Hey, Bulldogs, Go! - - Beat Wingate! Hundreds of alumni return to campus today for varied Founders Day and Home coming programs. See re lated stories on this page. The Pilot Ellen Abernethy will reign as homecoming queen at half-time tomorrow night. Gall Hall, Doris Winchester are attendants. See stoiy this issue. Gardner-Webb College Boiling Springs, N. C. October 28, 1961 Early Classes To Be Honored FOUNDERS DAY, HOMECOIllliG EVENTS SET FOR TOMORROW - HilHPREDS EXPECTED Formal Opening Special Dinner , . . Committee Chairmen Dedmond and Dixon 45 Students Scheduled To Go To BSU Conference In November More than 1,000 students from ion Convention on November 3-5. some 30 to 40 colleges and uni- The theme for the convention will versities will gather in Forest be ‘‘A Living Church in a Bevo- HiHs Baplist Church of Raleigh lutionary World." for the state Baptist Student Un- Among the featured speakers for the convention are Dr. Pope Duncan, professor of Church His tory at SoU'thsastern Seminary, Wake Forest; Dr. Sam Hill, as sistant professor of religion at the University of North Caro’ina, Chaps! Hill; and Dr. Elmer West, Jr., secretary for missionary personnel. Foreign Mission Board, Richmond, Virginia. 45 FROM G-W Approximately 30 pastors, col lege teachers, anjj religious lead- erg of the Raleigh area will lead in worltshops. All sessions will be he’d at the Forest Hills Bap tist Church located on Dixie Trail. The Rev. Douglas Ald ridge is host pastor. Oardner-Webb win be repre sented at the convention by some forty-five students Festive Game jEvents Are Set Climaxing the 1961 Founders Day and Homecoming celebra tion, the Gardner-Webb-Wingate football game will be played to morrow night at 8 o’clock in the George Blanton Memorial Stadi- During the pre-game ceremon ies the Gardner-Webb College Chorus will present a short mu sical program. Among the selec tions that they will sing are “Stouted-Hearted Men,” “It’s A Grand Night for Singing,” and “The Battle Hymn of the Repub- (Continued on Page 2) Of New Building Highlights Day Dr. Ralph C. Swann, head of the chemistry department at North Carolina State College, has been secured as the principal speaker for the formal opening of the new science building in a special ceremony at 2:30 p. m. in the E. B. Hamrick Auditorium tomor- The formal opening ceremony will be the highlight of a day’s activities in celebration of Foun ders Day and Homecoming, a day traditionally observed on the fourth Saturday in October. Dr. Swann Is a graduate of Morris Harvey College and holds the Ph. D. degree in organic chemistry from Massachusetts Institute of Technology. Others on the program are Prof. Hubert C. Dixon, chairman of the natural science and mathe matics deoartment, who will preside; Dr. E. Eutrerie Poston, president of the College; Mrs. Rush Stroun. chairman of the Board of Trustees; and M. A. Click! Flash! Photographer Joe Phillips Is Number One Man Behlld Camera CHck! Flash! Joe Phillips, student photo grapher, is on the job. He does photography for the football ■ Anchor,” and for other school ac tivities. Not only does Joe make pictures, he also processes the photographs — developing the The Pilot, DR. SWANN Moseley, Jr., associate professor of chemistry at the college. Before assuming his duties as head of the department at N. C. State, Dr. Swann was technical director of the Ordnance Missile Laboratories, Huntsville, Ala., for three years. He had served as assistant director for the previ ous five years and had held other tContinued on Page 2) Honors 3 Groups Tomorrow around 11:00 a. m., fragments of Gardner-Webb’s his tory will descend upon the cam pus. Farmer faculty members, children and grandchildren of the original board of trustees (1905), and graduates of the Boiling Springs High School (1910-1928) will visit the campus for Founders Day and Homecom ing. Officers and directors of the Alumni Association will also Join the festivities. Officers of this Association are the Rev. T. W. Estes, Forest City, president; the Rov. Wilson Padgett, Shelby, vice-president; and Mrs. Nancy Griffin, Boiling Springs, secre- tary-treasurer. CHAIRMEN Professor Hubert C. Dixon Is chairman of the Alumni Commit tee, and Professor Francis B. Dedmond is chairman of the Founders Day Committee. (Continued on Page 2) Football Team Elects fiour members of the faculty and administration. The Chaperones for the group will include C. Allen Burris, Miss Ruth Kiser, Miss Doris Jones, and Dean John Hiott, faculty ad visor flOT the BjS.U. executive council. These representatives will depart by car for Ra’eigh on Friday, Nov. 3, and starf the re turn trip to Gardner-Webb early Sund;ay afternoon, Nov. 5. Miss Ellen flbemethy Is Queen Miss Ellen Abernethy, fresh man from Stanley, was elected homecoming queen by the foot ball team last week. She will reign at half-time activities to morrow night when the Gardner- Webb Bulldogs face Wingate Col lege. Named attendants to the queen were Miss Gail Hall of Kinston and Miss Doris Winchester of Sunset, S. C. Gail is the sopho- attendant, Doris the fresh man attendant. Ellen is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Graham P. Abernethy. Gail’s parents are Mr. and Mrs. F. B. Hall, and Doris Is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. D. Luke Winchester. The queen will be crowmed at half-time tomorrow night by Dr. E. Eugene Poston, president of (Continued on Page 2) . Joe with favorite subject prints. One of Joe’s most recent as signments was in the biology lab. Tliere he photographed a , natural field of onion cells and processing the ^ microscope. He became interested in photo graphy in high school when en couraged by a friend, Charles Clark, who is a professional photographer. HIOTT MENTOR Since coming to G-W, Dean John Hiott has been the man re sponsible for Joe’s knowledge of the camera and dark room. Im pressions Joe had of his first pictures were horrible, “but,” he said, "Dean Hiott kept encourag ing me.” His main interest lies in action shots, largely in the field of sports. Besides the five to eight hours Joe spends in the dark room each week, he works a’””''T'fmately ten hours in the cafeteria. He is vice-president of the newly formed Click Club and a member of the Monogram Club.

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