MARCH, 1959 THE PILOT PAGE THREE Setzer pulls quarterback sneak with two for First HAPY. Calling All Boys Be On The Lookout For Predatory Females By Ann Holden BEWARE OP April 2, the life you save may be your own. On April 2 the girls have a day to pick and choose over the male population of G. W. There is much jubilation in Stroupe, but there is no Joy in Deck er for the girls will be out chasing, beating, grabbing, and following the men of G. W. This should be quite a shock for some of the boys because some of them don’t seem to notice there are such things as girls. Ima gine their surprise when they are pursued by a growling co-ed who has wanted the chance to get her fangs into them since last,.fall. Hap py hunting, girls. For the past several weeks the girls have been looking over the boys they will try to capture on theri one day out. Rumor has it that in case some of the mighty muscle men should try to sneak out and spoil a poor girl’s chances this one day in a year, it will be a closed week-end for the boys. How does it feel to have a taste of the girls’ rules for a change? The girls will have to catch the fellow of their choice. The girls will be lined up on one side of the ball field with the boys on the other. The boys will have exactly one- minute to escape the herd; they can climb trees or use any other means of escape. Mrs. Haynes has had no trouble getting the girls to run their laps in P. E. they are getting in shape and oiling their track shoes; while the boys of HAPY and Decker are get ting into shape, running wind sprints, and praying for the best. Happy hunting, girls! And boys, give the girls a break; they aren’t as young as they used to be. Be sides, college life takes a lot out of BEWARE OP APRIL 2!! UNION TRUST CO. Checking & Savings Accounts Automobile Loans Boiling Springs, N. G. ‘Men Get That Wool Gut” at WALLACE'S BARBER SHOP Boiling Springs, N. G. Closed Mondays Very Early From Page One Lord, and that he had spoken these things unto her. Then the eleven disciples went laway into Galilee, into a mountain where Jesus had appointed them. And Jesus came and spake unto them, saying. All power is given un to me in heaven and in earth. Go ye therefore, and teach all na tions, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost: Teaching them to observe -all things whatsoever I have conmiand- ed you; and, lo, I am with you al ways, even unto the end of the But after the articles and pictures have been placed, then most of the work is done. After the layouts have been com pleted, then the paper is checked once more before it is sent to the printer. And then the staff sit back to wait for the publication of the issue. A newspaper is only as good as the amount of work and time spent in getting it ready for the public. A professor once said, “You can’t get nothing for nothing, but noth ing”; this holds true especially in the newspaper work. A paper is only good when the contents of it are up to acceptable standards. Around The World in Fashions From Page Two make the “Cotton Curtain” ,refus- ing to be outdone by Russia, and to be the largest nudist colony in the world). Cuban women have come up with a darling little model this year. It has eigh ttoy soldiers lined up in firing squad. Guaranteed to kill anyone making i Switzerland has cut the women’s dresses eight inches shorter, but fear not, those of you with knobby knees, bloomers will be eight inches longer. All in all, Eloise says neck lines will be lower and shirts will be shorter and everything will come to a happy medium. By the way who is Eloise? Eloise- Eloise-Eloise is your mother!! for 0. Hands get in your eyes LUTZ FURNITURE CO. Trade and Save With The Lutz Twins Dial HU 7-5236 605-7 N. Morgan St. Shelby, N. C. STAR PRESS, INC. PRINTERS and LITHOGRAPHERS SHELBY, N. G. SHOP AT BELL'S FOR YOUR COMPLETE LINE OF COLLEGE CLOTHING CLOTHING FOR BOYS and GIRLS BELL'S Lattimore, N. G. 10% OFF ALL COLLEGE STUDENTS G. T. McSWAIN'S GROCERY FURNITURE and APPLIANCES Boiling Springs, N. G. Phone HE 4-6311