B. S campus one of a unique atmosphere in which it is a joy to endowment. On the other ing that and more—the idea • l^aptist btudent live. hand, if the churches support is that every church have Unwn, under her excellent a, they have been doing, the a part in the current support 'Ltu'e3re?t school remains close to the if every church would sup- CAiu Uii 1 TAKEN FROM AN UNKNOWN DEAD AMERICAN hearts of the people, helping port only one student in the „ ^ j .. QOTriTFR m TTATY ^hem to help themselves by amount of $175.00 next year, , Sam Hill, a former student, SOLDIER IN ITALY has volunteered his services “Look God, I have never spoken to you, crated leaders for our amount given by the churches tor our u. b. JNayy. He will go churches; thereby extending last year. How can we realize service on December 26, But now I want to say,‘How do you do. the college to the very door this goal? We can get our 1944, pd will receive training You see, God, they told me you didn’t exist, the churches. The churches churches on a sound financial the 'son of Mr and of this section, then, feel and basis. The college is ready, j And like a fool—I believed all this. will continue to feel, that they without cost to the church, to °. Cliffside, and T f f a Innlp T Ynnr ^ work with them to do this, sophomore Last night from a shell hole I saw Your Sky, Christian education, letting the church then make on the campus. I figured right then they had told me a lie. With an increased student its own decision as to what it ,. . j ^ , body, we can reduce the can do for the college. We are »^i?sed by the Had I taken the time to see thmgs you made, necessary for each not here to take from any- students, who wish for him T’d have known thev weren’t calling a spade a spade. student needed above what he one, but to help each church ® „ , . „ ,, T. 1 1, j pays, but the total amount to help itself. In the second I wonder, God, if you d shake my hand. gj.Q^ larger as we get place, we can urge upon all Chapel PrOgraill Somehow, I feel that you will understand more students. It is a fact that our people the absolute neces- Funny I had to come to this hellish place, when we get 300 students sity of a Bible stewardship to Miss Abbie Miller and other . , we can reduce the over and support our work everywhere, members of the chapel com- Before I had time to see your face, above cost of each student This will completely revolu- mittee have brought us some Well, I guess there isn’t much more to say to something like $150.00. 200 tionize our work, and the col- outstanding chapel programs T5„+T’.v, =.ivpo-i«ri T TTiPt vnn tnrlav students costing $175.00 per lege can be adequately provid- this year. Some of our guest But I m sure glad, God, I met you today. student above the amount ed for with the increase from speaks have been Hon. 0 Max I guess the ‘zero hour’ will soon be here, paid by the student would this new view of steward- Gardner, Horace Grigg, Cleve- But I’m not afraid since I know you’re near! amount to $37,000.00, but ship. The church will thrive land Superintendent of Pu'b- ^ j T,i, u 4- on the other hand, 300 stu- and everyone will be happy in lie Instruction; Miss Cather- The Signal: Well, God, 111 have to go; dents costing $150,00 would the adventure. ine Abee, State Y. W. A. I like you lots, this I want you to know. amount to $45,000.00. This The college stands ready worker; Dr. Zeno Wall, pas- Look now this will be a horrible fight; amount will have to come now to help any church in any tor of the First Baptist ’ *1. from some source and most matter pertaining to the Church of Shelby; Dr. Luther Who knows, I may come to your house tonight, of the money will have to Kingdom. Call on us. Little, pastor of emeritus of Though I wasn’t friendly to you before, come from the churches. the First Baptist Church in „ , ,, „ There is a question with vPQar^Tl wVi-ir vr^mar,r.p Charlotte; Mr. and Mrs. J. C. I wonder, God, if you d wait at your door. One reason why romance Look, I’m crying! Me! Shedding tears! is paid into the college cur- seemed to last longer in the pjg^ returned missionaries T ■ 1 T 1 , T 2.-L. rpnt pxT)pTisp fund Some few old days was because a bride from China I wish I had known you these many years. pnt expense luna. pome lew , / , , , ,, iiwn ^nina. have the idea that if a church used to look much the same Other programs have been Well, I have to go now, God, Good-by, gives $50.00 per month, that after she washed her face as presented by various organi- Strange, since I met you. I’m not afraid to die”. some student from that she did before. zations on the campus.