MAY, 1945 GARDNEB-WEBB PILOT" PAGE THREE Installation of New B. S. U. Officers (Continued from Page One) Franklin 1st Vice-President Ruby Connor — Marjorie White 2nd Vice-President Ruth Berry — Dorothy Da- meron ; 3rd Vice-President Dorothy Franklin — Myrtle Whitaker Secretary Jeanne Rollins — To be elect ed Treasurer Margaret Roberts — Martha Lynn Baptist Union Director Margaret Wacaster — Mar tha Connor Sunday School Supt. Mary Sue Keeter — Lillian Gilbert Y. W. A. President Erlene Washburn — Martha Howell Y. T. C. President Robert Beason — Jack Hoyle Publicity Director Ellwanda Scruggs — Eris Smith Ministerial President Lee James — To be elected Music Director Myrtle Whitaker — To- be elected Extinguishing of Candles by retiring president. Challenge to incoming of ficers—Mrs. Hubert C. Dixon B. S. U. Song Recessional The retiring officers leave with each incoming officer our best wishes for a most successful year of Christian leadership through the B. S. U. Earnest prayers will follow each one. B. S. U. Retreat (Continued from Page One) we adjourned to the main auditorium to hear Mrs. Owen Herring, formerly, associate Southwide Student Secretary, speak on “Master’s Minority Movement”. She made us realize how big our world is, and just what we can do for Christ, as students. On Saturday morning at 7:15 we walked through the beautiful campus to the Forest Theatre for morning watch. God was so near to us out there in the open with walls of trees around us. Two students from E. C. T. C., and Mars Hill, gave us personal testimonies of what God had meant to theii- lives. At 9:15 we returned to the church for more miniatures in contrast and the election of the new state officers. We were all thrilled when Flor ence Gordon, student at W. C. U. N. C., was elected pres ident. After this we went into group conferences to dis cuss problems of B. S. U. and to receive help on how to carry on next year. On Saturday afternoon we enjoyed a worship concert where we heard some of our greatest composers play some of our best religious compositions. After this, Bob by Barns from Mars Hill told us of the Student Evangelis tic week on their campus; Judith Richards from A. S. T. C., spoke on Volunteer Sum mer Service; Ann Johns told of Focus Week at Wake Forest and Evelyn Straugh- an gave us the mission work at Meredith. These were all inspirational. On Saturday night we witnessed the installation of the new state officers. We knfew that God’s presence was in that service as these young people accepted their chal lenges for work next year. After a worship program led by Rev. Richard T. Howerton, we went back to the lower auditorium for a social with the theme, “Beginner’s Art Begins”, led by Elizabeth Shelton from Meredith. This was lots of fun and as our colors blended we were able to get acquainted with many students. When Sunday morning came we were glad that we could return to G.-W. to share with you the experiences we had had, but were reluctant to leave. After Sunday school, which was in form of a panel discussion led by Mr. Hower ton and various students, we heard a very inspiring mes sage on Vitalizing a Voval'i- zation give by Dr. Kelly Bar nett, pastor of the Baptist church in Chapel Hill. Those attending the re treat from G.-W. were Louise Martin, Dorothy Franklin, Mrs. W. M. Dameron, Martha Connor, Myrtle Whitaker, Martha Lynn, and Marjorie White. More About The Summer School (Continued from Page One) ity can be continued through the six weeks of the summer school. At a small extra cost horseback riding and riding lessons may be arranged. Stu dents not familiar with moun tain hiking should plan at least one trip into the moun tains while here. Although we have not yet employed a music teacher, if as many as eight or ten pupils apply for work in piano or violin, such courses will be provided and will carry the usual credit hours for work done in these subjects. Address applications, in quiries and requests for sum mer school bulletins to Sum mer School Director, Gard- ner-Webb College, Boiling Springs, N. C. W. LAWSON ALLEN The Pilot would not have been successful this year without the capable manage ment and guidance of this well-rounded individual. His tolerance coupled with his wit and humor makes him an ideal person to work with. Mr. Allen teaches Religious Education and is director of Religious Activity and is also director of Student Activities. He has studied at the Uni versity of Tennessee and at V/estern Carolina Teachers College, where he received a B. S. degree. He has also stu died at the Southern Baptist Theological Seminary, from which place he came here. We, the staff of this year, express our heartfelt thanks to Mr. Allen for his help and co-operation on the publica tions of this year, and we think the staff of next year is very fortunate indeed to have such a perfect sponsor, even though he does have a habit of condemning some articles with a large red “trite”! MISS TOOLE INSTRUCTS B. S. U. Miss Marjorie Toole, stu dent secretary at Appala chian State Teachers College, visited Gardner-Webb cam pus. She came to instruct the new B. S. U. council members for their work of next year. She held a conference with each new council member in- diivdually. In this conference, she told them what would be expected of them in their special task. The information proved very helpful, for she is a very capable and likeable person. Miss Toole graduated from a senior college in Florida, after which she entered the seminary at Louisville, Ken tucky, where she finished her graduate work as a major in Religious Education. We feel very fortunate to have had such a person as Miss Toole on our campus. A study course was also given for the new council members. No Pilot For July, August With the June issue, the Pilot suspends, publication for the months of July and Au gust. If you have enjoyed this paper, will you not continue to support it? We are plan ning many improvements for next year. For one thing, we hope to have each month some articles of interest to the churches in helping to forward the work of the Sunday school. Training Union, W. M. U., and the gen eral work of the Kingdom. Suggestions will receive careful attention by the new staff. The help of the readers of the Pilot will be appre ciated in making the paper worthwhile to all the sub scribers and friends. The subscription price is carried on the second page. Parents are intetested in the doings of the college campufe which is home to one of their chil dren. We will try to keep you informed as to the happen ings, items of interest, and the spicy news that comes from time to time. The former students of Gardner-Webb College, Boil ing Springs Junior College or Boiling Springs High School are urged to contribute arti cles, and news at any time. Not only do we want to hear of you but from you. We are interested in following your career during the remaining college days or into the bus iness and professional fields into which you go. If you are not willing to give us infor mation about yourself, let us have information about some other person that you know who attended the school. It is very readily seen that we waiii to make the Pilot one of 't‘he very best college periodicals in all the country —something of which to be proud. We will be satisfied with nothing less. We don’t have to wait until next year to see results of her visit. But, we know that next year we will look back with thankful hearts that Miss Toole came. We feel as if our B. S. U. council will be a great success; because they will have such a good starts She had even gone so far as to help map out the calendar of events for the council to use next year. We owe our deepest appre ciation and thanks to Miss Toole for giving us such a helpful visit.