NOVEMBER, 1952 THE PILOT PAGE FIVE ■p I but the unlucky girls had to remain JtlQI J-yQy rats. They were allowed to wear i ne J^USl X^QIl blue jeans and socks with bed room Rats!! EEk !! Rats!! Ra - a - a - shoes, which was all very well and Well, here we are again with more dust in our pans than ts! — It was 3;30 a. m. when the good, but the shower caps weren’t we know what to do with, so we will try to dispose of some of J^'reshmen were waked up by scream- too comfortable. .,,11, 1 1 ine:, sauealmg Sophomores. It was The grand finale of a very ex- it the best way we know how. J -q c tt . • 9 reaiiy bloodcurdling to wake up citing, unforgetable day was “Rat What S this we hear about Wayne b. and the 15 b U trip . }^earmg them screaming, Rats!! coui’t,” which was held in the E. B. Which flavor lipstick do you like best, Wayne? we had just landed back on the Hamrick Building at 8:00. The Coulditbethatthisistherealthing, Don S. and Rachels? floor after a big scare when our judges and the jurors really car- I always thought ball trips would prove interesting with the pJ.^Med^'m'us'^d^ ^ fare-you- photographer. ^ , , ,. , , ., • j-i . , ,, , fit tor a queen. After Big Sister Several girls were called to the Wayne E., it couldn t have been the intluence ot a girl that had put the girl’s skirt on wrong stand for flirting with the boys and brought you here, could it ? Anyway I guess it is nice to have siae out, upside down, put hose and were pronounced guilty. For their Margaret C. across the table every meal. tennis shoes on her feet, tied socks punishment they had to play the *ell ki* we just figured out why Gin H. wishes she were ES SZ a day student. (Tip. Forrest league is). poured dime store perfume dance, etc. The highlight of the Tommy B. you seem to have jjair. Then she added a box evening was the “Three Muske- adopted Bobby M’s. motto: "never affections of powder in the hair for good teers from Texas.” With tears too many gu-ls.” Not many guys jamee f that Thanksgiving ball- measure. The Rat was then lead streaming down their faces, they would have the nerve to date one sounds mighty mterestmg BUI to the lobby where she waited for were made to say, “Texas stinks, girl one week and her roommate the ^er fellow rat escort to pick her up Texas stinks, Texas stinks!” And be- next to say nothing of those m attentions in the stu- to go for a two hour hike. lieve you me it really did stink, between I „gnj center don’t seem to be focused At about 4 A. M. the boys came to what with all that asafetlda I Ann Bannmg, what do you mean checkers and ping-pong any- the girls’ dorm to pick up their This evering proved to be very en- ■ when you say you have to write .j. uates. They were less fortunate than tertaining and was the perfect end That letter? Speaking — Martha G. seems to like riding the girls, because some of them still to an altogether perfect day. Have you noticed how excited Ruth ^ _ gg ggij^jj ^^en had on their pajamas. The boys had Hoberis and Doris Vance get when ^ chauffeurs it. their shirts and trousers on wrong the mall comes in? Nanov k iiist hnw surres'ifiil was side out and backward. As soon ^ ^ — These boys really go for red hair, ^ g Raleigh? Did as the door opened the smell of It S A pQCt! especially when it s on a gul named ^ certaui State student help mat- asafetida hit our nostrils. The most Martha Brooks. jgj.g honorable Sophomore boys had put would you like proof that this Betty Jean E. seems to have ti^en piagh! Bob Boling is looking for it in the boys’ hair, together with year’s Gardner-Webb is bigger and a sudden interest in Texas now. Mil- ^ iutei.gstg(j parties axle grease and powder. “Rat” was better than ever? There is nothing ler, could you have had anything to ^^g^^g register with his agent, Jim- also written on their faces—several ujj-g figures to prove facts, so here do with it? . , , • 1, o Moore, giving all necessary sta- poor fellow “rats” looked like an goes. This year at Gardner-Webb Having two gu’ls dormitories has ^ artist’s slate — mixed colors of red. t^ere are over four hundred stu- its bad points as well as its pod having any more blue, green, and black. dents enrolled. How many over four points, eh girls? It s hard to keep succggg., p,emember this, “If at first Our kind upper classmen, play- hundi-ed? Well, four hundred and up with who goes out with the boy g^^^gg^^ ^^.y, try again.” ing cupid, put each girl rat with a one. (Over four hundred sounds bet- you dated last night. , * Our little reminder to Charles Led- boy rat, and started us on our two- ^^gj.;) There are sixty-six sophomore We know it’s hard to make it to brought results, hour hike, while we sang “I m a t,oys and thirty-seven girls — a breakfast boys, but it s worth it eh Rovilla? Rat Just Now.” Their every wish total of one hundred three. We have Bill Fitz, Bob Bush, Ken Bmdy. there’s something about a table was our command, and every time two hundred and seventy-seven However Latitia, Sara, and Betty p_ j^gt can’t we displeased them the boys had d-eshmen — 158 boys, 119 girls. There think It’s very galliant of their to do any called for amount of on our campus twenty special “knights in shining armor” to be causes, Prank? pushups while his girl friend touch- students and one post graduate, so deyotecl Henry’s another one of these boys ed her toes. ^ Forty-five counties in North Caro- Were glad to ^e an old romance ^ The Rats were lead in a double ^na are represented in the student budding again Keep up the good g^g^_ Henry; line to the homes of our faculty ^ody. There is also a representation works Sue and Darrell. Wilma G. remember “A hint to the wise friends where we serenaded them ejg^t other states and the Dis- seems to be getting Aguiar phone sufficient.” until they woke up and answeied trict of Columbia. One foreign coun calls from Decker Hall Vender if what seems to be the trouble be- the door. Then a Rat couple lead try is represented. The states and it gets cold in that booth, David M. tween Jimmy M. and a certain little us in fifteen rahs for oui’ faculty number of students include: Florida, What goes with the couple we ai- Southport—huh—P. A.? friend. ' 6; Georgia, 1; Maryland, 1; New ways see at the Hamrick steps. How Florida girls so much dif- After we had made the rounds, jersey, 2; South Carolina, 25; Ten- much rent do they charge, George, fgi.gnt that the N. C. girls just won’t it was about 6;00 A. M. when we ngssee, 1; Texas, 3; Virginia, 1; Floy? ^o George K.? Let us in on yom- came stumbling back to our rat q q -^g j^g^^g one student from Bobby Workman, if all these girls ggj,j,gt. holes, numb from the cold, and so jg-azareth, Israel, you have on a string get together hoarse we could not utter a squeak. Quite a variation of religious de- and compare notes, You may call ^ corner, and we’ll have ex- The sophomores were so kind as to nominations are on our campus this everybody darhng, but take a tip, our supply for this month, let us rest peacefully in our nest yg^^ ^hey are: Baptist, 331; Metho- someday you may wonder what hap- ggg^^^g that it is just useless to try until they came back to take us to 32- Presbyterian, 7; Church of pened to your technique. for a date with Paula Howard. When breakfast. God, 2; Episcopalian, 1; Catholic, 2; Miracles never cease, Hugh Gs steady, that’s ex- When we had carried the sopho- Moravian, 1; Lutheran, l; and no finally settling down^ “Don’t fight ^“tjy wLt she meins! mores trays to the table, and giv- affiliation. 24. it, Sally and Hugh G., it s bigger gn them anything on our own trays we have the material to make this than both of you.” How does Sam W. The Vacuum Cleaners that they happened to want, we ^ successful year. Full steam ahead' fit into the picture? were allowed to nibble a square meal Pat S., what seems to attract you with our knives. Believe me, they . ^ to a Mooresville alumnus, namely . , were square, too!! Between bites. On his first day out, a rookie Gothard O.? if sometimes f Httle d”f-’ we ran back and forth to the coun- policeman in Chicago was having These short hair cuts seem to be get U to”he mint ter, getting second cups of coffee trouble with a bum He had got catching, huh, Valeria and Allen— to get it to the mint. upperclassmen. bim as far as a patrol call box when oh well, two of a kind. Nnwnriavs when vour shin comes Breakfast over, we carried their the derelict swung at him and Another couple has been initiated Qovemmenrsees that^^^ books and escorted them to their knocked him down. Another police- into the steady circle. Congratula- the Government sees that it ^ jnan, seemg the commotion from tions, Peggy Q. and Don E. dockea. dismiss a class under across the street, started over to What’s this about the secret club Voltaire: Judge a man by his ques- the orders of a Sophomore. at the boy’s dorm? Think the girls tions rather than his answers. At lunch time the girls had to scrambled to his feet and will sav no? Chickens! wear hats and carry large pocket started to run The other officer J tn thp pnfpterifl Affain we had finally caught him and demanded: The campus real^ looked good geneca; If you would make a .„„are meal Whoever heard of “What’s the matter with you any- with last year’s sopohomores adorn- j^^ppy_ not add to his pos- way?” ing the grounds — such as Mar- sessions but subtract from the sum . ° nihhlpc we ran all over the “Holy suffering!” panted the new Btz'is'^sjrjsiss^ =\''L'°3S.;o=u\er; a™ V?,5hn -M, wit.'. . wo„a«,- brareed to «.m. them. TO. w« one daj Red Parham, Roy Carson, Coach one man to another. “One winter we could speak our minds, alttough cops i Bradburn, Bobby Denny, C- B. Hop- she knitted me socks out of an old we didn’t mean a thing we said. ^ ^ - per and you tWnk of the rest. bathing suit, and now she’s knitting At 1:30 P. M. the boys were al- Garage mechanic to car owner: Harvey has done it again - this a bathing suit for herself out of one lowed to wash off all the grease “My advice is to keep the oil and time Ann C. seems to be the object of my old socks.” paint and be human beings again, change the car.